86th Iowa FFA

Leadership Conference

Signature Forms

(Conference applications that require signatures.)


On or before February 18, 2014

o Applications in this packet are to be postmarked on or before February 18, 2014.

o Applications due February 18th require certification signatures.

o Pre-Registration is DUE ON-LINE March 18, 2014 @

April 27-29, 2014

Iowa State Center

Ames, Iowa

Scott Johnson

Iowa FFA Association

FFA Enrichment Center

1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway

Ankeny, IA 50023


Mobile: (712) 790-2345

Office: (515) 965-7376

Fax: (515) 965-7373

|Iowa FFA Leadership Conference |

|Summary of Due Dates |

|Member Applications Due by MAIL |MAILED |

|Band Nomination Form |February 18, 2014 |

|Chorus Nomination Form |February 18, 2014 |

|Talent Nomination Form |February 18, 2014 |

|SAE/Ag Ed Publicity Chapter Award |February 18, 2014 |

|Public Relations Chapter Award |February 18, 2014 |

|Journalism Chapter Reporter Award |February 18, 2014 |

|State Officer Candidate Application |February 18, 2014 |

|Nominating Committee Application |February 18, 2014 |

|Iowa FFA Alumni Rising Star Application |February 18, 2014 |

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|Due via ONLINE registration form. () |ON-LINE |

|Pre-Registration ONLINE at |March 18, 2014 |

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|Bring with you to convention. (On-Site Registration) |ON-SITE |

|On-Site Registration Form |Registration Desk |

|Attendee List |Registration Desk |

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|Other additional Deadline Reminders |Due Date |

|National Chapter Award Application (Form I and II) |February 1, 2014 |

|Iowa FFA Degree Applications |District Degree Review |

|Iowa FFA Degree Star Applicants (3 copies to EC) |February 1, 2014 |

|Academic Achievement Award (Submitted On-Line) |February 15, 2014 |

|Courtesy Corps Application (Submitted On-Line) |March 18, 2014 |

|Agriscience Fair – Held at the State Science & Technology Fair - Find forms/registration at |See Website |

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Mail Signed Forms To:

Scott Johnson

FFA Enrichment Center

1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway

Ankeny, IA 50023

*Please keep a photocopy or electronic copy for your records.

If you have students who require special needs, contact

Scott Johnson at scott.johnson@ before March 18, 2014

Chairperson Application for delegate committees

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA FFA District:

School P.O. (Town): Chapter Name:

Each chapter is allowed two members to serve as official delegates for the State Leadership Conference. All delegates must hold the Chapter FFA Degree. One chapter delegate may also apply to serve as the committee chairperson of a committee.

Committee choices: Auditing / Program of Activities.

Chapter Advisors may nominate one delegate to serve as a committee chairperson. The nomination form is provided on the second page of this document.

|Delegate #1 |

|Name: |Grade: |District: |

|Committee Choice: |1) |2) |3) |

|FFA Activities (offices, events, awards, activities): |

|Activity |Year |Level |

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|Delegate #2 |

|Name: |Grade: |District: |

|Committee Choice: |1) |2) |3) |

|FFA Activities (offices, events, awards, activities): |

|Activity |Year |Level |

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(Certification and Chairperson Recommendation on the Next Page)

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|Delegate Committee Chairperson Recommendation |

|Name: |Grade: |District: |

|Committee Choice: |1) |2) |3) |

(to be completed by the student)

In fifty words or less, summarize why you wish to serve as the chairperson of a committee at the FFA State Leadership Conference.

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Delegate Signature: Date:

To be completed by the advisor:

Please honestly rate the above student on the following characteristics:

Circle the appropriate rating – 1 poor to 10 exceptional.

Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Team Player 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Critical Thinking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Listener 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Follow Through 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Assertiveness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Write any additional comments you would like to add:

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Advisor Signature: Date:

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Please read this before filling out an application for State FFA Band or Chorus.

