Formal and Informal Ways to Say “You’re Welcome” in Chinese

Formal and Informal Ways to Say "You're Welcome" in Chinese


The basic expressions...................................................................................................................... 2 The modest expressions................................................................................................................. 2 The casual expressions ................................................................................................................... 3 Bonus expressions............................................................................................................................ 4

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The basic expressions

Just like there are many simple ways to say `you're welcome' or `it's okay'. That's alright. / You are welcome.

(B?y?ng xi?.)

(b?y?ng k?q?.)

(N t?i k?q?le.)

e.g. A: (Xi?xie n!) Thank you! B: (B?y?ng xi?!) You are welcome!

A: (T?i gnxi? nle!) Thank you so much! B: (N t?i k?q?le.) You are welcome!

The modest expressions

If you're in a business situation or want to be extra polite, you might want to use a more formal expression, such as:

It was my pleasure.

(Zh? sh? w de r?ngx?ng.)

(L?y? xi?ol?o.)

e.g. A:(Xi?xie n de bngzh?.) Thank you for your help. B: (Zh? sh? w de r?ngx?ng.) It's my honor.

A: (Gnxi? n zu? de yqi?.) Thank you for everything. B: (L?y? xi?ol?o.) It's my pleasure.

The casual expressions

If you want to emphasize that what you did was not a problem, or no big deal, then you can use these casual expressions

It was nothing. / It's no big deal.

(N? m?ish?nme.)


(Xio y?si.)

e.g. A: (Xnk le!) I appreciate your hard work. B: (Xio y?si.) It's no big deal.

A: (M?fan n le!) Sorry to bother you. B: (J shu zh l?o.) It's nothing

(J shu zh l?o.)

Bonus expressions

There are a couple longer phrases that can be used when you really want to reciprocate someone's kindness. You can use these when someone has been very respectful, and you want to be equally polite.

I'm very much obliged to you, no worries!

(Z?nmen sh?i gn sh?i ya, bi? k?q?!)

(N? sh? w ynggi zu? de.)

e.g. A: (Zhn b? zhd?o gi znme gnxi? n.) I really don't know how to repay you. B: (Z?nmen sh?i gn sh?i ya, bi? k?q?!) I'm very much obliged to you, no worries!

A: (W di hoho xi?xie n.) I really need to thank you well. B: (N? sh? w ynggi zu? de.) I'm obliged to you.

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