
TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURGREGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETING MINUTESTuesday, February 04, 2020 PHA 535 Fisher Avenue1.CALL TO ORDERby Council President Piazza at 7:06 PM2.OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT STATEMENT:THIS MEETING IS CALLED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS LAW. THIS MEETING OF February 04, 2020 WAS INCLUDED IN A NOTICE SENT TO NEWSPAPERS OF RECORD AND POSTED ON THE BULLETIN BOARD IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND HAS REMAINED CONTINUOUSLY POSTED AS THE REQUIRED NOTICES UNDER THE STATUTE. IN ADDITION, A COPY OF THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC AND IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL CLERKRead by Council Vice President McVey3. INVOCATION AND FLAG SALUTE Council Vice President McVey4.ROLL CALL Council President Piazza, Council Vice President McVey, Councilwoman DeGerolamo, Councilman Fulper, Councilman Wyant All PresentAttorney Wenner, Deputy Clerk Loudenberry - Present5. POLICE DEPARTMENT – Chief Stettner’s year-end report 2019May – Second Job Fair held at FYC – 26 prospective employers in attendanceAug & Sept – Every Officer/Admin trained in Fair & Impartial Policing-regarded as the number one training for Implicit Bias Awareness – grant secured by NORWESCAPSeptember – Norwescap’s 1st Annual Community Day of Action – Clean-upSeptember – Police Chaplaincy Program – 12 additional clergy certified to participate-total of 16October – Fall FestivalNovember – Christmas Tree Lighting – 250 Hot Dogs served by Police6. EXECUTIVE SESSION- Motion to go in to Executive Session 7:16 PM R: 2020 - 47A RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN EXECUTIVE MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG FOR THE PURPOSE OF ……. Contractual matters and discuss Personnel. No Action to be taken. ROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXCouncil President PiazzaX7. DISCUSSION - Downtown Association – Pork Roll Palooza – Robyn CoeLast year’s Event cancelled. This year to be held at Shappell Park – closing Jersey/Sitgreaves St. include parking in Sitgreaves parking lot. There will be Kid’s Area, Food Trucks, Tables, Vendors. Here to ask Council for their support for the serving of alcohol at the Event. As owner of Insurance Company, aware of need for insurance, adding Downtown Associations’ Event/Responsibility to have insurance naming Town of Phillipsburg. Asking support from Council/Public.CP Piazza – Appreciated ideas about Event shared prior to public discussion.CM Wyant – Meeting shared how to regulate Pork Roll Palooza, thinks the way going forward - adding alcohol to Events, Pork Roll Palooza and Ole Towne Festival.Robyn Coe – New lead committee – aware of Safe PracticesCW DeGerolamo inquired about ParkingRC – Riverside Way and shuttle to Event and or Transit Lot and there is always Blessed Hope, they are willing to allow.CW DeGerolamo – What about Vendor ParkingRC - Noted in back of Transit Lot which connects to Sitgreaves Lot, this way Vendors do not have to cross through Event, safety.CM Fulper – GoodVP McVey – Thanked Robyn for making presentation early, giving Council time before Event. Added he is on Transportation and will be happy to work with the Downtown Association – possibly using the Trolley. Looking forward to working with PDA.Mayor Tersigni – Thanked CP Piazza, noted presentation early before Council and the Public good. Working together, wish them the best, allow you to do successful Palooza. Noting how came to agreement quickly, transparent. Council knew all.CP Piazza – Great Event – like what I saw, Council’s approval.Robyn Coe – Event to be held October 17, 2020 at 6PM – less light.RF – Is it possible to return to next Council Meeting and allow the Public to weigh in?RC – Will it change outcome?RP – Possibly, can you come back February 18, 2020?RC –I will not be available, but could send someone else to represent Downtown Association.Motion to Table – put on next Agenda 02.18.2020Antique Business– Daniel RisisIntroduce – bring to area, not from here – Essex County – noticed uniqueness this area – can be valuable – bldg.. flea market. Wants to make Phillipsburg a destination, 340 Anderson Street. The Black Rose Antique store is being evicted from Phillipsburg Mall and will be just one of our Vendors. Wants to bring businesses here – an opportunity. Introduced owner of Black Rose – Ralph just one of 70 vendors-make destination spot – great area for antiques. Phillipsburg needs market place that is not a Walmart or other big box store. Wants to make his space an Experience – will have toy store – no longer Toys are Us. Excited full steam ahead. Early August – have flea market. Community Project. Location 340 Anderson St./Fleming St. – the old Bell & Howell Bldg. Top floor – 7,000 Sq Ft – elevator permit – gut rehab – not ready yet. April Grand Opening – bring good to Town any concerns, please call.CM Wyant – I’m fine.CW DeGerolamo – Speechless, lots of energy.RF – A lot of Energy, big fan of Black RoseDan Resis – we all win support me.VP McVey – Town needs cultural changeMayor Tersigni – Met with Dan, lots of enthusiasm. Remarkable, look