Selection of band and chorus members is difficult when striving for a balanced band and chorus. Stage space is limited for each group; therefore, selections are limited. Plans are to select no more than one person per chapter for band and not more than one per chapter for chorus. Please, do not submit more than four entries each for band or chorus. FFA members who apply for both the State FFA Band and Chorus in the same year will not be selected to participate in either group.

Guidelines for filling out the applications properly:

1. Names of active members must be typed on the application form and spelled correctly.

2. The director's signature and the advisor's signature are both required.

3. The director's statement must be included for each applicant on the back of the application form.

4. FFA members applying must be enrolled in Agricultural Education during the current school year.

5. FFA members applying must have official FFA dress and wear it at all performances.

6. FFA members who are selected to be in the State FFA Band or Chorus must attend rehearsals and all performances.

7. State FFA Band and Chorus pins will only be awarded to those band and chorus members who attend all rehearsals, appearances on the program, demonstrate good behavior, and turn in their music properly following the final performance.

8. FFA members applying must be able to site-read music. The chorus will receive music in advance of the conference.

9. Persons who definitely should not apply for the State FFA Band or Chorus include:

a) State Officer Candidates.

b) Individuals with music contest conflicts. Please do not create a conflict with the local music department directors (ie., state music contests). Since they trained these young peopled in music skills, they should have them perform locally or in music contests as a priority over the State FFA Band or Chorus.

c) FFA members who have graduated.

d) FFA members who are not good in music or who cannot site-read music.

e) Official chapter delegates.

f) FFA members who have participated in the National FFA Band or Chorus; it is hoped that more members will have the opportunity to participate if those who have been in National are not selected at State.

10. Very few members who have been in State FFA Band or Chorus in the past will be selected to participate again. We want to give more young people the opportunity instead of having the same ones repeat.

11. Make sure the entire application is filled out neatly and completely as possible.

12. Reminder: Applications must be postmarked on or before the due date. Those with late postmarks may not be accepted.

We hope you do not have a member cancel out after being selected. However, if this is the case, call Scott Johnson (712) 790-2345 or (515) 965-7376. Do not substitute with another person from your chapter.

**PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE EC REGARDING WHO MADE THE STATE FFA BAND OR CHORUS. We will post selections on the website () and email teachers by approximately March 15th.

Iowa ffa band nomination

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA

School P.O. (Town): Chapter Name: ___________________

List only active members of your chapter, who are capable performers and who desire to be in the Iowa FFA Band. Active members can apply for either band or chorus; those who submit applications for both will not be selected to participate in either state FFA band or chorus.

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|Name |

|(Please type Names) |

Band Director’s Signature:

FFA Chapter Advisor’s Signature:

Members who are approved must wear official FFA dress during conference sessions and rehearsal. Members MUST be present for rehearsals and ALL appearances

**PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE EC REGARDING WHO MADE THE STATE FFA BAND OR CHORUS. We will post selections on the website () by approximately March 15th.

(Attach recommendation on a separate page.)

Iowa ffa chorus nomination

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA

School P.O. (Town): Chapter Name: ___________________

List only active members of your chapter, who are capable singers and who desire to be in the Iowa FFA Chorus. Active members can apply for either band or chorus; those who submit applications for both will not be selected to participate in either state FFA band or chorus. Effort may be made to select no more than one chorus member from each chapter.

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|Name |

|(Please type Names) |

Chorus Director’s Signature:

** Attach Chorus Director’s Recommendation on a separate(s) sheet of paper.

FFA Chapter Advisor’s Signature:

Members who are approved must wear official FFA dress during conference sessions and rehearsal. Members MUST be present for rehearsals and ALL appearances. **PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE EC REGARDING WHO MADE THE STATE FFA BAND OR CHORUS. We will post selections on the website () by approximately March 15th.

