

Student Activity Packet


“I was born into craziness. When the whole world turned crazy, I was ready for it. That’s how I survived. And when the craziness was over, where did that leave me”

P 203


Name: Date: Period:

Milkweed Pre Assessment

Directions: Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. This is not a graded assignment; it serves only for me to see what knowledge you have on the topics below.

1. What do you know about the Holocaust?

2. What do you know about the Nazis?

3. What do you know about Jews during World War II?

4. What is a ghetto?

What do you want to know? What did you learn?

| |What do you want to know about: |What did you learn about: |

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|The Holocaust | | |

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|The Nazis | | |

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|Jews During World War II | | |

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|Jewish ghettos | | |

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[pic]Minor Character Log [pic]

Throughout the novel the author introduces many characters. There are several main characters that will be included in your foldable. On this chart I would like for you to take notes on the minor characters that are introduced throughout the book. You can use this as a reference tool that will help to keep the characters straight.

Please include basic information about each of the minor characters below.

|Kuba |Ferdi |Olek |Enos |

|Jon |Big Henryk |Mrs. Milgrom |Buffo |

|Elzbieta |Vivian Milgrom |Katherine Milgrom |Wendy Janina Milgrom |


Throughout this novel, you will be introduced to many words that must be understood in order to have a complete understand of the story. I have chosen several important words from the reading that I would like for you to become familiar with.

It is your job to find a definition for the words, either from context clues or by looking in the dictionary. I would also like for you to write an original sentence with the word and include a visual representation/illustration of the word.

All of these vocabulary words and activities should be kept in the notebooks that I gave each of you.

At the end of the novel, you will be responsible for knowing these words for an assessment.

We will go over all vocabulary words as a class to make sure that everyone has the correct definitions and understands the words in the context of the story.

Vocabulary words:

|Shalom |Runt |

|Matzo |Wail |

|Sirens |Carcass |

|Babka |Curfew |

|Boulevard |Jackboots |

|Mock |Sauerkraut |

|Bedlam |Typhus |

|Rubble |Marrow |

|Writhing |Curlicue |

|Ghetto |Riff-raff |

Discussion Director-Literature Circles

Name: _________________________ Book: ______________________________

Date: __________________ Assignment: _______________________________

Discussion Director: Your job is to write a list of questions that your group might

want to discuss about this part of the book. The best questions will come from your

own thoughts, feelings, and ideas about this section of the book. You also need to

write your own answers to these questions.






















Sample Questions:

What was going through your mind when you read this?

How did you feel when…?

Can someone summarize this section?

Did anything surprise you about this section of the book?

Predict something about the next section of the book.

Travel Tracer-Literature Circles

Name: _________________________ Book: ______________________________

Date: __________________ Assignment: _______________________________

Travel Tracer: In a book where characters move around a lot and the scenes change

frequently, it is important for everyone in your group to know where things are

happening and how the setting may have changed. Even if the scenery doesn’t

change much, the setting is still a very important part of the story. Your job is to

track where the action takes place. Describe each setting in detail, either in words or

with a picture map that you can show and discuss with your group. Be sure to give

the page numbers.

Where the action begins:

Where the key events happened:

Where the events ended:

Literary Luminary-Literature Circles

Name: _________________________ Book: ______________________________

Date: __________________ Assignment: _______________________________

Literary Luminary: Your job is to choose a paragraph or sentences from the book

to discuss with your group. Your purpose is to help other students by spotlighting

something interesting, powerful, funny, puzzling, or important from the text. You

can read parts aloud yourself, or ask another group member to read them. Include

your reasons for picking the paragraphs or sections you did. Please record the page

number and paragraph.

Paragraph and reason for choosing:


























Illustrator-Literature Circles

Name: _________________________ Book: ______________________________

Date: __________________ Assignment: _______________________________

Illustrator: Your job is to draw some kind of a picture related to what you read in

your section. It can be a sketch, cartoon, diagram, or stick figure scene. It can be

about something that you read, something that the reading reminded you about, or

an element of the story (plot, character, setting).

