Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a way to track sources and help with research. Keeping a working annotated bibliography allows you to select only the most helpful and informational sources you uncovered while researching a topic. This allows you to quickly decide what sources you will use for your end project, and you will be able to easily find them again. Your annotated bibliography might consist of 10 to 30 sources or the quantity specified by your instructor’s requirements. This will give you room to get rid of sources that are inaccurate, not credible, or off topic from your focus.

An annotated bibliography consists of a citation and an annotation. Always follow your instructor’s directions for formatting. There are several ways to indent and space an annotated bibliography, so it is best to ask the instructor what s/he is looking for. See examples that follow.

An annotation should consist of two parts: the content of the source and how the source may be helpful. An annotated bibliography should be descriptive enough that others would be able to tell the usefulness of the sources. The annotation does not have to state directly, “This source is useful because. . .” It may just simply state a few facts or some key evidence for your argument that you know is important. The annotation also does not have to be composed with complete sentences, but even fragments should start with a capital letter and end with a period (see Example 2).

Example 1 (MLA):

Example 2 (Chicago):


The following is a sample page of an annotated bibliography.

Kreider, Richard B. “Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Performance and Training Adaptations.” Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 244 (2003): 89-94. Electronic Journal Center. Web. 21 Oct. 2004.

Within this article, creatine is described as an increasingly more popular supplement among athletes. Recent research has also suggested that there may be a number of potential therapeutic uses of creatine. The paper reviews the available research that has examined the potential of ergogenic value of creatine supplementation on exercise performance and training adaptations. Numerous studies have examined the effects of a short-term or weekly program as well as the long-term monthly program of creatine supplementation on exercise performance.

O’Dea, Jennifer A. “Consumption of Nutritional Supplements Among Adolescents: Usage and Perceived Benefits.” Theory and Practice. 18.1 (2003): 98-107. Electronic Journal Center. Web. 21 Oct. 2004.

The aim of the study was to obtain rich qualitative data about the type of nutritional supplements and drinks consumed by adolescents and the reasons for their consumption, with particular emphasis on the perceived benefits of nutritional supplementation. These results have important implications for use of health education theory in planning nutrition education and health promotion activities.



Citation is appropriately formatted in size 12, Times New Roman font, double spaced, with a hanging indent.

Brink, William. “The Science and Policy of Performance Enhancing Supplements.” Life Extension. 8.9 (2002): 58-63. Electronic Journal Center. Web. 21 Oct. 2004.

Throughout this article there is a strong debate on the use of performance enhancing supplements by athletes. The highlighted substances are Creatine, Dehydroepiandrosterone, and Ephedrine. The dosages and physiological effects were also discussed. Examples of persons who used such substances are former baseball star Mark McGuire and former track star Florence Griffith Joyner. While taking performance enhancing supplements, these athletes were able to compete at an optimal performance level.

The annotation includes key information about the selected topic and why the source would be useful.

The annotation is one space below the citation and is also single spaced.

Thompson, Oscar, ed. International Cyclopaedia of Music and Musicians. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1936.

An admirable work that brings Grove up to date and deals adequately with contemporary music and American composers.

The citation single spaced, and has a hanging indent.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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