OPTIONAL: Certification to Play Musical Instruments **

Sometimes it is necessary to have chorus members play a musical instrument for one or two songs while fellow chorus members sing. Therefore, if the FFA Chorus candidate is excellent in playing a musical instrument, complete the following information:

Student’s Name: _________________________ Name of Instrument: ________________________________

Iowa ffa talent/FFA IDOL information

1. Participants must be active Iowa FFA members. Groups may be composed of members from more than one chapter. Courtesy Corps members and State Officer Candidates may not participate because of their duties during the conference.

1. Participants must supply their own accompanist or provide pre-recorded music. Accompanists must be active FFA members.

2. Selected participants must attend the entire conference and be prepared to perform at their designated time during the conference.

3. Applications must be postmarked by the designated due date, and signed by all participants.

4. A videotape of the performance must be submitted with the application. FFA Idol and conference talent acts will be selected by videotape.

5. Your appearance must represent the positive image of FFA. Performers should wear official dress unless costumes or other attire is needed for your performance. Inappropriate attire may prevent an act from qualifying.

6. If you bring expensive instruments or equipment, you should have them insured. The Iowa FFA Association or Hilton Coliseum will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.

7. Remember your audience! You will be performing for FFA members, parents, and guests. Your performance must be appropriate.

8. Performers will be limited to a maximum performance time of five minutes.

9. FFA Idol will be limited. Only a few talent acts will be selected to perform during the conference.

10. New in 2014: As part of the FFA Idol competition, members will be selected for the opportunity to perform the National Anthem at the Iowa Speedway for various events throughout the summer.

11. Members who desire to be considered to sing the National Anthem during the convention or at the Iowa Speedway must include the National Anthem on the audition tape.

12. The list of selected participants and performance times will be published by March 15th.

|The following will be provided: |The following will not be provided: |

| A stage with microphone and amplification | Housing |

|A piano |Conference Registration |

|CD player, Tape Player |Record Player |

Iowa ffa talent/FFA Idol nomination

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA

School P.O. (Town):

Chapter Name: ______________________________

District: ______________________________________

|Name(s): |Grade: |

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Selected participants will perform during the conference. Please note any conflicts you may have with a performance

(ie.: CDE competition, award recipient, chapter delegate, etc.)

Please describe your talent in the space below (i.e.: piano, vocal music, dance):

List performing experiences below (i.e., school band, chorus member, and dance recitals):

Please submit this application with recording of your performance on DVD. Please no video tapes. (Your act must be appropriate for the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference.)

Student Signature(s):

Advisor Certification:


Iowa FFA Alumni Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

One typed application per chapter, sophomore FFA members only

Chapter ID Number: IA School PO (Town):

District: Chapter Name:


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I certify that the information contained in this application is accurate.

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

FFA Member Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

FFA Advisor Signature School Administrator Signature

1A.) What is your Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE)

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1B.) What have you done so far with your SAE, and what are your future plans for your SAE?

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Page 1 of 2

2A.) Name one leadership role you have had in the FFA

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2B.) How has this leadership role changed you as a person?

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3.) Name three personal benefits you have gained by joining FFA

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4.) What do you feel is the most important issue facing agriculture today and why?

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5.) List other School and Community Activities you are involved with

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SAE/AG ed publicity chapter award

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA School PO (Town):

District: Chapter Name:

Besides FFA activities, a complete high school agriculture program involves a combination of Ag Ed classroom laboratory activities where students are "learning to do" and SAE programs where students are "doing to learn."

The Iowa FFA Alumni Association will sponsor awards for chapters, selected by a judging committee, as having exceptionally publicized their SAE and/or Ag Ed classroom/laboratory activities with well-written articles preferably written by the chapter reporter. Some general guidelines are as follows:

a) Clip from your local newspaper a minimum of one but not more than three news articles that publicize SAE and/or Ag Ed classroom/laboratory activities. Original articles are preferred, but high-quality photocopies will be accepted.

b) Articles must be attached to one side only if one or more 8 1/2" x 11" sheet(s) of plain white paper are included.

c) No booklets allowed.

d) Only one fair item allowed (county fair results are not wanted).

e) Pictures allowed when accompanied by an article.

f) Each article must have the name of the newspaper and the date of publication indicated (date and name should be taken from paper and remain attached to article when possible). Articles must have been published January 1 and December 31 of the previous calendar year.

