
4636135-84455 The City SchoolClass 6Vocabulary listText: Matildaby Roald Dahl Chapter 1-5disgusting:-horrible, filthy or sickeningblister:-swelling, soreadoration: - noun - to be very fond of devouring: - verb - to enjoy eagerlytransported: - verb - to transfer or convey from one place to anotherignorant: - adjective - having no knowledge or educationfascinated – verb - to grip the attention of especially so as to take away the power to move, act, or think for oneselftremendous – adjective - astonishing because of great size, excellence, or poweroffspring-clutching: - verb - to grip with or as if with the hand or clawssatisfactory – adjective - giving satisfaction (satisfied: to make happy)skulking – verb - to move in a sly or secret mannerirritable – adjective - capable of being irritated (irritated: to cause impatience, anger, or displeasure in)absorbed – verb - to hold the interest ofsensible – adjective - showing or containing good sense or reasonbearable – adjective - possible to bear (bear: to put up with)obliged – verb – did a favor for or did something as a favorappalling – adjective - inspiring horror or dismayChapter 6various – adjective - of different kindshorrendous – adjective – dreadful, horribleclever – adjective - of different kindsChapter 7blackboard – noun – chalkboardcorridor – noun - a passageway (as in a school) into which compartments or rooms openrandom – noun - without definite aim, direction, rule, or methodChapter 8formidable – adjective - very impressiveeccentric – adjective - acting or thinking in an unusual wayflustered – adjective - nervous and unsureChapter 9presumed – verb - to suppose to be true without proofliterature – noun - written works having excellence of form or expression and ideas of lasting and widespread interestdespise – verb - to consider as beneath one's notice or respect : feel scorn and dislike forChapter 10gutsy – adjective - aggressively tough, courageousamiable – adjective - generally agreeable : having a friendly and pleasant mannerenthralled – verb - to hold by or as if by a spellChapter 11assembly – noun - a body of persons gathered together (as to make laws or for discussion, worship, or entertainment)persuasive – adjective- tending to persuade (to win over to a belief or to a course of action by argument or earnest request)peculiar – adjective - different from the usual or normalChapter 12newt – noun - any of various small salamanders that live mostly in waterculprit – noun - one accused, or guilty, of or charged with a crime or faultdeed – noun - something that is doneChapter 13aloft - adverb or adjective - in the air; especially in flightplummeted – verb - to fall straight downhesitate – verb - to stop or pause because of uncertainty or indecisionChapter 14wriggling – verb - to twist or move to and fro like a wormserenity – noun - the quality or state of being sereneprecious – adjective - greatly lovedChapter 15sympathetic – adjective - given to or arising from sympathy and sensitivity to othersexpel – verb - to force to leave usually by official action <expelled from school>awestruck – adjective - filled with awe (a feeling of mixed fear, respect, and wonder)Chapter 16phenomenon – noun – an observable, rare, or important fact or eventbleak – adjective – dreary, cheerless, very plainperched – verb - to land, settle, or rest on or as if on a perchChapter 17awkward – adjective - not graceful, clumsytriumph – noun - the joy of victory or successclarity - noun - the quality or state of being clear’Chapter 18cautious – adjective - marked by or given to caution (caution - carefulness in regard to danger)snippet – noun - a small part, piece, or thingextraordinary – adjective - so unusual as to be remarkableChapter 19confident – adjective - having or showing confidence; sure, self-assuredessential – adjective - important in the highest degreeobvious – adjective - easily found, seen, or understoodChapter 20scowling – verb - to make a frowning expression of displeasuresomersault – noun - to make a frowning expression of displeasureelated – noun - filled with joy or prideChapter 21chaos – noun - complete confusioneagerly – adverb - having or showing an impatient or enthusiastic desire or interestconsent – verb - to express willingness or approval ................

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