
|Name:       |Date:       |


Three Cheers for the Nanny State

Sarah Conly


|imposeimpose    rational     justifiable     principle     status quo |

A. Directions: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the italicized word or phrase, and then answer the question.

1. Our town has just imposed a law requiring everyone to recycle bottles and cans. Has a law been passed or eliminated? Explain.      

2. Would a rational mayor be a mayor who makes reasoned, well-thought-out decisions, or one who makes decisions based on his or her mood?      

3. Would it be justifiable for the government to control the personal spending habits public workers? Explain.       

4. What is another word or phrase that can be used to describe a person of


5. Does the economic status quo refer to how people are living currently, or

does it refer to how they expect to live in the future?      

B. Word Study: The Latin root -just- means “lawful” or “guided by truth and fairness.” Use the root and suffix to create a new word. Use the new word in a sentence.

1. just- + ly =      


2. just- + ice =      


3. just- + ification =      


4. just- + ify =      



The Latin root -just- means “law” or “fair and right.” Suffixes, prefixes, and inflectional endings can change the form and meaning of the root -just-.

A. Directions: Add the indicated prefix, suffix, inflectional ending, or combination of these to each word. Then, write the new word on the line.

1. un-, -ly ___________________________________

2. ad-, -ment ___________________________________

3. in-, -ice ___________________________________

4. mal-, ad-, -ed ___________________________________

5. -ify, -ed ___________________________________

B. Directions: Add the prefix or suffix indicated in parentheses to each underlined word to form a new word. Write this word on the line. Then rewrite the sentence to use the new word.

1.       We will adjust his grade after he finishes his performance task. (-ed)

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2.       It will be just that I get accepted to the college of my choice. (un-)

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3.       The health resort was known for its justifiably pure drinking water. (un-)


4.       The judge was considered to be passionate about justice always being served in her court. (add in- and -s)


5.       After waking up, they adjust the thermostat to a comfortable temperature. (add over- and -ment)


|Name:       |Date:       |


A. Directions: Select the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. The citizens felt that the personal spending done by the mayor using taxpayer funds was (unjustified/unadjusted).

2. Tina was (justification/justifiably) angry after her date for the prom disappeared.

3. After the accident, they had to take their car to an insurance (justice/adjustor) to determine how much the repairs would cost.

4. Raina could not believe how (adjustable/justly) the room divider was.

5. In the first days after Daylight Savings end people usually aren’t (adjusted/justly) to the time change.

6. The lawyer demanded (justify/justice) for her client.

B. Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence.










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