Dutchtown Players

Final Exam for Advanced Acting Semester IChoose 30 of the questions below. You will copy and paste the question with the correct answer into a new document, attach the document to an email, and send to Dr. Jolly. You must choose at least 2 questions from each group of 10 and the rest are up to you.1.?Once an actor is cast in a role, he or she needs a(n)?_____?in order to learn the character’s lines.A.?PantomimeB.?ScriptC.?Stage?2.?If you?_____???your voice, everyone in the room will be able to hear you.A.?ProjectB.?ScreamC.?Stifle?3. When actors work without a script, they?_____?what they say and do.A.?ImproviseB.?Joke aboutC.?Rehearse?4.?If a scene takes place in a restaurant, the actors might?_____?eating rather than using actual plates, silverware, and food.A.?ArticulateB.?PostureC.?Pantomime?5.?Any?_____??an actor makes, such as waving or wiping away tears, can convey an emotion.??A.?LineB.?GestureC.?Behavior?6.?By varying the pitch, volume, and tempo of your voice, you can change its?_____.A.?InflectionB.?PostureC.?Attitude?7.?Tongue twisters and other vocal exercises can help you speak more clearly by improving your?_____?skills.A.?ProjectionB.?MovementC.?Articulation?8.?The vibrations of your throat, sinuses, and hard and soft palates will affect the?_____???of your voice.A.?DepthB.?ResonanceC.?Gestures?9.?To keep your face and the front of your body visible to the audience is to...A.?BeatB.?CrossC.?Open?10.?The intended point of interest onstage is the...A.?FocusB.?ApronC.?Lead?11.?Thoughts and actions of a character that are not directly stated are...A.?SubtextB.?PlotC.?Conflict?12.?Auditioning with a script that you haven’t previously read is called...A.?A Cattle CallB.?A Cold ReadingC.?A New Project?13.?To steal the focus of a scene is to...A.?BreakB.?UpstageC.?Lead?14.?To move from one place onstage to another?is to...A.?CrossB.?FocusC.?Side?15.?When one actor mirrors another actor’s body position, it is a...A.?Master GestureB.?TypeC.?Shared Position?16.?A?characteristic movement is called a...A.?Shared PositionB.?Master GestureC.?Type?17.?A?smaller section of a scene is sometimes referred to as a...A.?SliceB.?BitC.?Beat?18.?The term that describes sound that is produced without vibration of the vocal chords is...A.?StopB.?AfricateC.?Voiceless?19. The type of consonant that is produced when the mouth is completely closed and the soft palate is lowered, forcing air through the nose; for example, the?m?in?move...A.?NasalB.?PlosiveC.?Filled?20.?The vowel sound in an unstressed syllable pronounced “uh"...A.?SchwaB.?GoobleC.?Rate?21.?The vibrant tone produced when sound waves strike the chambers of the throat, head, nose, and mouth is...A.?ResonanceB.?TremulationC.?Expulsion?22.?The act of breathing air into the lungs is...A.?InflectionB.?ExhalationC.?Inhalation?23.?The selection and pronunciation of words and their combination in speech is...A.?VoiceB.?DictionC.?Choice?24.?One of the two basic vocal forces; created when breath pressure is held steady and the breath is released gradually is called...A.?ExpulsiveB.?ExhalationC.?Explosive?25.?The type of consonant that is produced when the air passage narrows and a slight friction results; for example,?f?in?force is called...A.?FricativeB.?ExplosiveC.?Implosive?26.?The term for words whose sounds suggests their meaning; for example,?boom?or?crash is...A.?ExhalationB.?InhalationC.?Onomatopoeia?27.?The term that describes sound produced with vibration of the vocal folds is...A.?ExplosiveB.?VoicedC.?Fricative?28.?The voice quality that reduces resonance as vowel sounds are diverted from the nasal cavities is called...A.?AmplificationB.?LoudnessC.?Nasality?29.?The system of pronunciation created to represent the sounds found in all languages is called...A.?International Phonetic AlphabetB.?World Understood AlphabetC.?Standard International Alphabet?30.?The span between the highest and lowest notes on the music scale that one can reach without straining is called the...A.?LevelB.?RangeC.?Depth?31.?The relative highness or lowness of a voice is called...A.?PitchB.?DepthC.?Level?32.?The manner in which vowel and consonant? sounds are produced and accents are placed on syllables is called...A.?DictionB.?ArticulationC.?Pronunciation?33.?The