Presentation Plan: When the Discussion Director invites you to participate, you may

show your picture without commenting on it, and let the others in your group

individually guess what your picture means. After everyone has had a turn to guess,

it is your turn to tell them what your picture means, where it came from, or what it

represents to you. You may make your picture on this sheet, or on a separate page.

Story Mapping

Comic Strip


Using this section of the book, we will be creating a comic strip based on an event or group of events that we have read.

To model this procedure, we will read Star of Fear, Star of Hope as a class and create a comic strip for it based on the five narrative elements: Character, Setting, Problem, Events, Solutions.

You will then have the opportunity to make your own comic strip based on the events that occur in section 2 of Milkweed.

Once we have finished the reading, you will choose an event or series of events that you would like to focus on. Using the planning sheet on the next page you will plan a 6 frame comic strip illustrating the events and the 5 elements. You will need to have an illustration, dialogue, and captions, for each frame, as well as a title for your comic strip.

Once you have planned the comic strip you will be given large chart paper to create your comic strip.

You do not have to have amazing art skills to do a good job on this assignment. I ask that you give it your best effort. I should at least be able to see which event(s) you chose.

When you have finished your comic strip, you will present it to the class and then turn it in to me along with your planning sheet.


Story Mapping

Comic Strip Planning Sheet

On the back of this paper, write a brief description of the event(s) that you chose. After you have finished the description, fill in the planning chart below as we did in class.

| |Scene and | | | |

| |Action that |Characters Present |Landscape |Caption |

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Double Entry Diary

For this assignment, you will go back through the reading of both Milkweed and the biography of Doctor Korczak and “lift” quotes that you find interesting, puzzling, important, etc. You may also want to include connections that you find between the two texts. Write the quote in the left column and your reaction to the quote in the right column. If you need more room see me for another chart.

|Quotes from the Texts: |Your reaction: |

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Internet Workshop

In this Internet workshop you will learn information that will give you some background knowledge on the ghettos where Jews lived during the Holocaust and where Janina and her family are moving. Below are questions that you will research given the website that I have provided for you. After answering the questions, we will conduct a class seminar relating your new found knowledge to the reading of Milkweed.

After logging on to your computers, please go to . In the column to the right you will find a link for the “United States Holocaust Memorial Museum” website, under the heading “Milkweed.” Please follow this link.

Within this site, you will find answers to the questions that are below. With a partner, please answer each of the questions. Each student will be expected to contribute at least one question that the research raised and one comment that relates the research to the book to the seminar.

1. There were three types of ghettos set up by the Nazis. What were the three types? Give a brief description of each. Based on the information you find on the Warsaw ghetto, what type of ghetto was it? (Click on the blue link titled “Types” to see a description of each.)

2. When was the Warsaw ghetto established? How many Jews lived in the Warsaw ghetto? What was the size of the Warsaw ghetto? What were the living conditions of the Warsaw ghetto? (Click on the blue link titled “Warsaw ghetto” to find more information.

3. What was the Judenrat? What was their job?

Once you have found the answers to all of the questions above please go to the “Warsaw ghetto” link. At the bottom of the text, you will find a black and white picture. Please click on this picture. It will lead you to a page that has several videos that are real footage from the ghettos. Please watch these videos.

Character Sketcher

Your job as Character Sketcher is to identify a character’s actions (traits) and explain or prove these traits, identify the character’s goal (which is what the character wants to do or accomplish), identify the problem and solution in the reading, and complete an artistic impression of the character.

You need to be aware that the character traits you will choose will be implied character traits. In other words, they are not directly stated in the passage. You will want to use descriptive words for your character traits. You do NOT want to use words like good, bad, nice, and mean. Be sure to use your “Descriptive Character Traits” page for help.

Sometimes the solution to your character’s problem will not be in the section of the book that you are reading. In this case, you will need to come up with a possible solution for you character’s problem.

When you begin artistically representing your character, try to use any physical descriptions from the text to help you. Your “artistic impression” of the character will probably be on a separate piece of paper. The next page gives you an example of how your paper may look with the character information.

