
DLT Touch Base 10.31.17DOSA Mission:We care. We empower students.?We foster community. We make OHIO stronger. Care – is circledCan this be one sentence? This seems too simplistic.DOSA Vision: Every student at OHIO realizes their potential and makes a difference.Realizes - underlinedMakes a difference – underlined….in what?DOSA Values: CommunityCharacterCivilityCitizenshipCommitment What resonates with you about these? Unify is missing!Good MissionVision – I would like to see another word for “realize” maybe “achieves”Glad you are keeping the 5 C’sInclusion of “students”: makes both mission and vision more meaningful.Short and memorable.Like the idea of helping students to bring out the best in themselves. I support keeping the DOSA values.Both are good. – “Stronger” : is much better than “better”, in mission.I like the mission. Vision – like the start …. feel like the 2nd half still isn’t “it”.Focus on students and care.Care, empower, fosterI really like the mission – especially ending with “stronger”The simplicity. It’s short and to the point. I really like the mission. The vision is close, but I’m just not sure.If you could change one thing, what would it be? The order of ValuesCivilityCommitmentCitizenshipCharacterThe word “realizes” – is there a better word.NothingI would have preferred a fuller sentence for vision such as: We care about empowering students and fostering community. We make Ohio stronger.Vison: Every BOBCAT realizes their potential to make a difference. – Possibly opens up to our work with professional development and work with ourselves/staff, growth and learning.Good with it the way it is though.I like the vision statement and the language that takes it away from being about us and making it more about the students.Values: this is very good but would like to see the AIA competencies worked in here somewhere.The vision – it would be great if it tied back to the transformative” piece of the university mission/vision. – How does this roll up into that?The vision --- doesn’t seem as powerful/pie in the sky as it couldI still want something about DOSA impacting students so they leave OHIO better than they came - - also feel this way as a staff member – being a member of DOSA has empowered me to be better.Regarding the vision, “and makes a difference” kind of hangs there for me. I feel like something is missing. Makes a difference with what? Makes a difference in their community?We make OHIO stronger is really good, something like that for the vision. ................

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