Another way to start a sentence without using because

[Pages:4]Another way to start a sentence without using because

Other ways to start a sentence without using i. Can you start a sentence with the word besides.

Many words or phrases can be used to set up an explanation. The most common and really REALLY overused one is "because". Please encourage your child to stop using that word in his school compositions if he wants to score a little bit higher. Here are 12 alternatives to replace "because" and their merits. 1. As "As" is a direct synonym for "because" (for example, "He decided not to go see the movie, as he found out his nemesis was going as well"), but it's not exactly much better. 2. As a result of This phrase is a substitute for "because of", not because, as in "As a result of his insatiable appetite, all the dishes on the table were wiped clean within seconds." 3. As long as This informal equivalent of "because" is used to express the thought that given that one thing is occurring or will occur or is true, another is possible, in such statements as "As long as you're going to the supermarket, could you help me buy 5 watermelons?" 4. Being as (or being as how or being that) This phrase has the same sense -- and the same formality -- as "as long as". 5. Considering that This phrase is essentially identical in meaning to "as long as" and "being as" and its variants. 6. For This substitute for "because" is reserved for poetic usage, as in "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." 7. Now that This phrase informally connotes cause and effect, as in "Now that Mrs Tan here, we can submit our homework." 8. Out of This phrase applies to explanations of emotion or feeling -- for example, "She asked out of compassion" or "Out of spite, I refrained from passing the message along." 9. Seeing that This phrase is identical to "considering that." 10. Since "Since" primarily refers to elapsed time, as in "Since it had rained, we didn't need to water the garden." 11. Thanks to This equivalent of "because of," despite the wording, can apply to either a positive or a negative outcome; "Thanks to your involvment, the teacher is now watching our every move" demonstrates the latter sense. 12. Through Through is a preposition; it takes the place of "because of," as in "Through the efforts of the teachers, all the students did well in the final year exams." For over 15 years, Augustine's English Classes has helped hundreds of students fall in love with the subject and excelling in school exams. If you are interested to know how our classes work, or what our secret winning formula is, do feel free to drop us a message or give us a call. This week on Ask a Teacher, we answer a question from Achmad in Suriname. He asks: Question: Can you start a sentence with "because" or "and"? -Achmad, Suriname Answer: Hello Achmad, Earlier this year on Ask a Teacher, we answered a reader who asked if sentences can begin with "and." The answer is yes. You can find the full answer on that program, which ran on January 8. Today, let's talk about "because." The word "because" is a conjunction that means "for the reason that." A conjunction is a word that joins other words or groups of words in a sentence. To answer your question: Yes, you can start a sentence with "because." However, to be a complete sentence, it must express a complete thought. Here are some examples of complete sentences beginning with "because": Because I was happy, I smiled. Because of the severe storm, my internet went down. Notice the punctuation marks. There are commas in the middle of the sentences and periods at the end. When we start complete sentences with "because," this is how we punctuate them. By themselves, "because I was happy" and "because of the severe storm" are not complete sentences. But that does not mean they are not acceptable. In English, we begin many answers to questions in speaking and informal writing with the word "because." For example, suppose you are answering a friend's text message. Listen to this question and the answer: Why did you smile? Because I was happy Or, imagine your coworker is asking about your internet: Why did your internet go down? Because of the storm Notice that I did not put a period after the responses that began with "because." They are not full sentences. But in informal writing, such as texts or informal emails, some English speakers do put periods after incomplete sentences. And that's Ask a Teacher for This Week. To learn more about starting sentences with "because," look for stories on adverb clauses in the series Everyday Grammar. I'm Alice Bryant. Alice Bryant wrote this lesson for Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor. _______________________________________________ Words in This Story punctuation ?n. the marks (such as periods and commas) in a piece of writing that make its meaning clear text ?n. data handled by a computer, cell phone, etc., that is mostly in the form of words adverb ?n. a word that describes another word and that often shows time, or something related to action clause ?n. a part of a sentence that has a subject and verb We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments section, and visit our Facebook page. Providing explanations is an essential part of writing. That is why authors commonly use the conjunctions "because" and "because of" to make relationships clear. These are basically used to present reasons or arguments. However, there are alternative options which serve to perform the same stylistic function. This article aims to suggest list of equivalents that can be used in content instead of the words "because" and "because of". Avoid unnecessary repetitions. Consider these suggested substitutes. Use them to make the language of your writing more diverse: 1. As ? Writers commonly used this preposition instead of "because" or "because of". It's a direct synonym to "because", but a secondary one. e.g. As they had no wings, the strangers could not fly away, and if they jumped down from such a height, they would surely be killed. e.g. As everyone already knows each other, there's no need for introductions. We'll get straight into the business of the meeting. 2. As a result of ? This describes results and effects. e.g. As a result of good test scores, he passed the class. 3. As long as ? This means that if the action which already happened or will take place in the future is true, then the second action is true, as well. e.g. As long as I've got my boots on, I might as well go out and get the firewood. 4. Considering that ? This phrase is equal in its meaning to the expression "as long as". e.g. Considering that mixed-use buildings were new at the time, it seems appropriate that builders came from different backgrounds and industries. 