
| |Science |History |Geography |

| |Woodland Work | | |

|Autumn 1 (1 ½ weeks) |Animals – humans |Changes within living memory. Their parents and | |

|Me and My Family |(objective 4) |grandparents. | |

|Pirates |Animals –senses | |Name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and |

|(6 weeks) |(objective 4) | |capital cities of the UK. |

| | | | |

| Autumn 2 (6 weeks) |Seasonal change - autumn |The lives of significant individuals - Mary Seacole/Florence| |

|Heroes | |Nightingale | |

|(1 week Christmas) | | | |

|Spring 1 (6 weeks) |Seasonal change - winter | |Identify the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation |

|Water, winter and ice |Materials (all objectives) | |to the equator and N/S Poles. Focus on Ottawa. |

| |Floating and Sinking /melting | | |

|Spring 2 ( 5 ½ weeks) |Seasonal change – spring | |Use simple compass directions and locational and directional language|

|Down on the Farm |Animals (objectives 1 and 3) | |to describe the location of features and routes on a map. |

|Summer 1 (6 weeks) |Seasonal change – spring |Changes within living memory – Tibberton. |Use aerial photos to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical|

|Our Environment |Plants (both objectives) | |features. Devise a map and add a key. |

| | |Significant people within their own locality. | |

| | | |Use fieldwork skills to study the geography of their school, noting |

| | | |key human and physical features. |

|Summer 2 (6 ½ weeks) |Seasonal change - summer |Lives of significant people |Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK. |

|By the sea |Materials (all objectives) |-Grace Darling | |

| |Animals – C/H/Omnivore (objective 2) | |Use geographical language related to physical and human features. |

| |Art |Design and Technology |Physical Education |Educational Visitors/Trips |

|Autumn 1 (1 ½ weeks) |Face drawings – pastels for Year One | |Master basic movements including running, jumping, and | |

|Me and My Family |Painting – Reception | |moving in different ways. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |PPA – multi skills | |

|Pirates |Pirate hats, telescopes and eye |Design, make and evaluate a new pirates | | |

|(6 weeks) |patches. |treasure chest. | | |

| | | | | |

| |Make a treasure chest. | | | |

| Autumn 2 (6 weeks) |Printing using vegetables – linked to |Design a trap for Evil Pea – linked to Evil |Develop balance, agility and co-ordination. (Gym) |Christmas Visit |

|Heroes |Supertato. |Pea. | | |

|(1 week Christmas) | | | | |

| | | |PPA – multi skills | |

|Spring 1 (6 weeks) |ARTIST – Monet – Monet pictures using | |Master basic movements including throwing and catching. | |

|Water, winter and ice |tissue paper | | | |

| |Colour mixing – blues - winter | |PPA – multi skills | |

|Spring 2 ( 5 ½ weeks) |Sculpture – make clay animals – texture|Understand where food comes from |Develop balance, agility and co-ordination. (Gym) |VISIT to LITTLE OWL FARM PARK |

|Down on the Farm | | | | |

| | | |PPA - Sports Day Practise | |

|Summer 1 (6 weeks) |Flowers – drawing and painting |Design and make a slide – using the park as |Perform, dances using simple movement patterns |Walk around local area |

|Our Environment | |inspiration | | |

| | | |PPA - Sports Day Practise | |

|Summer 2 (6 ½ weeks) |Mixing colours – blues and whites. |Use mechanisms (sliders) to make moving |Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for | |

|By the sea | |pictures |attacking and defending. | |

| |Colour, pattern, line | | | |

Woodland Work – Each Tuesday Afternoon

Science –

Will cover

• Both plant objectives (Over Spring 2 and Summer 1)

• Both seasonal change objectives (As the seasons change)

Will not cover –

• Animals, including humans

• Everyday materials

Geography – Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK.


Yearly Overview 2020/2021 – Lower Unit (Other Subjects) – YEAR ONE links to National Curriculum

Yearly Overview 2020/2021 – Lower Unit (Other Subjects) – YEAR ONE links to National Curriculum


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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