Please staple the mounted articles with the completed application on top. Use no lamination or covers. One entry per chapter is to be submitted to the EC by the due date. Awards will be presented at the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference.

Awards: (a) certificates to all chapters which meet minimum criteria; and

(b) The top two chapters will be recognized as first and second with special plaques.


Chapter Name: School P.O. (Town):

Chapter Reporter: Signature:

Chapter President: Signature:

FFA Advisor: Signature:

public relations chapter award

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA School PO (Town):

District: Chapter Name:

"Agriculture, the greatest story seldom told," is the reason the FFA initiated a nationwide rural and urban relations program entitled "Food for America." This is one of the FFA programs that does not have an incentive award. Competition among chapters is not to be the motivating force for work with this award.

WHO Farm Radio in Des Moines will cooperate by providing certificates for chapters having an outstanding rural and urban relations program mainly in:

(1) the areas of "Food For America;" and

2) the use of the media to tell rural America's story to our friends and neighbors in urban areas.

Awards will be presented at the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference in Ames.

Please be specific, enumerate activities in brief statements, and limit your entry to the area provided on this one page. One entry per chapter is to be submitted, to the EC, by the due date.


Name of School: School P.O. (Town):

Name of Chapter: No. of FFA Members:

"Food for America" Chairperson:

Public Relations Committee Chairperson:

Verification of FFA's Public Relations Activities:

"Food for America" Chairperson's Signature:

Public Relations Committee Chairperson's Signature:

FFA Chapter President's Signature:

FFA Chapter Advisor's Signature:

(Complete Statements on Next Page)

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1. List area and extent of participation in the "Food for America" Program:

2. List areas and the extent the media was used to tell America's agriculture story (production and agribusiness) to friends and neighbors, both rural and urban.

Page 2 of 2

journalism chapter reporter award

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA School PO (Town):

District: Chapter Name:

The IOWA FARMER TODAY assists by providing appropriate recognition to Chapter Reporters, selected by a judging committee, as having submitted outstanding articles that were written by the Chapter Reporter reflecting the members' participation and published in the local paper.


Clip from your local paper a minimum of three and a maximum of five articles including any published pictures relating to the article(s), and attach on this page and up to a maximum of four additional attached 8 1/2" x 11" sheets of paper. They must have been published between July 1 and December 31 of the previous calendar year. Include the actual newspaper heading and the printed date of each article for verification. Original or photocopy of articles may be submitted. However, legibility of photocopied article(s) will be considered in chapter’s ranking. Please staple the completed sheets in the upper left-hand corner and do not use lamination or any protective covers. One entry per chapter may be submitted to the EC by the due date.


Name of School:


City: Zip Code:

Name of Chapter

School Phone

Name of Chapter Reporter(s):

Verification of FFA's Public Relations Activities:

FFA Chapter Reporter’s Signature:

FFA Chapter Reporter’s Signature:

FFA Chapter President's Signature:

FFA Chapter Advisor's Signature:

Nominating Committee Member Application

Iowa FFA Association

Iowa FFA Leadership Conference

Chapter ID Number: IA School PO (Town):

District: Chapter Name:

Each chapter is allowed to nominate one person to serve on the state officer Nominating Committee.

Applicants are NOT eligible if a member of their chapter will be interviewing for a state officer position.

|Delegate #1 |

|Name: |Grade: |District: |

|Committee Choice: |1) Nominating |2) XXXXXXXXXXXX |3) XXXXXXXXXXXX |

|FFA Activities (offices, events, awards, activities): |

|Activity |Year |Level |

| | | |

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To be completed by the student applicant:

In fifty words or less, summarize why you wish to serve on the nominating committee at the FFA State Leadership Conference.

