Synonyms and Antonyms 7th and 8th Grades Worksheet



Synonyms and Antonyms--7th and 8th Grades

Remember that a synonym means nearly the same thing as another word; an antonym means the opposite. Example: hostile and unfriendly are synonyms

hostile and friendly are antonyms

Write a synonym for the given word. If you cannot think of a synonym, consult a reference source, such as a thesaurus.

1. Accelerate ____________________

2. Feud


3. Exuberant ____________________

4. Pamper


5. Permit


6. Bellow


7. Hilarious ____________________

8. Lethal


Choose the word that is an antonym for the given word.

9. Urgent a. Vital b. Unimportant c. Essential

12. Murky a. Muddy b. Dim c. Clear

10. Detach a. Remove b. Isolate c. Connect

13. Trivial a. Crucial b. Inconsequential c. Minor

11. Wrath a. Calmness b. Anger c. Fury

14. Subtle a. Indirect b. Blatant c. Understated



Synonyms and Antonyms--7th and 8th Grades

Remember that a synonym means nearly the same thing as another word; an antonym means the opposite. Example: hostile and unfriendly are synonyms

hostile and friendly are antonyms

Write a synonym for the given word. If you cannot think of a synonym, consult a reference source, such as a thesaurus.

1. Accelerate ____quicken________________

2. Feud


3. Exuberant ____excited________________

4. Pamper


5. Permit


6. Bellow


7. Hilarious ___funny_________________

8. Lethal


Choose the word that is an antonym for the given word.

9. Urgent a. Vital b. Unimportant c. Essential

12. Murky a. Muddy b. Dim c. Clear

10. Detach a. Remove b. Isolate c. Connect

13. Trivial a. Crucial b. Inconsequential c. Minor

11. Wrath a. Calmness b. Anger c. Fury

14. Subtle a. Indirect b. Blatant c. Understate


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