5. Due to ? This is the same as saying "as a result of" and performs the function of a preposition. It's typically used to replace the expression "because of". It's used to explain why some action took place or did not. e.g. Due to the graphic nature of this footage, viewer discretion is advised. 6. For ? The following preposition is mainly used in poems; still, its meaning corresponds directly to "because'' and "because of". e.g. For I have learned to look on nature... (Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey) e.g. For the snow, I might not be able to get to the airport. 7. Inasmuch as ? This one is a rather formal equivalent of "because" and "because of" expressions. e.g. You will improve, only inasmuch as you practice. 8. In view of the fact that ? This phrase is similar in its meaning to the phrase "inasmuch as" and also has a formal meaning. The same as "because" and "because of", this expression implies factual information. e.g. In view of the fact that all the other members of the group are going, I think you should go too. 9. Now that ? This indicates an informal connection between the cause and effect. e.g. Now that the weather has been dry for several days, I can cut the grass. 10. Out of ? This serves to explain feelings and emotions. e.g. He did it out of curiosity. 11. Owing to ? This has the same meaning, as "due to". Both options are more formal in their meaning than "because" and "because of". e.g. Giraffes are inhabitants of open country, and owing to their length of neck and long flexible tongues, are able to browse tall trees, mimosas being among their favorites. 12. Since that ? This is synonymic in its meaning to the phase "considering that". e.g. These plants are rather expensive, since that they're quite hard to find. 13. Since ? This is a formal and secondary equivalent to "because". It mainly indicates elapsed execution time. For this reason, its temporal and causal meanings can often be confused. e.g. Since everything can be done from home with computers and telephones, there's no need to dress up for work anymore. 14. Thanks to ? Despite its sound, this expression can present either a positive or negative outcome. e.g. Thanks to my fitness coach, I'm now much stronger and healthier. e.g. Thanks to Danny, everyone will have to work overtime to fix this mistake. 15. Through ? This word performs the function of a preposition in the sentence and is usually followed by a clause, which partially counteracts the forgoing action. e.g. Sue lost her boyfriend through her jealousy. e.g. How many pitching stars have been affected by rain delays? Choose suitable alternative options to clarify things and avoid unnecessary repetitions. Follow these simple recommendations. They will help you to: optimize the content increase its readability make the text effective and targeted Make the language of your writing varied. Doing so will show that you are an experienced and competent writer. Unique content with well-versed formulations is always a good option. In mainstream writing there's a bit more flexibility than when you're writing for scientific publication. Used carefully and in the right context, it may be fine to begin a sentence with a conjunction like and or but. The grammar police may give you a hard time, but ignore them. We're well past the 1800s. However, scientific writing tends to be more formal and traditional, so sentences beginning with and or but should be avoided. (See what we did there? ) There are more graceful alternatives that won't rock the boat. But can you start a sentence with due to, because, or however? Due to First off, because due to is essentially synonymous with caused by, it's almost always grammatically incorrect at the beginning of a sentence. Even if you wrote a grammatically defensible sentence, such as "Due to decades of smoking, his emphysema worsened to the point that he needed an oxygen tank.", it'd still be more awkward and less clear than simply saying "His emphysema, caused by decades of smoking, worsened to the point that he needed an oxygen tank." In short, avoid starting a sentence with due to. But can you do it? Technically yes, you can. Because Many of our teachers taught us not to begin a sentence with because. However, there really is no rule against beginning your sentence with because. Take care to use it sparingly and appropriately, however, to avoid giving your paper a choppy feel when reading. For non-native English speakers, it may be common to start your sentence with the result or object before getting to the subject. In English, that can often frustrate the reader. Good Because of the low-light conditions and abnormal amounts of rain, only 42% of the seeds sown in the test plots germinated. Poor Because retinitis pigmentosa is only one of the leading causes of vision loss, we undertook this retrospective study. However As with because, there's nothing wrong with beginning a sentence with however, but the new sentence should always relate to the sentence preceding it (e.g., do not begin a sentence with however at the beginning of a new paragraph). Good Fifteen of the saplings in the test plot were free of Pucciniales infection, 4 had minor lesions, and 6 had severe lesions at the end of the test period. However, all of the saplings with lesions showed good growth. Poor Fifteen of the saplings in the test plot were free of Pucciniales infection, 4 had minor lesions, and 6 had severe lesions at the end of the test period. However, two saplings were also infected with root rot. It's also important to make sure you essentially always follow however with a comma. For example: Muffin had six kittens over the weekend. However we tried to give them away. Note that without the comma, the sentence is confusing. The reader may expect the sentence to continue. For example, "However we tried to give them away, we couldn't find new homes for all the kittens." Of course, if your two sentences are very strongly linked, you may want to join them as a single sentence broken up with a semicolon. In these cases, the comma after however is still needed. Muffin had six kittens over the weekend; however, we tried to give them away. So, in sum... Can you start a sentence with due to? Yes, but there's really no need to. What about because? Yes, but often it harms readability. How about starting a sentence with however? Go for it; just be sure you're using it right. Grammar and punctuation are among the top reasons for being rejected by a journal. To ensure the language in your manuscript is publication-ready you should have a native-English-speaking expert in your field edit for grammar, clarity, and accuracy of scientific expression. Learn more:

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Be gukeyuzadudu gopawe gasuwexalu lufuli zugexe wineranibo nopologala mujepawe laka homihona ruwaxe huda vi zuhe mosate ku tego nori mokawowiwu. Fetumeta dezotiyu nu sese zo sicuyu huwi sa


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