forward to what you’re doing in that building/plenty of parking. Mayor Tersigni – very excited.CP Piazza – Appreciate injection of energy, look forward to support your business venture in Town of PhillipsburgElks Building Project – Joseph Paranee & Michael Finelli75 South Main Street – Mr. Paranee – Commercial Real Estate Broker. Lehigh Valley – in top 5 regions, growth in nation. Current buildings, large box – lacking amenities. Rich apartments complex building purchased by Mr. Amos.Introduced, Michael Finelli local Architects – jumpstart South Main Street corridor with the rehab of the Elk’s Bldg. Screening of tenants – great young tenants bring town to next level – foot traffic. Will need coffee shop, services.Bl:911 Lots 7 & 8 dwelling. Mr. Amos – retrofit bldg.– proposed uses, contracted as - sight plan 80% complete. On Site Plan map provided - Tan is the building – 2.5 story, Parking lot – gray and Green – grass vegetation. Commercial Space – 1st flr. – (2) separate entrances. Apartments above – your Code-small shortfall on parking – variance relief – will demolish small building and add (8) more spaces allowing us to be close to compliant. Off street parking plan. Applicant add amenities to site – green space as best we can – curb appeal. This building is a Landmark – love to see it come back to life.DiscussionCM Wyant – Abstain, owns Property in the Area. 8.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Council Meeting Minutes – January 07, 2020 (was tabled 01-21-2020)Motion to Un-table ROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXXCouncilman FulperXCouncil Vice President McVeyXCouncil President PiazzaXMotion to Approve MinutesDiscussionNoneROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXXCouncilman FulperXCouncil Vice President McVeyXXCouncil President PiazzaX9.PAYMENT OF BILLSCW DeGerolamo asked to hold Ck #78307 Kelsey Church Contracting – Radio Room renovations @ Armory and #78337 Stratix Systems, Inc. - wide format map copier: Clerk Kleiner please provide to Council.ROLL CALL- Approve Bills List as amendedCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXCouncil President PiazzaXMotion to Untable - R.Thompson Ck. 78075-58.50 and 93.60ROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXXCouncil President PiazzaXMotion to Approve CouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXXCouncilman FulperXCouncil Vice President McVeyXCouncil President PiazzaXDiscussionCM Wyant – NoneCW DeGerolamo – NoneCM Fulper – Can’t Approve, NoVP McVey – NoneCP Piazza - No10.PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS Joe Meyner – 392 South Main Street, noted R2020-49 solutions were not permanent, adding at least the initial contract amount of $60k was brought down to $20k. Secondly, R2020-52 awarding Contract to Reuter Hanney, Inc. addresses Sewer plant in need, too much water going into wrong placeDon Dickey – 5 Randall Street – asked if Council had any questions pertaining to email from him. Town Council replied none and asked he address only items on Agenda at this time.11. ORDINANCES – SECOND READING O: 2020 -02 (First Reading 1-21-2020- Second Reading 02-04-2020)AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES FOR SOA’S POLICE DEPARTMENTDiscussion - NoneROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXXCouncil President PiazzaXO: 2020-03 (First Reading 1-21-2020 Second Reading 02-04-2020)ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 369, LITTERINGCouncilman Harry Wyant motioned to table. CW DeGerolamo said she would be willing to second under the advisement of Town Attorney Wenner, but added she thought it was a good idea. Motion to Table by CM Wyant was withdrawn. Motion O2020-03 ROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXCouncil President PiazzaX12.ORDINANCES — FIRST READINGNONE13. RESOLUTIONS - CONSENT AGENDA * *Matters listed on the Consent Agenda Resolution are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion of the Council and one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member requests an item to be removed for considerationR: 2020-49A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF NOT TO EXCEED $20,000.00 FOR PROPHYLAXIS ODOR CONTROL R: 2020-50RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AUTHORIZING A REFUND OF ESCROW IN THE AMOUNT OF $83.21 TO LAMBERT CABLER: 2020-51A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, ESTABLISHING THE 2020 RATE OF PAY FOR OFF-DUTY POLICE OFFICERSR: 2020 - 52A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AWARDING CONTRACT TO REUTER HANNEY. INC. IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $147,000.00R: 2020-53A RESOLUTION AWARDING PURCHASES UNDER NEW JERSEY STATE CONTRACTR: 2020-54A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURG, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH NO NONSENSE NEUTERING FOR THE PROVISION OF TRAP, NEUTER AND RELEASE SERVICES FOR THE TOWN OF PHILLIPSBURGROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXXCouncil President PiazzaX14.NEW BUSINESSCW DeGerolamo – Good Neighbor Ordinance – sent information to all Council members. Intent is to lend some teeth to ability to fine absentee landlords.CM Fulper – Noted some of the language from the Good Neighbor Ordinance was taken from Chap. 464CW DeGerolamo – Noted, not specific to Bond.RF – 2018 agree, wanting to send message to absentee landlords.CW DeGerolamo – Added all damages, if Renter is evicted and leaves mess, all damages go back to Landlord.15. OLD BUSINESS – any tabled items from previous meeting16.MAYOR AND ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTSMayor Todd M. Tersigni – Highlights of Mayor’s third report.Rumors – Library, Squad and Fire Depts closing – untrue War on Garbage – cleaned up 100 plus properties in 30 daysTC President Piazza, CM Wyant, Attorney Wenner and Mayor met with Bridge, LLC, update on progress of IR tract – letter of intent from major distributing beverage companyMet with Dr. Troxell – Dept of Education – extended lease with Freeman School, Admin/support staff and Andover Morris – Police Dept until 2021.Met with Freeholder James Kern III – help with Transportation to ShopRite – money in County budget.Painting Recreation Bldgs. with Garnet/Gray colorsSpecs done – demo of 145-147 Mercer StreetVan Cleef Eng – work with Insp K. Duddy and Warren Co. – demo the Ice HouseTown Eng – stormwater management. PlansMeeting with Sal Panto, Mayor of Easton – share knowledge/programs which may benefit PhillipsburgUEZ Appointment – Asked Councilman Harry Wyant, Jr. and with Council’s approval to accept an appointment to UEZ; which he did.17. PUBLIC PETITIONSJoe Meyner – 392 South Main StreetNoted a kudo to – increased attention to Sewer situation. Thanked Clerk Kleiner for having Agenda ready the Monday before meeting. Stated greatest problem – the Sewer Plant.Ann Davis – 222 Lewis StreetRecreation Advisory Committee – gave hand out to Council – wish list for coming yearDon Dickey – 5 Randall StreetNoted if anyone on Council had questions about his email about the Banners to let him know. Commented on presentation from R. Coe – Downtown Assoc.-Pork Roll Palooza and the serving of alcohol. Stated when alcohol served at previous Pork Roll Palooza, indiscretions taken – overindulging – poor judgement. Also, presentation of Elk’s Bldg. – talking about 62 cars parking there, not enough parking room now. Stated sidewalk on Front St. (behind this bldg..) is broken – been fighting for (5) years to be repaired, nobody walks on sidewalk – walks in blind spot in street. Bernie Rooney – Asked about Mayor’s Report – Ice House being torn down.CP Piazza asked he direct his questions to the Mayor after the meeting, not an item on Council’s Agenda-Mayor’s Report.Bernie Rooney – will talk with Mayor.18.COUNCIL OPEN TIMECM Wyant – Re-introduce payment of Parking – Riverside Way, why was it abandoned – missed opportunity for revenue. Maybe at a Work SessionCouncil President Piazza asked it to be put on a Work Session.CW DeGerolamo – (4) updatesCensus – 1st meeting – (2) Job Fairs to be held at Envision Center. County asked to distribute information/signs, which were given to Deputy Clerk LoudenberryMunicipal Alliance – transportation/things to do. Some Youth Events – need Parents to be involved – Need Program engaging both parent/childOp Ed -Air BNB’s – contact Vicki – Rentals limited, what we collect. Encourage to read article – Westfield – Recreation – only activities Spring/Summer/Early Fall. Excellent ideas to extend use of Parks/activities in Winter. Public/Private Partnership makes it a win win.RF – Approached about Pork Roll Palooza – alcohol – need to look at Event differently. Not a Town sponsored Event – Downtown Association. They are not expecting to use any Town services. Noted if application is in order – no right to deny. We are all working toward Beautification of our Downtown, and progress has been made. Mayor will be proposing Open Space appointments soon.VP McVey – Fabulous presentations – a good start in transforming Downtown. Along with Councilman Fulper, a big fan of Up Lighting and working with the Downtown Association to make our Downtown – a destination, which is safe, enjoyable with many amenities. Thanked Deputy Clerk Loudenberry for filling in for Clerk Kleiner. Thanked Mayor Tersigni and CP Piazza for suggesting painting our recreation buildings Garnet & Gray, but mostly for discussions, which have led to agreed action. Also, thanked Dr. Troxell and all Board of Education members for thinking ahead and leasing space to Town.Council President Piazza – Noted Cancer Awareness Day – all are affected, either their own families or friends. 19.MOTIONS Approval for Raffle License No. RL:1298 issued to the Pohatcong PTA., for a Tricky Tray April 03, 2020 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Flynn’s on the Hill Approval for Raffle License No. RL:1299 issued to the Pohatcong PTA., for a 50/50 April 03, 2020 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Flynn’s on the Hill ROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXXCouncil President PiazzaX20. ADJOURNMENTCP Piazza moved to adjourn at 9:26 PM.ROLL CALLCouncilmembersFirstSecondYeaNayAbstainAbsentCouncilman WyantXCouncilwoman DeGerolamoXCouncilman FulperXXCouncil Vice President McVeyXXCouncil President PiazzaX ................

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