You will be learning about a character of your choice. Think about your selected character and use the traits listed below to further explore that character.

|Fear |Innocence |Maturity |

|Bravery |Adventurous |Considerate |

|Daring |Generous |Leader |

|Naïve |Thoughtful |Wise |

Implied Character Traits (3)

1. (Trait) _________________ p.______ par.________

(Explanation or proof of trait)


2. (Trait) _________________ p.______ par.________

(Explanation or proof of trait)


3. (Trait) _________________ p.______ par.________

(Explanation or proof of trait)


What does the character’s goal appear to be in the reading?

Character’s Goal: _______________’s goal is to



What is a problem that the character faces in the reading?

Problem: _______________’s problem is



What is a solution or possible solution to that problem?

Solution or Possible Solution: ___________________________________________________________


On this page please provide an artistic representation of your character based on the physical traits and character traits that you have found.


Cinquain Poems

At this point in the reading, several interesting things have occurred. You are invited to write a Cinquain poem about something that has happened in this section of the reading.

A Cinquain poem is a five lined poem. There are many different formats of Cinquain poems. I would like for you to use the format below for this particular assignment. In the future we will explore the other formats. I have also provided a sample poem for you to look at while you write your own poem. Remember this is only a sample; you will need to write your own poem with your own ideas.

After choosing a topic from the reading, you will begin a

rough draft of your poem. Once your rough draft is complete we will participate in a peer editing workshop in which you will exchange poems with a classmate and edit each others poems. During the peer editing session, I will also come around and proofread your poems. I will ask you to use a thesaurus to find words to replace commonly used words within your poem.

After the poems have been revised, we will then create a final draft in Word Processor where you will also include an image that is related to your poem.

You may choose any topic from the reading that you would like. This could include a character, an event, an object, place, or idea.

|Format |Sample |

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|Line 1: One word for the topic (subject or noun) | |

|Line 2: Two words that describe your topic (adjectives) |Stoptheif |

|Line 3: Three words that describe actions relating to your topic |Sullied, abandoned |

|(action verbs) |Running, stealing, wondering |

|Line 4: Four words that describe the feelings related to your topic |Curios, lighthearted, appreciative, misplaced |

|Line 5: One word that is another name for your topic |Misha |

Discussion Director-Literature Circles

Name: _________________________ Book: ______________________________

Date: __________________ Assignment: _______________________________

Discussion Director: Your job is to write a list of questions that your group might

want to discuss about this part of the book. The best questions will come from your

own thoughts, feelings, and ideas about this section of the book. You also need to

write your own answers to these questions.






















Sample Questions:

What was going through your mind when you read this?

How did you feel when…?

Can someone summarize this section?

Did anything surprise you about this section of the book?

Predict something about the next section of the book.

Author’s Craft/ Artistic Representation

With this section of the reading, we will explore the manner in which the author writes (author’s craft).

Authors use certain techniques to portray the ideas that they want the reader to visualize. We will be exploring simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, and personification.

Please go back through the section and fill in the chart based on the writing techniques used by the author.

After filling in the chart, please choose one of the techniques and illustrate it.

| |Page # |Example |How did this effect the meaning |

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|Simile | | | |

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|Metaphor | | | |

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|Onomatopoeia | | | |

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In Sections 2-5 there were several difficult words that were used. At this time, I would like for you to find the definitions to those words and use them in a sentence. Throughout the remainder of the unit, I will be listening and looking for the use these words outside of the Milkweed study.

I will arrange an award for the use of the words if used appropriately.

I will give you the words and page number. I would like for you to use context clues to find the meaning of the words. If you can not find the meaning within the book, you may use a dictionary; however, I expect the definition to be in your own words.

Along with a definition, I would also like to see an original sentence included.

