
PLOCKTON SMALL BOAT SAILING CLUB2nd General Committee Meeting1400hrs – Saturday 18th November 2017Venue – PSBSC BoatshedMinutesPresent / Apologies (Total 17)Present: Ruth Scott, Kevin Baird, Neil MacRae, Ian Taylor, Alexander Mackenzie, Fiona L. Mackenzie, Michael Hay, Daisy Reeves-Womble, Alaisdair Mackenzie, Tristan Southall.Apologies: Jonathon Mackinnon, Fiona K. Mackenzie, Robin Smith, Ian Hay, Morag Amos, Sarah Bruce, Malcolm Reid.The meeting was opened by the Commodore Ruth Scott who thanked all for coming.The Commodore continued as follows:Adoption of Minutes dated Saturday 30th September 2017 Proposed by: Daisy Reeves-Womble. Seconded by: Michael Hay.Sailing Races 2018 ScheduleA draft schedule was passed round the Committee Members. With a few suggested changes, such as reducing the pre regatta races due to poor participation and the possible change of day for the long distance race to the Friday to allow sailors the potential weekend off from sailing but also and more importantly to maximise the boats in the long distance race and also in the annual yacht race. The Committee agreed to vote on moving the local boat and centreboard races from the Saturday to the Friday of the first week of Regatta. The result of the vote was as follows:To move the races (7)Kevin Baird, Neil MacRae, Alexander Mackenzie, Fiona L Mackenzie, Michael Hay, Daisy Reeves-Womble and Tristan SouthallTo maintain the status quo (2)Alaisdair Mackenzie and Ian TaylorAbstentionRuth ScottTherefore the Committee agreed that the local boat and centreboard races will take place on the first Friday of the first week of Regatta for a trial period of one year. A new schedule will be put together for the next meeting.*Tristan Southall is to go through the club nights and confirm dates are correct. It was agreed that club nights don’t run during the summer holidays due to the difficulty in having volunteers available. Neil MacRae to draft a new schedule with the dates and times as decided at this meeting. This will then be put to the Committee at their next meeting for approval.*The section of the minute highlighted above is as corrected by the meeting of the Committee on 25 January 2018.Sub-CommitteesRacing and SailingMichael Hay reported back on the following items:On the subject of adding mast head floatation to the rules, this will be referred to the RYA to see if they have any suggestion and then reported back at the next meeting.Ruth Scott will review the Incident Reporting procedure and make it available online to ensure everyone knows how to report and record incidents. She will also go through the OOD procedures online and ensure that all OOD’s have a copy and understand it prior to taking on the position.Any boat which forfeits a race, before it has started, to provide rescue boat cover to allow the race to go ahead, will be given the equivalent result in that race of a DNF (Did Not Finish), which will therefore give the point score of the number of boats plus one. This will be only used in exceptional circumstances when all other Rescue Boat Helms ashore have been requested, in the unlikely event of the rescue boat skipper not turning up within the 30 minute warning signal.Page 7 of the handbook, the final paragraph, the wording ‘or other penalty.’ Will be removed and it will simply state, ‘ Failure to comply with any clauses in these Sailing Directions may result in disqualification.’Ian Taylor pointed out that there are 4 categories for the Ragamuffin Race and will send details on this for the 2018 handbook.Some potential buoyancy incidents occurred again, with either insufficient buoyancy being found or the buoyancy floating away once the boat capsized as it was not securely fastened. A reminder will be issued to all boat owners and helms of the need to comply with the Sailing Directions in the handbook and boats will be checked prior to the season commencing. Hopefully a capsized local boat will be used as training for the rescue boat helms.A mooring at the main pier to be looked into again, with either a mooring there for the rescue boat so it does not dry out and is easily available or a running mooring from the shore corner to allow easy access at any tide height. Neil MacRae to ask John Leiper if his mooring for his tender is available.Tristan Southall?had previously put forward a possible option for an additional safety boat?and was willing to write a funding application, but understood that others wanted to review a wider range of options before funding is applied for.?Tristan stated that a rigid would be preferable as we could store it on the pontoon throughout the year and it would require less maintenance.Alexander Mackenzie to review the Whatsapp group to ensure all potential rescue boat helms are on it if in agreement to be on it. This was a useful tool in the last couple of years and made for easy confirmation for a future race.Ann Mackenzie suggested a change to the Perch Row which was agreed by the Committee. The rules will state that the same boat be used for this trophy, only 2 rowers with maximum 2 oars per boat and the option of a cox.The procedure for boats over the line at the start of a race was also looked into and a decision made to leave this as was as there is already a working procedure in place.HandicapAlthough the handicap committee hadn’t officially had a meeting, they have been in discussion regarding the recent changes for bringing the Local Boats back in contention for All Boats mixed races. The decision will be made prior to the next meeting on any potential changes for the season.TrainingTristan Southall pointed out that there remains a lot of interest in adult training throughout the season and has recently put out an email looking for willing volunteers to be trained up as Instructors to ensure we can provide training all season. 