
Esperanza Rising


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Esperanza Rising

By Pam Munroz Ryan

Chapter 1 & 2 Vocabulary ( pages 1 – 22)

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|arbors: (noun) a trellis or other|“Leafy green vines draped the arbors and the | | | |

|structure to support plants |grapes were ready to drop.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|scythe: (noun) a tool used for |“The short blade was curved like a scythe…” | | | |

|cutting | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|vicious (adjective) cruel, nasty,|“and pricked her finger on a vicious thorn.” | | | |

|ferocious | | | | |

|premonition: (noun) a feeling |“She quickly wrapped her hand and dismissed | | | |

|that something is about to |the premonition.” | | | |

|happen. | | | | |

|propriety: (noun) being proper |“Esperanza loved her more for her capricious | | | |

| |ways than for her propriety.” | | | |

|resurrected ( verb) to bring back|“working side by side, who had resurrected the| | | |

|to life) |neglected rose garden…” | | | |

|dwindled: (verb) to decrease |“They tried to pass the time with small talk, | | | |

|little by little |but their words dwindled into silence.” | | | |

|tendril: (noun) a slender, |“He gently touched a wild tendril that reached| | | |

|leafless shoot by which some |into the row, as if it had been waiting to | | | |

|climbing plants cling |shake his hand.” | | | |

|incline: (noun) slope, |“They walked to the end of the row, where the | | | |

| |incline of the land formed a grassy swell.” | | | |

Esperanza Rising By Pam Munroz Ryan Chapter 3 & 4 Vocabulary (pp. 23 – 57)

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|anguish: (noun) suffering, agony,|“Her smile faded, and a heavy blanket of anguish | | | |

|pain |smothered her smallest joy.” | | | |

|devious: (adjective) deceitful, |“But be careful. He is a devious, dangerous man. | | | |

|tricky, scheming | | | | |

|unpredictable: (adjective) |“We won’t be able to communicate. The mail is | | | |

|random, irregular |unpredictable...” | | | |

|indebted: (adjective) grateful, |“We are indebted to them for our finances and our | | | |

|owing a favor |future.” | | | |

|valise: (noun) suitcase, luggage |“Esperanza held a valise filled with clothes, a small| | | |

| |package of tamales, and her doll from Papa.” | | | |

|venom: (noun) spite, malice, |“…knowing that she might never come back to her home | | | |

|vicious hostility |again, and her heart filled with venom for Tio Luis.”| | | |

|cordial: (adjective) hearty; |“Mama was cordial and attentive to everyone, as if | | | |

|warm; sincere |entertaining them gave her a purpose.” | | | |

|methodical: (adjective) in a |“Abuelita handed Esperanza each gift and Esperanza | | | |

|systematic manner or procedure |methodically opened them and laid them back on the | | | |

| |table.” | | | |

|encroaching: (verb) to intrude or|“ At first they only stayed a few hours, but soon | | | |

|infringe upon the property or |they became like la clabaza, the squash plant in | | | |

|rights of another; trespass |Alfonso’s garden, whose giant leaves spread out, | | | |

| |encroaching upon anything smaller. | | | |

|indignation (noun) anger aroused |“”A look of indignation passed between Mama and | | | |

|by something unjust, mean, or |Abuelita.” | | | |

|unworthy | | | | |

|trellis: (noun) an open |“She pointed to the miniature pink blooms with | | | |

|latticework used for training |delicate stems that climbed up the trellises.” | | | |

|climbing plants. | | | | |

|pervade: (verb) to spread |“The overripe sweetness now pervaded the air with | | | |

|throughout |each breath of wind.” | | | |

Esperanza Rising By Pam Munroz Ryan Vocabulary Chapters 5 & 6 ( 58 –99)

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|persistent (adjective): |“The persistent smell of the guavas filled | | | |

|determined, unrelenting |their noses.” | | | |

|spewing (verb): discharge emit, |The locomotive arrived pulling a line of cars | | | |

|releasing“ |and hissing and spewing steam.” | | | |

|monotonous: (adjective) dull, |“Clicketta, clicketta, clicketta. The song of | | | |

|repetitive, tedious |the locomotive was monotonous.” | | | |

|irritable: (adjective) |“But most of all she was bored with Miguel’s | | | |

|bad-tempered, touchy, prickly |constant talk about trains. He seemed as happy| | | |

