THE 10 KEYSDefinitionExamplesConnectivesA word that connectives two shorter sentences togethermais butet andcependant howeverbien que althoughaussi alsoComparisonWhen you compare two things using an adjective to say if something “more” or “less” than the otherplus + adjective + que more…thanmoins + adjective + que less...thane.g. plus enthousiaste / excité quemore exciting thanFutureThe tense which describes action that “are going to” happen in the futureJe vais + infinitive verb I am going to…Nous allons + infinitive verb we are going to…e.g. je vais manger I am going to eatNegativesWhen “no” or another negative word is used in front of a verb to describe when something doesn’t happenJe n’envoie pas I don’t send Je ne suis pas allé I didn’t go Je ne joue jamais I never playOpinionsTo express whether you like or dislike something or describe your feelings towards itJ’aime I likeJe n’aime pas I don’t likeJ’adore I lovePastThe tense used to describe something that has happened previously or in the pastJe suis allé I wentJ’ai fait I didJ’ai vu I sawJe suis sorti I went outJe me suis reposé I restedQualifiersA word used before an adjective to alter the intensity vraiment veryUn peu a bitassez quitetrop tooReasonsTo explain your opinionParce que because it isParce que c’était because it wasParce que j’aime because I likeTime expressionsA phrase usually used before different tenses to tell you when something takes placeL’eté dernier last summerL’année prochaine next yearLes lundis On MondaysModal verbsVerbs that need an infinitive verb to follow them Je veux + infinitive verb I want to…Je dois + infinitive verb I have to…je peux + infinitive verb I can…e.g. je veux manger I want to eat524109813002700 ................

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