4 Members have put their names forward for this course and the Committee agreed to cover the costs for this training. RYA could train up to 6 at once, so other positions may be available if not by this club then other local clubs may wish to make up the numbers and split the costs. Training would take place around May 2018 and cost around ?1000.Also a one day first aid training day could take place in March 2018 with up to 12 positions available. Rescue Boat helms should be encouraged to attend if they don’t already have the training and Tristan Southall will provide details and confirm availability nearer the time, cost would be around ?500 + vat.There still seems difficulty in getting the fully trained adults and indeed youths to continue sailing into the annual club race events. More encouragement for this to happen is to take place, ensuring they are aware that many boats will be available during the season for crew and possibly helming.PropertyIt was pointed out that an electrical check of the club house will be due in the near future and electricians to be sourced for this to take place. Also a combined fridge freezer is to be sourced and purchased with the emphasis on the fridge and have it installed properly into the club house rather than just standing in the middle of the floor. The fence outside the club house is also in need of repair.The idea of looking for funding for changing rooms and showers for the village and club is to be looked at again with an approach being made to the Harbour Association. In light of this rather than purchasing new fencing, minor repairs could be made to cover this period.Safety BoatNeil MacRae has been in touch with James Jagger of Portree, who serviced the engine last year. He is confident in a quick repair of the tilt function and will replace a couple of other older items that need replacing when he services the engine. He shall be in touch when the parts arrive. Tristan pointed out that the kill cord activation button will also require servicing if not replacing. Junior EndeavourAlthough not required to meet, Kevin Baird pointed out that we should find out if the juniors wish anything to happen to improve their sailing experience. Such as a fun day on the sea, near the carpark and up to Dall area, with boats, canoes, paddle boards etc, just to get the kids on the water and comfortable at sea. Kevin Baird was also very keen to renew the Club’s wish to provide changing rooms and showers not only for the benefit of the Club but also for the community and yachts coming to Plockton. Although this has been looked into before the Club should continue to try different routes and ideas to ensure this can be achieved.Club NightsTristan Southall reported that he shall go through the schedule for 2018 and adjust as required before the next meeting. He also pointed out that although we won the Gunn Trophy this year, it will hopefully still be held by Lochcarron in 2018 as they offer better facilities and we now have capability to move boats over there without too much trouble.Treasurer ReportIan Taylor reported that the club balance is still very healthy and all up to date for 2017 with regards fuel costs etc. He pointed out that a year’s membership for prizes at the Open Day should not be a given and discussion should be sought before offering such prizes. The Open Day made a good profit of around ?345. Ian also mentioned that fireworks cannot be stored in the clubhouse under any circumstances. Also in future any use of the boatshed for maintenance of boats by club members or not, should be decided by committee at a meeting if required. Any cheques that are paid to the club should be immediately passed onto the treasurer to ensure they are processed quickly by the bank and a smooth transfer is carried out. Finally the engraving of trophies was brought up as the club is still receiving some receipts for the engraving of some trophies. It was agreed that the club would pay for previous entries if needed to bring them up to date but for 2018 the winner would be responsible for the engraving and the payment for having this done would also be covered by the winner not the club.Calum Reid Sponsorship for 2018A full discussion took place with the possibility of having a junior/youth fund for each year which can be allocated to an individual upon application and decision made by the committee. Tristan Southall to put together the criteria required for this and to open it to all applicants, with the possibility of future fundraisers such as the Open Day having the profits from this day put towards this fund.Green Shed Wash Down HoseThis was mentioned briefly and will provide the boats coming out of the water to get a quick wash down in situ. However as it stands the committee were unsure how this would be installed and to where, as it’s unlikely that having it attached to the green shed would not be an option.Any Other BusinessTristan Southall mentioned that with the harbour association building a new shed behind the church there is the possibility that sheepdog could be stored there as well. This is to be looked into as it would free up the boat shed for other uses perhaps even changing and shower facilities. He also pointed out a potential area which could be developed for boat storage adjacent to the head of the pontoon in the carpark. Set proposed date for next meeting.The proposed date for the next meeting would be Saturday the 20th January 2018 at a time to be decided closer to the date. Close meetingCommodore Ruth Scott closed the meeting and thanked all once again. ................

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