| |as Esperanza was irritable.” | | | |

|cherubs: (noun) angels |“The babies, Lupe and Pepe, a girl and a boy, | | | |

| |were dark-eyed cherubs.” | | | |

|brooded: (verb) worry, feel sorry|“Hadn’t he seen her rudeness? She brooded as | | | |

|for yourself |they rode past miles of tamarisk trees…” | | | |

|porters: (noun) a person employed|“When the train arrived, porters had hurried | | | |

|to carry a traveler’s luggage |to escort them, showing them the way to their | | | |

| |car.” | | | |

|mesmerized: (verb) to be |“He was mesmerized by the locomotive, watching| | | |

|hypnotized |it slowly pull in.” | | | |

|renegades: (noun) someone who |“They were renegades who thought they had | | | |

|rejects a religion, cause, |permission to steal from the rich and give to | | | |

|allegiance, or group for another;|the poor.” | | | |

|an outlaw | | | | |

|peasant: (noun) a member of the |“Alfonso led them to a car with rows of wooden| | | |

|agricultural class, uncouth, |benches, like church pews facing each other, | | | |

|crude, ill-bred person |already crowded with peasants.” | | | |

Esperanza Rising By Pam Munroz Ryan Vocabulary “Las Cebollas & ”Las Almendras” Chapters 7 & 8 ( 100 - 138)

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|cringed: (verb) recoil, wince, |“That’s where they have all the toilets. | | | |

|shrink away |Esperanza cringed as she tried to imagine | | | |

| |having no privacy.” | | | |

|lush: (adjective) abundant, |“Beyond the row of trees were grape field, | | | |

|flourishing, thriving |still lush.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|debris ( noun) wreckage,. |“A truck piled high with produce drove by, | | | |

|garbage, waste |losing a cloud of debris.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|vigorously: (adjective) |“She rubbed the diapers with soap, vigorously | | | |

|energetically, forcefully |scrubbed them back and forth on the | | | |

| |washboard.” | | | |

|unrelenting: (adjective) |“The camp was quiet and even though it was | | | |

|persistent, merciless, constant |late in the day, the sun was unrelenting.” | | | |

|ridicule: (noun) mockery, scorn, |“Burning with humiliation, Esperanza dropped | | | |

|laugh at |the broom and ram back to the cabin. Her face| | | |

| |flushed again at the thought of the ridicule.”| | | |

|humiliation(noun) disgrace, |“Burning with humiliation, Esperanza dropped | | | |

|shame, embarrassment |the broom and ram back to the cabin. Her face| | | |

| |flushed again at the thought of the ridicule.”| | | |

Esperanza Rising By Pam Munroz Ryan Vocabulary ”Las Ciruelas” Chapters 9 ( 139 -157)

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|frantically: (adjective) |“If she turned her back for a minute, | | | |

|anxiously, worriedly |Esperanza found herself frantically searching | | | |

| |for Lupe.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|peculiar : (adjective) odd, |“The afternoon sky looked peculiar, tinged | | | |

|strange, unusual |with yellow, and there was so much static in | | | |

| |the air.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|spasm: (noun) shudder, tremor, |“Mama had a coughing spasm and Hortensia tried| | | |

|ripple |to settle her with a glass of water.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|regimented: (adjective) strictly |“The camp routine repeated itself like the | | | |

|controlled, well ordered |regimented rows in the fields. Very little | | | |

| |seemed to change… | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|contagious: (adjective) |“Can we catch it from her? No, it is not | | | |

|infectious, communicable |contagious.” | | | |

|immunized: (verb) vaccinated, |“For those who live here most of their lives, | | | |

|resistant to a disease |they are naturally immunized.” | | | |

| | | | | |

Esperanza Rising By Pam Munroz Ryan Vocabulary “Las Papas” Chapter 10 ( 158 - 178)

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|depressed: (verb) miserable, |“She’s very weak but more than that, she is | | | |

|unhappy, down in the dumps |depressed and needs nursing around the clock.”| | | |

| | | | | |

|penetrating: (adjective) |“There was no wind, only silence and | | | |

|piercing, sharp |penetrating cold.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|bereft: (adjective) lacking, |“They passed miles of naked grapevines, | | | |

|deprived |stripped of their harvest and bereft of their | | | |

| |leaves.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|cavernous: (adjective) vast, |“…there wasn’t the usual activity. Only twenty| | | |

|spacious |or so women gathered in the cavernous shed.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|repatriation: (noun) send |“Repatriation – round up people who cause | | | |

|somebody back to their native |problems and check their papers. If they are | | | |

