By Apostle J.P. Timmons August 25, 2012


"We having the same spirit of faith, According as it is written, I

Believed, and therefore have I spoken; We also believe, and therefore speak."

2 Corinthians 4:13

"Which things also we speak, not in Words which man's wisdom teacheth,

But which the Holy Ghost teacheth, Comparing spiritual things with spiritual."

1 Corinthians 2:13

"... but speak the word only, and my Servant shall be healed." Matthew 8:8

"As soon as Jesus heard the word that was Spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue,

`Do not be afraid, only believe.'" Mark 5:36

"Is now faith of things being hoped for the Assurance of things the proof not being seen."

Hebrews 11:1 (literal Greek majority text)

"A father of many nations I have appointed you; Before whom he believed God, the One giving Life to the dead ones and calling the things not

Being (again, the I AM construct) as though being." Romans 4:17 (Gk. Majority text)

Oh, Church family, how much we need the Great Teacher--the Rabbi-- the Holy Spirit! I tell Christians all the time that He is the Great Teacher on the earth today and one of His primary missions Jesus said was "to guide us into all truth." Remember, to the extent that you are bound in any area of your life, you need to know the truth because it is only the truth that "sets us free." Jesus Himself taught us these wonderful truths in John's gospel and we need them today.

This teaching article, if you will read it and meditate on it several times and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you, will be worth a fortune to you in the days ahead because we are entering into the worst days for Planet Earth. The Lord told me back in 1980: "Son, in the last days the power of Satan will become so strong that only those Christians that are strong in the Word and faith will survive."

It's an unfortunate but unavoidable fact that our Western society is so ignorant about spiritual things and the spirit world. If they had any spiritual knowledge it would speed the cure for cancer and many other diseases that are caused by demons from the Dark Kingdom. That's one of the reasons God's called me to the office of Teacher and to be a spiritual scientist because He does not want His own people to be ignorant of His Word and His Ways. Unfortunately, like Israel of old, most Christians never develop spiritually--they never develop the Eye of the Eagle and so they are constantly in turmoil over the attacks of the devil.

Paul wrote about spiritual gifts--the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit--in 1 Corinthians 12 and he stated that he "did not want you to be ignorant" yet most Christians today are still ignorant about the Holy Spirit, His gifts and His mandate from Heaven to the Church and the world. And we can only assist Him and bring joy to the Lord Jesus if we ourselves are not ignorant but learn and practice the spiritual gifts and principles of the Scriptures. Praise the Lord!

One of the things the Lord's always done with me is give me one or two messages for a group of people ahead of time--normally months or even years ahead of time--before sending me to a church or convention. In addition, in the `90s He began to always take me there beforehand in the spirit so that I could "feel" what the spiritual obstacles and problems were--the spiritual atmosphere of the people.

But if you don't have your mind renewed (Romans 12:2) by meditating in the Word then it is difficult for you to "think the thoughts of God" (Isaiah 55) and know the truth, believe the truth and speak the truth because the real truth--God's wisdom--is completely at odds with man's wisdom and most of what we term "scientific truth."

The greatest revelation and message, I believe, that the Lord's ever given me (Expanding Your Possibilities), dealt with the subject of this teaching article and is a clear Bible example of how scientific facts are trumped by the Word of God. Period! That is why if you can "only believe" and then only speak the word of God then you will receive regardless of the scientific facts. So many Christians die prematurely because they do not follow this Principle of God from the Scriptures but it doesn't have to happen to you if you will get your thinking straightened out right now and learn to "think the way God does."

I would recommend that you get the 2 CD message, Expanding Your Possibilities, because it will change your life because of the anointing on the message as it did the many hundreds who were there in church that night so we are giving a special offer so that you can order it for only $8. After you've meditated on the message give it to a person you know who is fighting a terminal illness or something they deem

hopeless and expect to see their life change. That is ministry--doing something for other people every single day!

Now what are we talking about? Believing the Word and speaking the Word. Why? Because the Lord "watches over His word to perform it" (Jer. 1:12) and it is impossible for His Word "to return void," i.e., without accomplishing the purpose for which it was sent. This is very important--the Word will not return until it has accomplished its purpose (if you don't get in the way through doubt and unbelief)! Please understand that "nothing is impossible with God" and that if we believe the Word and speak the Word it will produce the results we are seeking. David learned this principle and you see it in action before he goes to meet Goliath. What are the Goliaths in your life where Satan is attacking you?

The reason you have to "expand your possibilities" is because you can limit God by your thinking and prevent His word from coming to pass. When Jesus walked up to the man on Solomon's Porch (John 5) who had been an invalid for 38 years, the man's thinking limited the Lord until He pushed through the man's ignorance because this man was limiting God by only focusing on getting healed one way! Jesus didn't ask him if he needed help getting in the pool; Jesus simply said, "Do you want to be made well?" But the man's thinking and focus was limiting his ability to receive healing from the Lord just like it can you or people that you know.

In Luke 8 and Mark 5 we have the testimony of Jairus who was a "ruler of the synagogue" and he came to Jesus right after the Lord had cast 2,000 demons out of a man. Jairus "fell at Jesus' feet and begged Him to come to his house, for he had an only daughter about twelve years of age, and she was dying."

So we notice right away that this was a serious situation--it was not just a headache or "a woman over there with female trouble." The man's daughter was dying. Now from the text it's interesting that Jairus didn't follow the Centurion's ministry model because Jairus doesn't ask the Lord to "speak the Word" but rather to come to his house where his twelve-year old daughter lay dying. So, in a sense, he

was limiting the Lord's ability to heal his daughter, right? That's why I tell Christians all the time this principle I learned from the Lord: (1) you don't tell God how to do it, and (2) you don't tell Him when to do it. Our part is to believe the Word, speak the Word and make sure our actions are in line with the Word we are believing (see the Three Steps to Receiving a Miracle the Lord gave me in 1998 on our website for further clarification of this principle) When we do this we are demonstrating faith by our words and actions and we expect Him to "watch over His word to perform it."

But now the part I want to get to with Jairus--and thank God we have this portion of the Scriptures to learn from--is another principle I reiterate in the message--not only is there no distance in the spirit realm but there's no time as well! You don't need H.G. Wells' Time Machine to go back in time and change things--the Spirit of the Lord will do it for you, praise God!, and we see it right here but if you're not able to "expand your possibilities" then you might limit God and not be able to receive because, quite frankly, it is beyond the comprehension of the human mind to think this way.

But again, another principle of God from the Scriptures I've written and preached about--God often sends a physical sign that will contradict the spiritual sign. Which one are you going to believe? This was not the case with Jairus because the Lord wasn't "testing" Jairus and He wasn't responsible for his daughter's physical condition--Satan was. But if Satan attacks you or somebody you are ministering to then you'd better know what to do and you'd better be able to follow the Holy Spirit and not limit God by your thinking.

Jesus agreed to go with Jairus but as they were going down to his house the Lord was interrupted by ministry--the woman with the issue of blood, right? She came to Jesus and touched Him--He wasn't seeking to minister to her, was He? But you see her faith and what she said and what she believed--remember the subject of this teaching--Believe the Word and Speak the Word--caused the healing anointing to flow from Jesus to her and she was immediately healed.


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