Weekly News Sheet – Friday 22nd January 2021 It has been a terrible week for weather and I hope that no one has had any problems with flooding. The vaccine in our area is now getting out to more and more people, lets hope the pace keeps up so we can get back to a more normal life especially getting back to fellowship and worship in our church, which we have all missed. A very big thank you to all the people who are engaged in putting together the Sunday on-line services. ********************************************It will be Nora Millington’s funeral on Tuesday, 26th January at 12.30 at Charnock Crematorium.? We would usually have gathered outside Church to pay our respects as the funeral cortege goes past, but under these present lockdown rules I have been advised that we do not do this.? Even though we cannot gather together outside Church I am sure you will keep all the family in your prayers on Tuesday. ********************************************Virtual coffee morning via Zoom will be held on Wednesday 27th January at 10.30 am.? Could you please let Margaret Bibby know if you intend to join in. ********************************************I have been sent a word scramble quiz which people may like to have a go at. It is on the second page and the answers will be in next weeks newsletter. Good Luck – sorry no prizes just for fun. ******************************************** 4358640645795Take Care, Stay SafeGod Bless, Yvonne00Take Care, Stay SafeGod Bless, Yvonne 530860001 A route to Berlin?2 Next door to Church 3.Book sellers at church share their name with a memorial in Lancaster4 DC capitol road name5. Messrs Mashiter and Kesiak6. Food ready to go on Runshaw Lane 7. Rev Fiak and Rev Smith share this name8. Euxton Hall hospital owners9. This headteacher at Euxton CE Sch lived on Fieldside 10.Now it’s Papa Luigis11. Euxton folk used to come out in force to celebrate this at the end of May 12. A stream and woodland walk share this name13. Who remembers this soap?14. Euxton Sings Christmas here 15. We moved from this District to Lancashire16. Mr and Mrs are crowned every year when they sing this with the children17. The only saint in our village?18. Mr and Mrs lived in a ‘palace’ on Firbank but could have been ancient Romans19. A flowery name for a school20. You can tell the time on Mrs Smith’s house at this address.001 A route to Berlin?2 Next door to Church 3.Book sellers at church share their name with a memorial in Lancaster4 DC capitol road name5. Messrs Mashiter and Kesiak6. Food ready to go on Runshaw Lane 7. Rev Fiak and Rev Smith share this name8. Euxton Hall hospital owners9. This headteacher at Euxton CE Sch lived on Fieldside 10.Now it’s Papa Luigis11. Euxton folk used to come out in force to celebrate this at the end of May 12. A stream and woodland walk share this name13. Who remembers this soap?14. Euxton Sings Christmas here 15. We moved from this District to Lancashire16. Mr and Mrs are crowned every year when they sing this with the children17. The only saint in our village?18. Mr and Mrs lived in a ‘palace’ on Firbank but could have been ancient Romans19. A flowery name for a school20. You can tell the time on Mrs Smith’s house at this address.203200000 ................

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