individual sound of a particular voice is...A.?TimbreB.?QualityC.?Characteristic?34.?The relative strength, force, or intensity with which sound is made is called...A.?TimbreB.?VolumeC.?Quality?35. The type of consonant that is produced when air is stopped and then suddenly released; for example, the?p?in?path is called...A.?Fricative ConsonantB.?Plosive ConsonantC.?Expulsive Consonant?36.?A?flaw in speech; speaking without inflection is called...A.?MonotonyB.?YellingC.?Mumbling?37.?The speed at which words are spoken is...A.?PaceB.?TempoC.?Rate?38.?Speaking while the throat is closed by tension or while breath is being controlled carelessly is called...A.?ProjectionB.?Swallowing WordsC.?Covering Up?39. The term for variety in pitch is...A.?InflectionB.?ExpulsionC.?Projection?40.?One of the two basic vocal forces, created by a sudden release of breath pressure is called...A.?ExplosiveB.?PercussiveC.?Fricative?41.?The act of breathing air out of the lungs is...A.?FrictionB.?InhalationC.?Exhalation?42.?The middle point of a range, often two or three notes lower than a normal speaking voice is the...A.?Optimum PitchB.?ResonatorC.?Vocal Center?43. What does "off-book" mean?A.?A monologue or script that you find on the internetB.?A book on sale because the material is oldC.?You no longer need your script, but can ask for a lineD.?To make up your lines, so that they sound close enough?44.?What is blocking?A.?The cubes that we use sometimes as tablesB.?One actor standing in front of another so the audience can't see themC.?Separating your lines into "chunks" to memorizeD.?Actor movement?45.?What is a gesture?A.?Using your arms, legs, and body to show emotion or ideaB.?Showing a lot of emotion on stage, like cryingC.?Standing up straightD.?How old your character is?46.?What is the actor's sphere?A.?An exercise ball used to train actorsB.?The imaginary bubble around an actor that is their "personal space"C.?The Globe theatreD.?A place where actors meet?47. Which one of these is not a memorization technique?A.?Learn it line by lineB.?Record it and play it backC.?Write it down over and over againD.?Sleep with your script under your pillow?48.?What is a prop?A.?Something that holds an object uprightB.?Anything that an actor uses on stageC.?Respect you give to someone to support a relationship; an offeringD.?A cube that we use as a table?49.?What is a groundplan?A.?Arrangement of set pieces on a stageB.?Arrangement of landscaping outside your houseC.?How hard you are planning to stomp or step as your characterD.?The specific color of the floor for a certain production of a play?50.?What is the purpose of all theatre?A.?To make everyone laughB.?To bore you to deathC.?To tell a storyD.?To make money?51.?All drama depends on…A.?ArgumentsB.?Having two actorsC.?ConflictD.?Audience participation?52.?Which one of these is not a guidepost?A.?RelationshipsB.?ArguingC.?Moment BeforeD.?Conflict?53.?Which one of these is not a guidepost?A.?HumorB.?DiscoveryC.?OppositesD.?Confidence?54.?Which one of these is not a guidepost?A.?Communication and CompetitionB.?Danger and ExcitementC.?ImportanceD.?Finding the Events?55. Which one of these is not a guidepost?A.?PlaceB.?Game-PlayingC.?PretendingD.?Mysteries?56.?Michael Shurtleff says you should audition for…A.?Only plays you likeB.?Only plays you're sure to get a role inC.?EverythingD.?Only plays you have memorized the script for beforehand?57.?Pick the best question that matches the guidepost CONFLICT.A.?Do you want to fight?B.?Who am I fighting with?C.?What am I fighting for?D.?Did you watch the fight??58.?To find a character's "motivation" what important acting question should you ask??A.?What is my motivation?B.?Who am I?C.?What do I want?D.?How do I make this scene mine??59.?The meaning behind the words or the way they are used to show intention is called:A.?DialogueB.?CharacterC.?SubtextD.?Diction?60.?The acting technique of changing the way you try to "get something" is called:A.?DominatingB.?Shifting GearsC.?Changing TacticsD.?Guide-posting?61.?For an actor: determining your "want", then how you are going to "get it", then using the guideposts to pursue it... Is called:??A.?Character AnalysisB.?PreparationC.?Making a ChoiceD.?Guide-posting?62.?Acting is...A.?DoingB.?TalkingC.?PretendingD.?Screaming