|land |not in order…the immigration officials send | | | |

| |them back to Mexico.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|riveted: (verb) engrossed, |“Esperanza’s eyes riveted on the coat and the | | | |

|captivated |jewelry. She wished she could give Mama a warm| | | |

| |red coat and a pin that sparkled.” | | | |

| | | | | |

Esperanza Rising

By Pam Munroz Ryan

Chapter 11 “Los Aguacates” (Avocadoes) pp. 179 - 198

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|vapors: (noun) fumes, smoke, |“Esperanza’s breath made smoky vapors in front| | | |

|clouds |of her face as she waited for the truck.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|weathered: (adjective) worn, |“They felt better, but still looked red and | | | |

|weather beaten |weathered…it wouldn’t matter how much avocado | | | |

| |and glycerin she put on them...” | | | |

| | | | | |

|susceptible (adjective) |“This disease makes the body tired and | | | |

|vulnerable, at risk |susceptible to other infections.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|bedraggled: (adjective) unkempt,|“She was thin and frail. Her hair was strewn | | | |

|disheveled, messy |and bedraggled.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|humanity (noun) humankind, |“…only ten wooden toilet stalls for hundreds | | | |

|civilization |of people. Clotheslines ran everywhere. It was| | | |

| |a great jumble of humanity and confusion.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|squalor: (noun) filth, dirtiness |“She felt hypnotized by the squalor but Marta | | | |

| |and her mother didn’t seem the lease bit | | | |

| |embarrassed.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Esperanza Rising

By Pam Munroz Ryan

Chapter 12 “Los Esparagos” pp. 199 -213

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|menacing: (adjective) threatening, |“When Esperanza saw their menacing faces, | | | |

|frightening |she wanted to run back to the safety of | | | |

| |the camp.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|caravan : (noun) convoy, group |“…a caravan of gray buses and police cars | | | |

| |headed fast toward the shed.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|deportation: (noun) exile, forced |“They call it a voluntary deportation.” | | | |

|to leave a country | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|despondent: (adjective) hopeless, |“Esperanza and the other women watched the| | | |

|unhappy |despondent faces in the windows | | | |

| |disappear.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Esperanza Rising

By Pam Munroz Ryan

Chapter 13 “Los Duraznos,” pp. 214-233

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|novena: (noun)the recitation of |“Isabel, are you saying a novena? asked | | | |

|prayers for 9 days |Esperanza when she found her at the | | | |

| |statue.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|barracks: (noun) temporary living | “The owner of the farm bought some army | | | |

|quarters for people working away |barracks from an old military camp...” | | | |

|from home | | | | |

| | | | | |

|prophecy (noun) prediction, |“Anza, everything will work out. How do | | | |

|foretelling |you know these things, Miguel? Do you have| | | |

| |some prophecy that I do not?” | | | |

|optimism (noun) hopefulness, |“I can’t stand your blind hope. I don’t | | | |

|looking on the bright side |want to hear your optimism about this land| | | |

| |of possibility when I see no proof!” | | | |

|relapse(noun) setback, |“Please remember, that once she goes home,| | | |

|deterioration |she will have to rest to build up her | | | |

| |strength. There is still a chance of a | | | |

| |relapse.” | | | |

Esperanza Rising

By Pam Munroz Ryan

Chapter 14 “Las Uvas,” pp. 234-253

|Vocabulary Term and Definition |Used in a sentence. |In Your Own Words |Antonym |Use It in a sentence. |

| | | |(opposite) | |

|mottled (adjective) spotted, |“Esperanza loved the plums. mottled green | | | |

|blotchy |on the outside and blood red on the | | | |

| |inside.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|deceiving (verb) misleading, not |“Suddenly, Esperanza knew that her eyes | | | |

|to be trusted |were not deceiving her...Abuelita came | | | |

| |closer.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|escorted (verb) guided, ushered |“…they escorted Abuelita into their cabin | | | |

| |where they found Josefina and the babies | | | |

| |waiting.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|obsessed ( verb) fanatical, |“He’d (Tio Luis) became obsessed with | | | |

|infatuated, fixated |finding them and questioned all of their | | | |

| |neighbors.” | | | |

| | | | | |

|torrent (noun) violent flow, flood |“Then she flew over a river, a thrusting | | | |

| |torrent that cut through the mountains.” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|infinite (adjective) never ending, |“Esperanza reached for Miguel’s hand and | | | |

|countless |found it, and even though her mind was | | | |

| |soaring to infinite possibilities, his | | | |

| |touch held her heart to the earth.” | | | |


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