These words can be put into your Word Wizard notebook. They will not appear on your vocabulary assessment at the end of the book, but I would like for you to become familiar with them because you will see them again.

|Sternly |Page 40 |

|Gilded |Page 61 |

|Morsel |Page 89 |

|Bedraggled |Page 101 |

|Careened |Page 110 |

|Goaded |Page 119 |


Wanted Poster

Within the walls of the ghetto, there are many rules and laws that must be followed. The consequences that were enforced when the laws were broken were extremely harsh. One of the most commonly broken laws involved smuggling. Smuggling was the only way that many people survived in the ghetto.

You are invited to create a wanted poster for any of the boys or Janina on the charge of smuggling.

Please use the following format to create a Wanted poster for a character of your choice.



Character’s name

Also Known AS (AKA)

Early days (Background information about character)

How Smuggling began

Describe an act of Smuggling By the character

Appearance and Attire




Hang Outs

Place last seen

Wanted For

Venn Diagram


Now that we have read The Cats in Kransinski Square, you are invited to compare and contrast that story with what we have read in this section of Milkweed. Please use the Venn diagram below to complete the comparison.



 “I Poem”

Misha, the main character, changes several times throughout the book, not only in maturity and personality, but his name changes as well.

Write an I Poem from the point of view of one of Misha’s identities in Milkweed. (Stoptheif, Misha Pilsudski, Misha Milgrom, Jack Milgrom, Poppynoodle) Try to get inside your character; help the reader identify with the character’s thoughts, actions, emotions, and personality. If possible, include figurative language in your poem. You may wish to use the format presented below. 


I am (two special characteristics you have)

I wonder (something you are actually curious about)

I hear (an imaginary sound)

I see (an imaginary sight)

I want (an actual desire)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)


I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)

I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)

I touch (an imaginary touch)

I worry (something that really bothers you)

I cry (something that makes you very sad)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)


I understand (something you know is true)

I say (something you believe in)

I dream (something you actually dream about)

I try (something you really make an effort to do)

I hope (something you actually hope for)

I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

Vocabulary Assessment:

Please select the correct word that to complete the sentences below.

1. Many of the people in the ghetto were seriously ill with:

a. Carcass

b. Marrow

c. Typhus

d. Bedlam

2. The boys in the stable made fun of Misha for being so small, calling him:

a. Riff-raff

b. Matzoh

c. Sauerkraut

d. Runt

3. The conditions in the _________ where the Jews lived were horrific.

a. Rubble

b. Ghetto

c. Carcass

d. Boulevard

4. When Misha’s ear was shot off it hurt so badly that he was ___________ in pain.

a. Writhing

b. Carcass

c. Typhus

d. Mocking

5. The Jackboots marched down the __________ in what Misha thought was a parade.

a. Ghetto

b. Rubble

c. Bedlam

d. Boulevard


Please match the following words to the definitions.

6. Sauerkraut a. “Peace” in Hebrew

7. Marrow b. madness

8. Shalom c. cake

9. Riff-raff d. twist, curl

10. curlicue e. meat inside bones

11. matzoh f. lament, moan

12. babka g. trashy people

13. wail h. corpse

14. carcass i. cracker

15. bedlam j. fermented cabbage

In your own words, what do these words mean?

16. sirens

17. curfew


19. mock

20. rubble

[pic] [pic] [pic]



Select a scene or section from the book and create an artistic impression that presents your interpretation of it. You may choose any part of the book that you would like. Do not compose an illustration, or a picture of what is described in the text; rather, compose something that symbolizes or represents the feeling, emotion, or meaning related to a scene. 

You may compose graphs, symbols, etc. Be ready to share your artistic impression and explain it to us.

As you form your groups to share your sketches, think about the following:

* Invite the students in your group to interpret your sketch.

* You may wish to ask, "What is this a picture of?"

* "What do you think I found important or interesting in the story?"

* After members of your group provide their interpretations, feel free to comment on your sketch.


Discussion Director-Literature Circles

Name: _________________________ Book: ______________________________

Date: __________________ Assignment: _______________________________

Discussion Director: Your job is to write a list of questions that your group might

want to discuss about this part of the book. The best questions will come from your

own thoughts, feelings, and ideas about this section of the book. You also need to

write your own answers to these questions.

Throughout the book, Misha’s identity changes several times. In at least one question, address this topic.






