at Another Actor?63. Acting is doing something...A.?To someone elseB.?LoudlyC.?That looks like someone else is doing itD.?Alone?64.?Acting is doing something...A.?That people believeB.?Really awesomeC.?In front of an audienceD.?Real, under imaginary circumstances?65.?When you choose material or are provided material to work on before the audition, it is?called:A.?A Prepared AuditionB.?A Cold ReadingC.?A Cattle CallD.?A Monologue?66.?The best way to get cast for any actor is:A.?Rely on talent foreverB.?Work hard, be persistent, be prepared, audition for everything, and do your bestC.?Bribe those for whom you auditionD.?Audition for a lot of projects, and if you dont make it... Give up?67.?Which one of these is not a rule of improv:A.?Do somethingB.?Stand stillC.?MoveD.?Yell something out?68.?Which one of these is not a rule of improv:A.?Never shut down another actor.B.?All improv has to be funny.C.?Do something.D.?Never say no.?69.?Which one of these is not a rule of improv:A.?Pay attentionB.?Always be first to speakC.?Don't ask yes or no questionsD.?Take your turn?70.?The earliest story-tellings were cave paintings called:A.?PetroglyphsB.?HieroglyphicsC.?Ugg UggD.?Ikhernofret?71.?The first performed stories were by indigenous tribes in the form of...A.?Bible StoriesB.?Dances and RitualsC.?CATSD.?Greek Choruses?72.?Which one of these was not a subject of early storytelling?A.?WarB.?FertilityC.?FoodD.?Architecture?73.?The earliest recorded theatrical performance was...A.?CATSB.?The DithyrambC.?The Easter ServiceD.?The Passion Play of Abydos?74.?The earliest recorded theatrical performance told the story of...A.?ThespisB.?MacavityC.?OsirisD.?Dionysus?75.?"Thespian", another word for actor comes from whose name?A.?Mr. YoungB.?Thesidia the greatC.?ThespisD.?Abydos?76.?Thespis, "The Inventor of Tragedy" is known as the first?individual?actor.A.?TrueB.?False?77.?The?Poetics, which set the most enduring description of tragedy was written by...A.?AristotleB.?SophoclesC.?ThespisD.?Aaron Sorkin?78.?Built in 1599, this theatre was the first venue for many of Shakespeare's plays.?A.?The King’s HouseB.?The GlobeC.?The DithyrambD.?The Fox?79.?Having your back turned completely to the audience is called...A.?Full FrontB.?Profile LeftC.?Profile RightD.?Full Back?80. _________ is when another actor crosses either in front or behind you?and you cross in the opposite direction.A.?SquaringB.?CounteringC.?Criss-crossingD.?Backing up?81.?When marking through Shakespearean monologues,?u?means ______ and?/means _______ .A.?Unaccented & accentedB.?Underline & liningC.?Using & slashingD.?Depreciate & appreciate?82.?In a film, why is smoking in a scene dangerous to the shot?A.?Because smoking can cause lung cancerB.?It can mess up the continuity from shot to shotC.?The smoke can mess up the cameraD.?Michael Caine was lying he knows nothing about film acting?83.?Everything within the scene depends on what aspect between characters?A.?PropsB.?GesturesC.?RelationshipD.?Focus?84.?Michael Shurtleff said that one the only questions you can ask in an audition is what?A.?Do I HAVE to do the monologue?B.?Can I take a moment to warm up my voice?C.?How is my audition going so far?D.?May I take a few moments to read over my cold reading??85.?One of the?OTHER only question Michael Shurtleff said that you may ask in an audition is what?A.?Can you see me?B.?Can you smell me?C.?Can you hear me?D.?Can you touch me??86.?This man is best known for his composing and lyric writing for?Into The Woods, Sweeny Todd, A Little Night Music and?A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Forum...A.?Steven SondheimB.?Andrew Lloyd WebberC.?Steven SchwartzD.?Duncan Sheik?87.?The first annual Tony Awards was held in what year?A.?800 B.C.B.?700 A.D.C.?1877D.?1947?88.?In 1965, Laurence Olivier debuted in the film version of Othello as which character? (He had to do blackface for the part!)A.?IagoB.?OthelloC.?CassioD.?Bernardo?89.?What year did The Actors Studio open? (Same year as the first Tony Awards!)A.?1947B.?1900C.?1989D.?1919?90.?This man is most noted for his straight plays such as?The Zoo Story, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf,?and?Three Tall Women.A.?ShakespeareB.?Neil SimonC.?Edward AlbeeD.?Patrick