
Donald Bechtel

Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services Corporation

Healthcare Data Exchange

Professional background:

1969 - present

Don Bechtel is a Standards and Regulatory Manager for Siemens Medical Solutions, USA, Health Services Division (Siemens HS) and Chief Privacy Officer for Healthcare Data Exchange (HDX). HDX is a division of Siemens HS. Don’s duties include positioning Siemens HS and HDX for Standards and Regulatory compliance, with respect to privacy, security, and X12 transaction standards.

Don has been employed with Siemens HS (formerly SMS) since 1969, where he has held a variety of technical and management positions in operations, product development, field operations, new business development, standards and regulatory compliance. Throughout his tenure, he has been involved with regulatory affairs that affect hospitals and health organizations. Positions have included:

Application Programmer/Analyst Application / Product Development Mgr

Account Executive / Project Mgr Systems Designer / Architect

Technical Services Mgr Advisory Analyst / IT Architect

Compliance and Privacy Officer Quality Systems Management Lead Auditor

About HDX:

HDX, a leading electronic information exchange services company, provides comprehensive, integrated electronic transaction services designed for the health industry. HDX is committed to the delivery of quality, value-added services that help customers to lower costs, improve quality, and increase efficiency. HDX has developed and implemented proven Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) services since 1989.

Industry experience:

Don contributes his extensive health information technology (IT) experience through active participation and leadership in a variety of industry forums. On behalf of Siemens, X12, WEDI, and AFEHCT, Don has testified before the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, and met with congressional leaders to provide education on key issues in healthcare IT and encourage the use of standards.

1991 - present

ANSI ASC X12 – American National Standards Institute, Accredited Standards Committee X12 is responsible for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Standards Development and Maintenance in the US. Don has been involved with the development of X12 EDI transaction standards since 1991. He is currently a co-chair of the X12N Healthcare Transactions Task Group and for six years was a co-chair of the X12N Eligibility Work Group. In this role, Don has led a coordination effort between X12 and HL7 to identify the intersects between the Financial and Clinical requirements of the EHR functional model. This work will lead to development of conformance statements for the implementation of the EHR.

1995 - present

WEDI – The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange is a healthcare industry organization dedicated to improving the quality, affordability, and availability of healthcare through effective and efficient information exchange and management.

Don is currently a co-chair of WEDI SNIP Transactions Work Group while also serving on:

WEDI Board of Directors (since May 2005)

WEDI Board Executive Committee (since November 2006)

WEDI SNIP Steering Committee co-chair

WEDI SNIP Transactions Work Group past co-chair

1997 –2006

AFEHCT – The Association For Electronic Health Care Transactions advocates the adoption and implementation of health information and technology standards and processes that work to improve the efficiency, security, and interoperability of information exchanged between organizations; to support improved quality in health care and administrative functions. Don was a Board Member and past Chair of the Association (term ended June 2005)

2006 – present

HIMSS/AFEHCT – Financial Systems Steering Committee, HIMSS acquired AFEHCT in May 2006. Don is currently a member of its Steering Committee.

2005 – present

DSMO – Don is the primary X12 representative to the Designated Standards Maintenance Organization (DSMO), which is responsible for managing the process for modification of existing HIPAA standards or for recommending the adoption of new or modified HIPAA standards to the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS).

2005 – present

HITSP – Don has been a member of the Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) Board of Directors since its inception, and is a member of the Harmonization and Foundations Committees. Don has also worked to ensure that X12 has had representation on the Consumer Empowerment Committee, and more recently, the Care Delivery Technical Committee.

2005 – September 2005

ANSI HISB – Don is the primary X12 representative to ANSI Health Informatics Standards Board (HISB), whose mission is to facilitate, coordinate, harmonize and promote the development and use of national and international healthcare informatics standards. ANSI HISB was dissolved in August 2005 in preparation for HITSP.


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