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I understand that the Nominating Committee will meet on the Wednesday prior to the State Convention. I will be required to assist with the election of officers on the Monday of State Convention.

Delegate Signature: Date:

Page 1 of 2

Nominating Committee Application continued

To be completed by the chapter Advisor:

Please honestly rate the above student on the following characteristics:

Circle the appropriate rating – 1 poor to 10 exceptional.

Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Team Player 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Critical Thinking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Listener 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Follow Through 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Assertiveness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Write any additional comments you would like to add:

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Advisor Signature: Date:

Advisor Note: Nominating Committee members will need to be in Ankeny by noon on the Tuesday prior to convention for interviews, which will run through Thursday evening. Nominating committee members are also required to be part of the business session on Monday. The Iowa FFA Association will take care of hotel expenses for Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night if necessary. The Iowa FFA will also provide meals for the students throughout the required time.

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State officer candidate application



Name: Male or Female:

FFA Chapter: Chapter ID Number:

Birth Date: Age: FFA District:

Home Address:

Email Address: Cell Phone:

Current or planned college & major: Years as an Active FFA Member:

Parent’s Name(s):

Advisor’s Name(s):

Dates of FFA Degrees received: Greenhand: Chapter: Iowa:

Years of Agricultural Education Completed (include this year, if in HS):

Office Desired: 1st Choice 2nd Choice

|If elected to an office, I will: |

| |a. Be available for a joint officer meeting immediately following the final general session of the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference. (This meeting |

| |will last approx. 2 hours) |

| |b. Attend State Leadership Conference for District Officers May 8-9, 2014 |

| |c. Attend Blast Off Training May 11-14, 2014 |

| |d. Attend Enrichment Training May 27-29, 2014 |

| |e. Attend National Leadership Conference for State Officers June 17-20, 2014 |

| |f. Attend Partnership Visits with the Iowa FFA Foundation July 7-11, 2014 |

| |g. Attend the Iowa State Fair August 7-17, 2014 |

|Checklist for proper application submission: ALL forms below must be sent. |

|(Postmarked to Enrichment Center by February 18, 2014) |

| |a. I have read and acknowledge the State Officer Calendar of Events. |

| |b. I have acquired the appropriate signatures for the State Officer Candidate Application. |

| |c. I have attached the signed Policy for State Officers Form. |

| |d. I have attached the signed Enrichment Center Policy Form. |

| |e. I have attached the signed State Officer Candidate Personal Commitment Form. |

| |f. I understand my chapter is responsible for paying my hotel costs as I interview for state office. |


1. Your SAE program is a valuable source of knowledge and information to share as a state officer. Using the information submitted on your Iowa Degree application, briefly describe the type of business, entrepreneurship or placement in the SAE enterprise area in 150 words or less.


| |Chapter |District |State |Months of Service |

|A. Offices Held in FFA |(Indicate year) |(Indicate year) |(Indicate year) | |

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|B. Local FFA Leadership Activities |Year |

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| |District |State |National |

|C. Above the Chapter Level FFA Leadership Activities |(Indicate year) |(Indicate year) |(Indicate year) |

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| |Chapter |District |State |National |

|D. FFA Awards (Not Degrees) |(Indicate year) |(Indicate year) |(Indicate year) |(Indicate year) |

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|Activity |Year |

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1. Tell us about yourself in 125 words.

As a candidate for state office in the Iowa FFA Association, I certify that all information is accurate.

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

As a parent/guardian of this candidate, I agree to support his/her candidacy to serve as a state FFA officer. If my son/daughter is elected, I will provide the cooperation and encouragement necessary for him/her to effectively serve FFA members and the Iowa FFA Association.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Date:

This candidate has my endorsement as a person of ability, integrity, character and high standards that would qualify this person, if elected as a State FFA Officer to serve with credit to the members, his/her school, and the FFA.

