



Module 20

Sectioning Solids


The SLICE and SECTION commands are used to create construct cross sections from solid models. They can be very useful commands and save you modeling time.

The SLICE command, see Figure 1, cuts a solid model into two individual solids.

The SECTION command, see Figure 2, creates a two dimensional region along a selected cutting plane.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Slice Section

The region can then be relocated to produce a cross section view in 2D and used as a detail drawing. See Figure 3 and 4.

Figure 3 Figure 4

Removed Region Shaded Completed 2D Cross Section View

AutoCAD Command: SLICE

The SLICE command is used to cut a solid into two individual solids.

1. Command Bar : Slice

Shortcut : none

2. Pull Down Menu: Draw-Solids-Slice

3. Tool Bar (Solids): Slice

AutoCAD Command: SECTION

The SECTION command is used to create a two dimensional region along a specified plane in a solid object.

1. Command Bar : Section

Shortcut : Sec

2. Pull Down Menu: Draw-Solids-Section

3. Tool Bar (Solids): Slice

Practical Exercise

Using the SLICE and SECTION Commands

Step 1 Using the NEW command, start a new drawing using template Module Template 3D English.

Step 2 Save and name the drawing AutoCAD 3D Workalong 20-1.

Step 3 Create layers Construction, Model, Hatch and Solid as shown in Figure Step 3.

Figure Step 3

Figure Step 4

Multiview Drawing

Step 4 On layer Solid, draw the solid model of the object shown in the multiview drawing above. Your finished model should appear as shown in Figure Step 4.

Step 5 With the World UCS current, copy the solid 12 units along the X axis as shown in Figure Step 5.

Figure Step 5

Step 6 Using the original solid, enter the SLICE command shown below to slice it into two parts. See Figure Step 6A and 6B.

Command: SLICE

Select objects: 1 found

(Select the solid model.)

Select objects:

(Press Enter.)

Specify first point on slicing plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] : (mid) P1

Specify second point on plane: (mid) P2

Specify third point on plane: (mid) P3

(Ensure you snap to the midpoint of each edge. If you drew an imaginary line from P1 to P2 to P3 and back to P1, it would form a cutting plane.)

Specify a point on desired side of the plane or [keep both sides]: B

(Enter B to retain both sides of the slice.)

Figure Step 6A Figure Step 6B

Step 7 Change the shademode of your model and it will appear as shown in Figure Step 7.

Step 8 Using the MOVE command, move the right half away from the left half. The distance you move it is not important. See Figure Step 8.

Figure Step 7 Figure Step 8

Step 9 Your model should now appear similar to Figure Step 9.

Figure Step 9

Step 10 Change the shademode to 2D Wireframe and layer Hatch as the current layer. Using the copied solid, enter the SECTION command shown below to create a cross section as shown in Figure Step 10A and 10B.

Command: SECTION

Select objects: 1 found

(Select the solid.)

Select objects:

Specify first point on Section plane by

[Obj/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] : (mid) P4

Specify second point on plane: (mid) P5

Specify third point on plane: (mid) P6

Figure Step 10A Figure Step 10B

Step 11 Using the MOVE command, move the region you just created outside of the solid. The distance you move it is not important. See Figure Step 11.

Figure Step 11

Step 12 On layer Hatch add the lines to complete the cross section view as shown in Figure Step 12.

Figure Step 12

Step 13 Ensure the UCS is located on the Front and using the BHATCH command, insert the hatch pattern ANS131. See Figure Step 13.

Figure Step 13

Step 14 Your drawing should now appear similar to Figure Step 14.

Figure Step 14

Step 15 Move the original solid back together using osnap to locate it exactly. Use the UNION command to join the two halves into one solid again. Check to ensure you only have one solid. See Figure Step 15.

Figure Step 15

Step 16 Your drawing should now appear similar to Figure Step 16.

Figure Step 16

Step 17 Move the UCS to Right and locate it on the chamfered right corner as shown in Figure Step 17.

Figure Step 17

Step 18 Enter the SLICE command shown below to cut the solid through the center of the hole on the XY plane as shown in Figure Step 18.

Command: SLICE

Select objects: 1 found

(Select the solid.)

Select objects: Specify first point on slicing plane by

[Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] : XY

(The XY plane is selected to be the cutting plane. All that is required now is a point and the slice will occur. It will then slice at this point parallel to the XY plane.)

Specify a point on the XY-plane : (cen) of P7 Figure Step 18

(The center of the circle is the point selected. The solid will be sliced through center of the circle, parallel to XY plane.)

Specify a point on desired side of the plane or [keep

Both sides]: P8

(Only the left side is kept.)

Step 19 Change the UCS to World and shade your model. The completed model should now appear as shown in Figure Step 19.

Step 20 Save and close the drawing.

Figure Step 19

Summing Up

1. The SLICE command cuts a solid model into two individual solids.

2. The SECTION command creates a two dimensional region along a selected cutting plane. The region can then be relocated to produce a cross section view in 2D and used as a detail drawing.

Suggestions for practice

1. What type of object is created by the SECTION command?

A) Solid

B) Closed polyline

C) Region

D) Hatch

E) Open polyline

2. The SLICE command cuts a solid model into two individual solids.

A) True

B) False

Lab. Exercise

|Lab. Exercise Sectioning Solids |

|Drawing Specifications |

|Name |Template |Units |

|AutoCAD 3D Lab. Ex. 20-1 |Module Template 3D Metric |Millimeters |

|Layering Scheme |

|Objects on Layer |Name |Color |Line type |

|Construction Objects |Construction |253 |Continuous |

|Solid Objects |Solid |141 |Continuous |

|Region and hatch pattern |Hatch |White/Black |Continuous |


1. Draw a solid model of the object shown below. Ensure it is one solid model when complete.

Completed Solid Model

Multiview Drawing

2. Using the SECTION command, create a region at the cutting plane A-A. Crosshatch it with ANSI31. The region and hatch should reside on layer Hatch.

Figure Step 2

3. With the World UCS as current, make a copy of the solid model 180 units apart in the X direction. Do not copy the region with the solid.

4. Slice the model into two solids at cutting plane B-B. Move the two solids 30 units apart from one another.

Figure Step 4

Lab. Exercise

|Lab. Exercise Sectioning Solids |

|Drawing Specifications |

|Name |Template |Units |

|AutoCAD 3D Lab. Ex. 20-2 |Module Template 3D Metric |Millimeters |

|Layering Scheme |

|Objects on Layer |Name |Color |Line type |

|Construction Objects |Construction |253 |Continuous |

|Solid Objects |Solid |191 |Continuous |

|Region and hatch pattern |Hatch |White/Black |Continuous |


1. Draw a solid model of the object shown below. Ensure it is one object when complete.

Hint: If you have trouble constructing the solid, see page 20-12 for help.

Completed Solid Model

Multiview Drawing

2. Create a region section at the cutting plane B-B. Move the region away from the model and hatch it with ANS131. The region and hatch should be on the layer Hatch.

Figure Step 2

3. With the World UCS as current, make a copy of the solid model 400 units in the X direction.

4. Slice the model into two solids at cutting plane A-A. Keep only the back half as shown in Figure Step 4.

Figure Step 4

Construction Hints

Do your best to complete the lab exercise drawing without using the following hint(s). If you get stuck and can't complete it on your own, use the following hint(s) to help you.

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5


Learning Outcomes:

When you have completed this module, you will be able to:

1. Describe and apply the SLICE command to cut solid models into two individual solids.

2. Describe and apply the SECTION command to create 2D cross sectional regions through solid models.

The Module includes a list of suggested tasks and Lab. Exercises



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