Civics & EconomicsName: ______________________________________FEDERALISTS, ANTI-FEDERALISTS, AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS Let’s start with the supporters of the ConstitutionThose who supported the Constitution were called ________________Supporters were called federalists because the Constitution created a __________________ system of government. A federal system (or federalism)…one in which power is _________________ between the national government (called federal government) and the state governments Remember, Under the Articles of Confederation, there was __________________ of powers. The states had the _______________! The states were independent & sovereign. Leading federalists (supporters) of the Constitution were:1) James __________________2) Alexander __________________3) John Jay Of course, Madison was going to be in __________________ of the Constitution. Madison’s “Virginia Plan” basically became the Constitution (with a few __________________ and modifications) Madison later becomes the _________ president of the United States Remember, Hamilton was in favor of a __________________ central government. He wanted to do away with state sovereignty. Congress could __________________ any state law. Governors would be __________________ by Congress Of course, Hamilton would be in __________________ of the Constitution (It gave much __________________ power to the federal government than did the Articles of Confederation). Hamilton was never a president, but one of the most __________________ of our Founding Fathers… First Secretary of the Treasury, ________________ of Staff to George Washington. Founder of our nation’s ______________ system. Founder of the first political ______________What did the Federalists believe and why did they support the Constitution?***A strong national government can best represent the __________________ of __________________ the people ***A strong national government can __________________ all citizens against __________________ nations ***A strong national government can pay the nation’s ______________ and keep the value of American money _______________***Under the Constitution, a strong national government would protect citizen’s __________________Anti-FederalistsThose who opposed the Constitution were called anti-federalists__________________ of the Constitution. The Anti-Federalists felt… the Constitution took too much power ________________ the states and gave it to the ____________________ government The leading anti-federalists were…1) Thomas __________________2) Patrick __________________3) James __________________Thomas Jefferson: author of the Declaration of Independence and _____ president of the United StatesPatrick Henry: Henry led the opposition to the?Stamp Act of 1765?and is remembered for his "Give me _____________, or give me ______________!" speech.? James Monroe: ______ president of the United States ANTI-FEDERALIST BELIEFS***A central government is too __________________ from citizens to understand their needs ***__________________ wording in the constitution might lead to an __________________ of power by the national government ***A strong national government might __________________ up state governments ***A ________________________ is necessary to ensure that citizen’s rights are protected Main Point To RememberFederalists agreed with a strong central (_____________) governmentAnti-Federalists agreed with rights of the __________________The Debate in the states…The federalists wrote a series of __________________ and articles that were published in leading newspapers throughout the states in __________________ of the Constitution. There were 85 of them in total. They were written by Hamilton (he wrote ________ of them), Madison (26), and Jay (5). They are now called the Federalist Papers The Federalist Papers were very __________________ in swaying public opinion in favor of ratification of the Constitution A big turning point came when the federalists __________________ to add a Bill of Rights The Bill of RightsThe First _______________ Amendments to the ConstitutionPassed in _______________The Bill of Rights were introduced by ______________ ______________ to the First United States Congress in 1791 as a _______________ of Constitutional amendments, and came into effect on December 15, 1791, when they had been ratified by ____________________ of the States. The Bill of Rights limits the powers of the _______________ government of the United States, protecting the rights of ______________________, residents and visitors on United States territory.FIRST AMENDMENT**The Five Basic _______________SECOND AMENDMENT**A well-regulated _______________, the right of the people to keep and bear _______________THIRD AMENDMENT**No _______________ of soldiers in homes during _______________FOURTH AMENDMENT**No unreasonable _______________ & seizures **No warrants issued without _______________ _______________FIFTH AMENDMENT**_______________ by a Grand Jury**No double jeopardy**No self-incrimination (“plead the fifth”) **_______________ _______________ of law**Eminent DomainSIXTH AMENDMENT**Speedy & _______________ _______________**Impartial _______________ where crime was committed **The accused must be informed of nature of charges **Confront _______________**Call witnesses**_______________ SEVENTH AMENDMENT**Trial by _______________ in cases exceeding twenty dollarsEIGHTH AMENDMENT**No cruel & unusual _______________**No excessive _______________ or finesNINTH AMENDMENT**Citizens have _______________ _______________ than those listed in the Constitution TENTH AMENDMENT**States have _______________ _______________ _______________ not given to the Congress (“Reserved Powers”)We call the Tenth Amendment the States’ Rights Amendment ................

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