FFA Chapter Advisor’s Signature School Administrator’s Signature




|May 7-8, 2014 |Spring State Leadership Conference for District Officers |Ankeny, Iowa |

|May 11-14, 2014 |Officer BLAST-Off Training |Ankeny, Iowa |

|May 27-29, 2014 |Enrichment Training |Ankeny, Iowa |

|June 5, 2014 |Agronomy/Ag Mechanics/Food Science/Vet Science CDE |Ames, Iowa |

|June, TBA |Chapter Officer Training Conferences (District Events) |Various Locations |

|June 10, 2014 |Horse/Floriculture/Nursery & Landscape CDE |Cedar Rapids, Iowa |

|June 12, 2014 |Iowa FFA Foundation Golf Tournament |Ankeny, Iowa |

|June 17-20, 2014 |National Leadership Conference for State Officers |Aurora, Nebraska |

|June 23, 2014 |Iowa FFA Board of Directors Meeting |Ankeny, Iowa |

|June 23-26, 2014 |Iowa Association of Agricultural Educators Conference |Ankeny, Iowa |

|July 7-11, 2014 |Partnership Visits with the Iowa FFA Foundation |Various Locations |

|August 7-17, 2014 |Iowa State Fair |Des Moines, Iowa |

|August 23, 2014 |Livestock, Milk Quality & Products, and Meats CDE |Ames, Iowa |

|August – March |Chapter Visits/ Chapter Banquets/ Chapter Meetings |Various Locations |

|September 7, 2014 |Dairy Cattle CDE |West Union |

|September 20, 2014 |Iowa FFA Board of Directors Meeting |Ankeny, Iowa |

|September 21-22, 2014 |Fall State Leadership Conference for District Officers |Ankeny, Iowa |

|October 11, 2014 |Soils CDE |Ames, Iowa |

|Oct. 26 – Nov. 2, 2014 |National FFA Convention |Louisville, KY |

|Nov. 15 & 22, 2014 |Discovery/212°/360° Leadership Conferences |Ankeny, Iowa |

|January 6-10, 2015 |Winter Retreat |Ankeny, Iowa |

|January 17, 2015 |Iowa FFA Board of Directors Meeting |Ankeny, Iowa |

|January 26 or 27, 2015 |Iowa FFA Legislative Symposium |Ankeny, Iowa |

|February, TBA |District Degree & Proficiency Reviews |Various Locations |

|February 21, 2015 |Proficiency Award Judging |Ankeny, Iowa |

|February 22-28, 2015 |National FFA Week |Various Locations |

|February 25, 2015 |National Chapter Award Judging |Ames, Iowa |

|March 7 & 14, 2015 |District Conventions |Various Locations |

|March 16-21, 2015 |Spring Break Work Week |Ankeny, Iowa |

|March 21, 2015 |Iowa FFA Board of Directors Meeting |Ankeny, Iowa |

|April, TBA |Agriscience Fair at State Science & Technology Fair |Ames, Iowa |

|April 14-16, 2015 |State FFA Officer Interviews |Ankeny, Iowa |

|April 19-21, 2015 |86th Iowa FFA Leadership Conference |Ames, Iowa |

|April 29-30, 2015 |Spring State Leadership Conference for District Officers |Ankeny, Iowa |

State officer candidate Personal commitment form


Please review this form and the Policy for State Officers thoroughly prior to signing below. When you are fully convinced that, if elected, you will, without any reservations, be fully able to carry out the role and responsibility of a state FFA officer, sign below. Should you have any questions, please contact the Iowa FFA Executive Secretary or State Advisor regarding any of the expectations outlined.

