REGISTRATION AND PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONSPresbytery of Kiskiminetas, ZOOM Stated Meeting of November 14, 2020You must register to attend this meeting. Here is the link: you have not used ZOOM previously, you will need to download ZOOM onto your computer. We advise using a laptop, notebook, tablet, iPad, or smartphone with a WEBCAM so that you will be seen and heard and can hear the meeting. Go to where you will download the ZOOM client for meetings.You will receive an email with the link to join the meeting. The link will be specific for the person who registered.If you will be attending with another person who also votes, you will need to send an email to the Stated Clerk, so that we can keep track of those who are registered to vote who have not registered separately for the meeting.On the day of the meeting, we encourage you to click the link in your registration email anytime after 8:40 a.m. but prior to 8:55 a.m. since the meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. sharp.When ZOOM client launches, select BOTH audio and video so your computer will enable both the webcam and microphone. (If your computer does not have a webcam or microphone, we encourage you to join from another device.)You will wait in the waiting room of the meeting until you are admitted to the general meeting room. Once you join the general meeting room, rename yourself. You do this by clicking on the little white box with three dots in the upper right-hand corner of your picture square or by clicking on “Participants” and then clicking “rename” on your name. Please identify yourself with the appropriate role and your first and last name. MM – Minister of Word and Sacrament, member of Kiski PresbyteryRE – Ruling Elder commissioner from a Session CP – Commissioned PastorCB – Ruling Elder member of Cabinet with voice and voteEX – ex-officio members with voice but no voteV – Visitor with no voteIf more than one person is joining from your location, the Assistant Stated Clerk will need to seek confirmation of voting by the person(s) who are not the one identified on the profile.Going back and forth between GALLERY view and SPEAKER view: Moving your computer cursor to the far upper right-hand corner, you will see either the word “Gallery” or “Speaker.” GALLERY view shows the participants in small squares on your screen. SPEAKER view shows the person talking in a large square with some of the participants in smaller squares either above or beside the large square. This is personal preference, but ordinarily in a large meeting, you would want to select SPEAKER view, especially during worship. Please note: when you are in GALLERY view, it will say Speaker in the upper right corner, and when you are in SPEAKER view, it will say Gallery in the upper right corner.Accessing the PARTICIPANTS window so you can RAISE your hand in order to be recognized to ask a question, ask a point of order, and/or make a motion: Move your cursor around your screen, typically at the bottom, you will see a bar of icons. One of those will say PARTICIPANTS. Clicking that will open a new window, usually at the right-side of your screen, with the names of all those participating. To raise your hand, you must click the icon of a hand. When the RAISED HAND is clicked, you will see a blue hand near your name in the PARTICIPANTS window.Accessing the PARTICIPANTS window to VOTE: As in #5 above, you will need to open the PARTICIPANTS window. To place a vote, you must click either the green circle with the check mark inside for YES or the red circle with an X inside for NO. If you voted YES then a green circle with a check mark inside will appear next to your name in the PARTICIPANTS window. If you voted NO, then a red circle with an X inside will appear next to your name in the PARTICIPANTS window.Participating in a POLL vote: When it’s time to vote in a POLL, it will show up right in front of you on the screen. The moderator will ask you to vote, sharing that you have about 30 seconds to vote. After that time, the vote results will be shown and the moderator will declare the results.Sending a motion or amendment: Using the CHAT box (found on the icons by the Participants icon), direct your note specifically to the STATED CLERK (not to everyone). Type in your wording for the motion or amendment, be sure it shows that the chat is between yourself and the STATED CLERK, then hit enter. The STATED CLERK will receive your request and direct it to the Moderator.MUTE and UNMUTE yourself with ease by either clicking the MUTE or UNMUTE button on your screen, or by holding down the space bar while muted to speak. When the meeting begins, EVERYONE will be muted, except the Moderator or whoever is presenting. To speak, you will have to raise your hand and be recognized by the Moderator, then you will be unmuted. Please do not unmute yourself unless you have been recognized by the Moderator. This will help us to keep audio interruptions to a minimum.If you are unable to join with video, but wish to call in for the presbytery meeting, a telephone number is given to you in your registration email. You will need to dial the number provided, enter the meeting ID and passcode, then you will show as a telephone on everyone else’s screen. To mute and unmute, use *6. To raise your hand in order to seek Moderator recognition, use *9. The Assistant Stated Clerk will need to know who you are so he can rename your connection from your phone number to your name. To vote, you will be unmuted, asked for your vote, and muted. ................

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