
LearnHigher’s Animation Challenge has been extended till the end of June 2012… We are also hoping that our project will extend it still further…

LearnHigher Animation Project:

AniMet Challenge: Here’s the prototype - and if anyone is keen to comment upon it - and even to use it - that would be brilliant:

1: Home Page:

Would you like to engage in real research and resource development in the area of study and academic skills?

We are using Falmouth University resources to seed a project designed to work with staff and students as they develop their abilities to study, learn and communicate actively and effectively.

The Falmouth iWrite resources were produced by first year Animation students in response to, and using, third year student interviews on their approaches to academic writing. We are challenging you to produce alternative resources of your own, using those same third year student interviews – and then to research another aspect of studying – reading, notemaking, managing time – for yourself. Once you have collected your own voices, we will want you to make a whole new set of resources on your new topic.

Can’t do it – I’m not a techie

We are not expecting you to produce perfect animations, cartoon strips or resources – that is not really the point. What we want is for you to investigate an aspect of what it takes to be a successful and engaged student. Here’s an example of the kind of simple animated resources that can be produced.

This one was developed by Stuart Johnson and Steve Rooney at the University of Leicester on ‘What it means to be a critical student’, using PowerPoint and Screenr.

If you have an iPad, Brushes is a simple and very effective animation programme. There’s also a YouTube guide to using this and other visual recording methods for the iPad here.

This is a very useful article on creating animations by adding motion paths to PowerPoint slides.

DoInk is a tool that allows you to reuse images and animate them. (Make sure all your images are copyright-free, of course!)

It’s possible to produce animations using very commonly available programmes. This is a YouTube video on making animations with Microsoft Paint and MovieMaker.

2. Context:

Why is this useful?

▪ Any research that you or your students undertake will be seeded by genuine student concerns, issues or actions

▪ Any Study aid that is produced will have involved developing understanding and the ability to communicate in multimodal ways

▪ Any illustration produced will have involved understanding – and the ability to represent information in a variety of visual formats – again – vital literacy for the 21st century

▪ These activities can be used to support Problem Based Learning or more engaging assessment projects, see below; they set up genuine research challenges for students… and the artefacts produced can offer new research avenues for those interested in student learning; as we analyse the products that are made.

Creativity, IBL & PBL

Enquiry-based Learning is an umbrella term for a spectrum of approaches, ranging from Problem-based Learning to project work and small-scale investigations (e.g. case studies, workshops, field work). Learning is driven by the need to find evidence, ideas or solutions to address a problem, question or scenario. It requires students to draw on existing knowledge, identify gaps and seek out new knowledge, stimulating curiosity and active exploration. See

For resources, case studies and guidance in using E/IBL, see:

Centre for Enquiry-Based Learning:

Centre for Inquiry-based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences:

Learning to Learn through Supported Enquiry:

For alternative and multimodal assignments:

Check out the talk from the senior lecturer in translation (london met).

On creativity and changing education paradigms

Robinson, K. (2006) Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity (speech) ONLINE: accessed 10.12.10 

Robinson, K. (2009) Changing Education Paradigms (speech) ONLINE:

accessed 10.12.10

Student-designed resources:


- Includes student made ‘refugee journey’ animation

- Includes student made ‘Creativit’y animation


Don’t waste students’’ work: an excellent TED talk video on a science tutor who had developed really creative ways of getting students to actively read and critically review journal articles and to develop a memory card system whereby one assignment involved preparing memory cards for their exams…

Embedding Learning Development – note for staff:

Another aspect of undertaking this sort of project with your students is that it is a really empowering way of embedding learning development, academic and digital literacies and engaging assessments in the curriculum. Your students will be engaged in real research and real resource development – and their own interest in studying and learning should provide the energy to drive their engagement.

3. Audios:

The audio page could also have some instructional text, for example:

Here’s what to do:

Listen to the voices on the Audios.

Then choose any of the following activities:

▪ Research the topic of academic writing further and present your information in a Prezi of Pinterest site

▪ Produce a study aid – paper-based or virtual - for a specified group of students to help them write more successfully

▪ Choose a segment, one audio, and illustrate it - as a cartoon strip; as a collage; as an animation; as a video clip


Once you have produced your own resource – please have a look at what the Falmouth animation students produced: LINK to animations.

Next steps

Now that you have a taste for research and resource development – why don’t you choose another study and academic skills – reading, notemaking managing your time – and start the process all over again?

4. Examples

We could have some of our ‘cool stuff’ here on the examples page: the Z-A video – Nigel Medhurst’s students’ animations – perhaps Pete Chalk’s students teaching and learning resources…

And may be some way of inviting participants to send their stuff to us so that we can upload it?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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