Word Wall Wednesday Lesson 3100 HMS Words Semester 2Directions: Complete the assignment.1. conduction-The transfer of energy through another materialSynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:2. confederal-A system of government where power is located within the independent states and there is little power in the central governmentSynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:3. consequence-A result (usually thought of as a negative result)Synonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:4. convection- The circulation of particles caused by differences in thermal energy and densitySynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:5. counterclaim-What the opposing side is arguing about an issue.Synonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:6. credible-believableSynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:7. crescendo-A gradual increase in loudnessSynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:8. cultural- Relating to a particular society or civilizationSynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:9. database- Collection of electronically stored dataSynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture:10. decrescendo- A gradual decrease in loudnessSynonym:Antonym:Sentence:Picture: ................

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