State FFA officers are required to perform a demanding and exciting schedule. Being elected to state FFA office is making a commitment to service that is unique to most student organizations. In addition to serving and representing more than 13,500 FFA members, you will represent the image and direction of the Iowa FFA Association to teachers, state staff, teacher educators, agriculture industry executives, government leaders, the media and the general public. You will also be a teammate to 8 other officers and a co-worker to Iowa FFA staff.

The following items are commitments required of all Iowa FFA officers.

1. Be dedicated and committed to serving the Iowa FFA Association and its members.

2. Forego all alcohol, tobacco and illegal substances at all times during my year of service to FFA.

3. Avoid places or activities that in any way would raise questions as to one’s moral character or conduct.

4. Not use profane, crude, vulgar or offensive language.

5. Be willing to take and follow instructions as directed by those responsible for Iowa FFA officers and state FFA programs.

6. Maintain and protect my health.

7. Regularly, and on time, write all letters, thank-you notes, emails and other correspondence which are necessary and desirable.

8. Accept and search out constructive criticism and evaluation of my total performance.

9. Through preparation and practice, develop myself into an effective public speaker and project a desirable image of FFA at all times.

10. Be willing to commit the entire year to state officer activities.

11. Be willing and able to travel while serving the Iowa FFA Association.

12. Commit the time necessary for state officer activities.

13. Strive to improve my ability to carry on meaningful and enjoyable conversations with individuals of all ages and walks of life.

14. Treat all FFA members equally by not favoring one over another.

15. Maintain my dignity while being personable, concerned and interested in contacts with others. Periodically evaluate my personality and attitudes, making every effort to improve myself.

16. Serve as a member of the team, always maintaining a cooperative attitude.

17. Work in harmony with fellow FFA officers and not knowingly engage in conversations detrimental to other FFA members, officers and adults.

18. Become knowledgeable of agriculture, of education in agriculture/agribusiness and of FFA. Keep myself up to date on current events.

19. Not engage in the telling of tasteless or offensive jokes, stories, etc., nor will I engage in any

conversations of poor taste or dealing with less than moral conduce.

20. Be willing to take and follow instructions as directed by those responsible for me.

21. Follow the State Officer Code of Ethics:

a. To forego all alcohol and tobacco while involved in official or unofficial FFA activities and to avoid places or activities, which in anyway would raise questions as to my moral character or conduct.

b. To project a positive image on any personal websites or blogs, including Facebook and Twitter. The following guidelines will be followed:

▪ Pictures—all posted pictures are appropriate, promoting positive morals and behaviors.

▪ Groups—any groups in which you participate should reflect a positive purpose.

▪ Profiles—all interests, hobbies, etc. are appropriate.

c. To behave in a manner which conveys and commands respect without any air of superiority.

d. To use wholesome language in all speeches and informal conversations and to maintain proper dress and grooming for all occasions.

e. To treat all team members with respect, acceptance and understanding.

f. To treat all FFA members equally and to avoid participation in any conversations which belittle or downgrade FFA members, fellow officers and adults.

22. Follow the direction of the Iowa FFA Executive Secretary with regard to any other matters

not covered in this document.

I have read, studied and understand the intent and spirit of the items listed above. If elected to office I commit to following the rules and procedures outlined. I recognize that breaking policies or these rules may result in limitations being set on my roles as a state FFA officer and/or the possible removal from office by the Iowa FFA Board of Directors.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Date State Officer Candidate Signature

I fully understand the commitment and responsibility, which my son/daughter is undertaking as a state FFA officer. I agree to support the efforts and decisions of the Iowa FFA Board of Directors and its members in the event my son/daughter fails to meet the commitment he/she is hereby agreeing to undertake.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Date Parent/Guardian Signature



The use of the State Officer Suite and State President’s Office at the FFA Enrichment Center is a privilege given to the Iowa FFA Officers during their year of service. Iowa FFA Officers must follow these guidelines to use the facility:

Use of Meeting/Workspace/State President’s Office:

• You must be aware of events that are occurring at the Enrichment Center. This can be found at the Enrichment Center website:

• You must check in and check out of the FFA Enrichment Center when you are working in the state officer suite.