Sample Questions:

What was going through your mind when you read this?

How did you feel when…?

Can someone summarize this section?

Did anything surprise you about this section of the book?

Predict something about the next section of the book.

Rubric For Student Work

|Activity |Points |

|Pre- Assessment | |

|An attempt to answer at least one question is made | |

|If no attempt is made, clear statement of no knowledge is made | |

| |5 points |

|Want to Know-Learn Chart | |

|Includes at least 5 things you want to learn | |

|Includes at least 5 things you have learned |5 points |

|Characterization | |

|Foldable shows progression of information about characters | |

|throughout the book | |

|Character log contains information about each character | |

|All information included is correct information from reading |5 points |

|Word Wizard Notebook | |

|All 20 vocabulary words included | |

|Each word has a definition, original sentence, and picture |15 points |

|representation | |

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|Literature Circle Roles | |

|Discussion Director | |

|There are 5 questions that encourage deeper thinking | |

|All questions are original, not copied from sample | |

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|Travel Tracer | |

|3 different settings are included from the reading | |

|Significance of settings to events are present | |

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|Illustrator | |

|Illustration shows event within given section | |

|Event chosen is significant to story | |

|Illustration clearly displays event | |

| |10 points |

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|Literary Luminary | |

|There are 5 passages chosen | |

|Clear explanations of why the passages were chosen | |

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|Story Mapping Comic Strip | |

|Planning Sheet provides relevant details to events in section | |

|Comic strip represents significant scene in book | |

|Illustrations and captions accurately represent reading | |

| |10 points |

|Double Entry Diary | |

|There are at least 8 entries included | |

|At least one entry refers to Korczak biography | |

|Reactions are thorough and appropriate | |

| |5 points |

|Internet Workshop and Seminar | |

|All questions are answered | |

|At least one question and comment are presented in seminar | |

|Questions provoke thinking |10 points |

|Comments are well thought out and reflected on | |

|Character Sketcher | |

|3 traits are described | |

|Goal matches character | |

|Problem and Solution match |10 points |

|Illustration is accurate based on reading | |

|Cinquain Poems | |

|Rough draft follows given format | |

|Revisions are made (correct spelling and new words from | |

|thesaurus) | |

|Final draft is neat and presentable |15 points |

|Clip are matches poem | |

|Discussion Director | |

|There are 5 questions that encourage deeper thinking | |

|All questions are original, not copied from sample |5 points |

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|Author’s Craft and Artistic Representation | |

|At least one example given for each technique | |

|Chart is completely filled in | |

|Artistic representation matches chart |10 points |

|Vocabulary Enricher | |

|There is a student written definition for each of the words | |

|There is an original sentence for each word | |

| |10 point |

|Venn Diagram | |

|The Venn diagram is completed based on the two books | |

|The information is accurate | |

|There is at least 5 likenesses and 4 contrasts |5 points |

|I Poem Directions | |

|The I Poem focuses on Misha during one point of the story | |

|(Stopthief, Misha Pilsudski, Misha Milgrom, Jak Milgrom, | |

|Poppynoodle) | |

|The poem follows the given format | |

|The descriptions given are accurate to the character |15 points |

|The words use are descriptive | |

|Wanted Poster | |

|The wanted poster focuses on one of the boys or Janina and their | |

|smuggling |10 points |

|Descriptions are accurate | |

|Vocabulary Assessment | |

|Knowledge of the original twenty words is present |10 points |

|Sketch to Stretch | |

|The drawing is of a connection or relation to the reading, not | |

|just a scene from the reading | |

|Time and effort are apparent |15 points |

|Clear understanding of the reading is evident | |

|Discussion Director | |

|There are 5 questions that encourage deeper thinking | |

|All questions are original, not copied from sample |10 points |

|At least one question focuses on Misha’s change in identity | |

|throughout the book | |

Resources for Multi Text Activities:

Travel Tracer Lit Circle Role:

Literature Circle Roles: Allyson McFalls

Comic Strip Planning Sheet:

Dr Beth Frye


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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