Scene 2

Scene 2



Alfred Hersland and Julia Hersland went on then for sometime being living in Married living with each other.

Julia reaches to take Alfred’s hand. He pulls away. Julia reaches again to take Alfred’s hand. He pulls away. She reaches again to take his hand and then she hits him a dozen times or more. Again and again. Takes an umbrella and hits him again and again. Again and Again.


I was alone in another part of town. I had gone to take a lesson in singing. I saw a man hit a woman with an umbrella in the street. The woman had a red face partly in anger and partly in asking and the man wanted the woman to know then that he wanted her to leave him alone then in a public street where people were passing. I am hesitating in expression. Like a cannon ball resting on a bag of cotton. The cotton part finds the cannon ball lovely looking being always so close to that thing. Being so close to my aspiration I cannot see.


They spent much time in explaining to each other what neither of them quite understood.


I know about about feeling loving


I have loving feeling in me more than I knew I could have in me


Loving just not beautiful loving


I will tell you more about specific loving


Nervous sexual asking loving


Keep on making love her loving


Keep on going on with her loving




This is then a description of going on quarreling in married living


willing enough and quarrelsome enough and obstinate enough and quiet enough and enthusiastic enough and energetic enough and generous enough and selfish


Cowardly attacking and withdrawing attacking


Steady attacking


Enthusiastic attacking


Attacking to lose itself in complete emotion attacking


Narrow attacking that is destroying everything


Intermittent attacking and planned attacking


Engulfing resisting


Forgetting the one anyone is loving


Thinking you could be easily forgetting who you are loving


Engulfing resisting and earnest resisting and yielding resisting


Seductive resisting some say alright all but one way of loving


Some say alright but all but one way of loving another says alright all but another way of loving


Some say not very many ways of loving are right loving


I like loving


Some say all ways of loving are realy ways of having loving feeling.


Sometimes it is puzzling that so many are so certain that they are really loving some one.


Someone really truly completely actually does not any longer love them.


Some are burning themselves actually by accident of being themselves


They had later a little girl and this one was already looking like the mother of her.


I am just seeing sitting, standing, running , looking, talking, breathing but I won’t be seeing any more in living


Is it vanity or bitter feeling being really an abandoned one lonely and suffering because some one is really positively not loving that one.


This is something that is happening


I have been expecting sometime to be soon thinking about this thing. I am not as I have just been saying thinking now about this thing. I would like to be thinking about something practical. Very many are knowing this feeling. Very many have felt this thing. I am not knowing this thing. I am not just now feeling any understanding of this thing.


This is something that is happening

(Alfred walks away and then returns, offering her a glass of water. As she drinks the glass of water it begins to rain upon her.)


He always had been with her

But somehow now it had come to her

To see

As dying men are said to see

Clearly and freely things as they are

And not as she had wished them

To be

For her


Then there was a little boy born who was quite a weak little one in commencing but he came to be quite a strong little one a little later in his living.


Sometimes I want to know sometime all about sentimental feeling.

Some have it and do not know it. Some have it and do not know it until it is acting. Some have it and lose while they are speaking.


Disillusionment in living is finding

That no one can really ever be agreeing with you


In anything.


This is then a very little description of feeling

Feeling disillusionment



Listen to each one telling,

Listen to each one telling about their own virtue.

(Alfred steps to a microphone and speaks aggressively and at an alarming rate. Instensely. Agressively. No clouds this time. Only blaring, beating sun. Sun beating down.)


This is then complete disillusion in living, the complete realization that no one can believe as you do about anything, so not really any single one and to some as I am saying this is a sad thing, to mostly everyone it is sometimes a shocking thing, sometimes a shocking thing, sometime a real shock to them, to mostly everyone a thing that only very slowly with constant repetition is really a complete certain thing inside to give to them the being that is no longer them really young being. This is then the real meaning of not being any longer a young one in living, the complete realizing that not anyone can really believe what any other one is believing and some there are, enough of them , who never have completely such a realization, they are always hoping to find her or him, they are always changing her or him to fit them, they are always looking, they are always forgetting failing or explaining it by something, they are always going on and on in trying.There are a very great many of them who are this way to their ending. There are a very great many who are this way almost to their very ending. There ar a very great many who are this way almost to their very ending, there are a great many men and women who have sometime in them in the living and loving complete disillusion.


This is then one thing,

Another thing is the perfect joy of finding some one,

any one really liking something you are liking, making, doing, being.

This is another thing, and a very pleasant thing.

A very wonderful thing, not a tearful thing,

To know that someone is really liking the thing one is really liking.

Liking Me.


This was a description of Alfred Hersland and Julia Hersland not succeeding in married living.


Always always always some are very good ones

Having in them ways of thinking, pleasing, disliking, beginning and ending, loving, hating, wakening, understanding, sensitiveness in realizing anything, realizing something, dullness, stupide being in them, quickness and slowness


In Everything and there are

Very very very many men


Very very very many women

Always existing and Always

Each one having their own being

Listen to each one telling about

Their very own virtue of being

Coming again to the mic and speaking fast


Alfred Hersland came later to loving another.


Sometime there will surely then be written a complete description of all the kinds there are of men and women living married living and succeeding.

(Alfred walks away)


He had always been what he had been with her

But somehow now it had come to her

To see

As dying men are said to see


Julian Hersland too came later to loving another.


This was a description of married living not succeeding but and going in living and later on succeeding.


This was a very natural thing.


This is the progress of family living.

Alfred dragging his father again past the tree

Stop I did not drag my father past this tree


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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