• You must contact the FFA Enrichment Center Director Staff if you plan to work at the FFA Enrichment Center at any time.

• You must wear business casual dress at all times outside of the state officer suite during extended business hours, which are 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Use of State Officer Suite Overnight Lodging:

• You must contact the Iowa FFA Association Executive Secretary and FFA Enrichment Center Director Staff if you plan to stay overnight in the state officer suite overnight lodging. FFA Enrichment Center staff will update the event calendar, which notifies security. Occasionally FFA Chapter Retreats are held in the FFA Enrichment Center that may not allow you to work at the Center. Therefore prior approval is required.

• The FFA Enrichment Center Director needs the names and license plate numbers of all officers staying overnight to notify DMACC Security.

• A chaperone may or may not be staying at the FFA Enrichment Center during overnight stays. Prior approval is needed from FFA Enrichment Center Director Staff and Iowa FFA Association Executive Secretary. A chaperone MUST be present while staying overnight if there is an event in the building with alcohol. If an officer is under the age of 18, there must be an accompanying adult over the age of 25 that has had a background check.

• Officers must be in the state officer suite by 11:30 PM and may not leave the room until the following morning.

• DMACC Security will alert Iowa FFA Officers concerning any emergencies (fire, weather, etc.).

• Iowa FFA Officers must comply with the “State Officer Personal Commitment Form” and Policy for Removal of State Officers” at all times.

• The Iowa FFA Foundation, Iowa FFA Association and DMACC are not liable for damages caused by or injuries to Iowa FFA Officers while on the FFA Enrichment Center premises.

Random checks by Iowa FFA Association Staff or Iowa FFA Foundation Staff may be made at anytime and may cause in removal of Iowa FFA Officer(s) from the premises.

I understand and will abide by these guidelines.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Date State Officer Candidate Signature

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Date Parent/Guardian Signature



In order that there are no misunderstandings, the Iowa FFA Association would like each state officer candidate and his/her parents to read and agree to the following association policies. All policies will be strictly enforced. The following are offenses that will cause dismissal from State FFA Office:

A. Any use or possession of alcohol (including beer and wine), including making alcohol available to others, while involved in official or unofficial FFA activities from day of election to office until installation of successor in office. This includes domestic and international travel and events.

B. Any illegal use or possession of alcohol (including beer and wine) at all times from election until installation of successor in office.

C. Any use and/ or supply of controlled substances (drugs), not under direction of a physician. In addition, any use of tobacco or tobacco related products is prohibited.

D. Participation in any illicit or promiscuous acts.

E. Commission of any felony against the laws of State or Nation.

F. Other violations of codes of ethics and responsible behavior so identified that may be acted upon by the State FFA Board of Directors.

The above apply to any FFA activity (official or unofficial) or membership involvement by the State FFA Officers, individually or as a group.

If any of the above violations occur, the state officer or officers will be asked to appear before the entire State FFA Board of Directors to give a complete explanation of the incident which occurred. The State FFA Board of Directors will then rule on a dismissal of the officer or officers involved.

I certify that I have reviewed and understand the Iowa FFA Policy concerning behavior of officers of the State FFA Student Organization.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Date State Officer Candidate Signature

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Date Parent/Guardian Signature


Scott Johnson

Iowa FFA Association

FFA Enrichment Center

1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway

Ankeny, Iowa 50023

The State FFA Convention Signature Forms are

due postmarked on or before February 18, 2014, to:

Scott Johnson

Iowa FFA Association

FFA Enrichment Center

1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway

Ankeny, IA 50023


Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

Postmarked to EC

Due February 18, 2014

❑ I want to be considered for the National Anthem and have included that on my audition tape.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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