Swayze?91.?The first annual Emmy Awards was held in what year?A.?1111B.?1524C.?1949D.?Since the dawn of man?92.?All of these shows were written by Shakespeare EXCEPT...A.?Oedipus RexB.?HamletC.?Romeo & JulietD.?Othello?93.?Another name for the Black Box is what?A.?Negative RoomB.?Studio TheaterC.?The ForgeD.?Chill Studio?94.?John Wilkes Booth (the guy who assassinated Lincoln) had a brother who was known for his splendid perfromance as the lead in what show?A.?Hamlet (Hamlet)B.?Tracy Turnblad (Hairspray)C.?Scarecrow (The Wizard of Oz)D.?He didn't have a brother...?95.?The Moscow Art Theater opened in what year?A.?1895B.?1985C.?1589D.?5198?96.?The acting area of a stage that extends beyond the prosceniumA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?97.?A performance space in which the audience sits all around the stage; sometimes called "in-the-round"A.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?98.?A performance space in which the audience sits all around the stage; sometimes called "in-the-round"A.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?99. The stage area away from the audienceA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?100.?A combination of the proscenium and the arena stages, with the audience sitting on two or three sides of the acting areaA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?101. The auditorium, or the area where the audience sitsA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?102.?Onstage decoration to help establish the time and place of a playA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?103.?The director's technical liaison backstage during the rehearsals and performanceA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?104.?A performance space in which the audience views the action as if through a picture frameA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?105.?The stage area towards the audienceA.?ApronB.?Arena stageC.?DownstageD.?HouseE.?Production conceptF.?Proscenium stageG.?SceneryH.?Stage managerI.?Thrust stageJ.?Upstage (noun)?106. The strongest position onstage is: ?107.?Effective gestures clearly express an actor's:?108.?_____________ and pitch together give tone and color to expressions.??109.?An effective voice must have flexibility, strength, and:?110.?Breathing from the _______ is key to vocal projection.?111.?Focusing on the other actors is what _______________ acting is all about.?112.?Realistic characters play off each other in an ____________________ way.?113.?Improvisation means acting withoutA.?A scriptB.?An ensambleC.?A sceneD.?A set?114.?Successful improvisers sayA.?"let's dialogue"B.?"yes, but"C.?NothingD.?"yes, and"?115.?An effective improviser is also an effectiveA.?TeacherB.?ActorC.?ProfessionalD.?Speaker?116.?An ensemble is a set of actors whoA.?Compete for workB.?Write a scenarioC.?Work togetherD.?Compose dialogue?117.?Collaboration among actors require creativity, sharing, andA.?TrustB.?EtiquetteC.?MemorizationD.?Wit?118.?Improvisation increases creativity, flexibility, trust, andA.?ConcentrationB.?CompetitionC.?DialogueD.?Memorization?119.?Two important elements of an improvisation are plot andA.?EtiquetteB.?IntrigueC.?CharacterD.?Emotion?120.?When successful improvisers are faced?with?a problem onstage, they use theirA.?Fellow actorsB.?WitsC.?ScriptsD.?Concentration?121.?No matter what, an improviser must remainA.?CalmB.?OnstageC.?In the sceneD.?Funny?122. When improvisers develop material that works, theyA.?Script itB.?Sell itC.?Retire itD.?Set it?123.?A dramatic sketch using only movement and imitation is called?124.?Nonverbal communication and ___________________ reflect thoughts and feelings.?125. The __________ is the body part that identifies us to others.?126.?Wide eyes, a big smile, arched eyebrows, and a raised head indicate _________________.?127.?Feet turned in or one leg bent can indicate __________.?128.?You can set clown white makeup by using a sock filled with:129. A lace front wig should be removed from an actor’s head from:130: In musical theatre, actors often times have to be able to ________ as well as sing and act. Therefore, they have to be knowledgeable of ballet, tap, and jazz, to name a few. ................

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