AP Art History

AP Art History = APAH!

Ms. Vargas




Google Classroom Code: s8yp3xd

Students & Parents,

Welcome to APAH!


This Advanced Placement course follows the intensity of a college course. This class will focus on art through a world history perspective, to examine the what, where and why of many famous works of art and the civilizations in which they’ve developed. This class explores the beginnings of art to today’s contemporary masterpieces through lectures, discussions, publications, films, activities and more.

Critical thinking skills are developed through evaluating artwork. The process involves students analyzing visual information, gathering evidence and drawing connections between history, sociology, psychology, politics, math, science and other art forms. This helps students recognize and relate the purpose of artwork as well as its importance in history. Artwork will be examined in a Western context, along with connections to other non-western cultures. There will be student lead learning through peer teaching and creative opportunities.

This is a writing intensive course and students are required to write essays and complete projects as well as take the AP Exam. The AP Exam is a college level assessment of student knowledge and understanding, according to the expectations of The College Board. Good scores may result in students receiving college credit.

Course Requirements:

Students are required to complete reading assignments in the textbook and any other supplemental readings. Students are also expected to take notes and participate in class discussions and group projects.

Computer and Internet access is a must. There will be required online activities and readings. There are numerous ways to gain free access to computers and the internet. If there are any difficulties or limited access, please let me know!!

Policy on Academics:

Students are expected to be academically honest and respectful toward other students in the classroom. This respect should be evident during class discussions and completion of any assignments. Work created by the student should be solely the work of that individual student whether it is an in-class assignment or test-taking situation. Plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated and will result in an irreversible zero for the compromised assignment/test.

Late work will follow school AP policy.

This is a demanding course and it is necessary for students to be motivated and have good time management skills tutoring will be available by appointment.

  Required Readings/ Videos:

There will be required readings and online videos/ online lectures/ online quizzes throughout the school year. Students are responsible for keeping up with these.  

Despite good listening during lectures, the more you read, the more you retain and learn.

The APAH website will feature each Unit's reading schedule broken down. It is better to keep up with the readings everyday so that you are better prepared for the lectures.  

During the course of each Unit you may be given short assignments to gage your understanding and attention to material.


Students will have Discussion Questions over readings, notes and videos during every section of material.  

Exams will cover one unit and consist of multiple choice and usually 1 or 2 short essays.

There are also *Major Projects throughout the year, which count the same grade weight as an exam.

Homework is reading, flash cards and discussion or journal entries. In college level courses the majority of your time is dedicated to reading and outside learning.

I may give homework, but it will either be light or spread out so as not to interfere with the reading schedule or other classes too much- I’m not a MONSTER!


*Major Projects will have very little time in class – and will require effort at home to complete.

There is also a major creative project at the end of the course, after the AP exams are over.

  ___________________ Field Trips:

The goal is to attend two field trips throughout the year. One to the San Antonio Museum of Art and the other The McNay Art Museum. More information will be given in class and as the trips get closer to date.

Units & Timelines

|Unit 1 |Intro to APAH |7 days |

|Unit 2 |Global Prehistory |7 days |

|Unit 3 |Near East & Egypt |11 days |

|Unit 4 |Africa |Research Project Unit – 8 days |

|Unit 5 |Greco/Roman |22 days |

|Unit 6 |Pacific / Oceania |Online Unit – Thanksgiving Break |

|Unit 7 |E. Christian, Medieval, Byzantine & Islamic |12 days |

|Unit 8 |Romanesque & Gothic |8 days |

|Unit 9 |Renaissance |6 days |

|Unit 10 |West, Central & Southeast Asia |Online Unit w activities in class- 6 days |

|Unit 11 |Baroque |10 days |

|Unit 12 |Americas (Indigenous & Colonial) |Online w/ Class Activities – 5 days |

|Unit 13 |19th & 20th Century |19 days |

|Unit 14 |Contemporary |Research Project Unit - 14 days |

|Unit 15 |Exam Review |10 days |

|Unit 16 |Post Exam Projects & Reflections |Remainder of Semester |


  _______________ Supply List:

APAH/ AP Art History

Supplies due: ___Sept 1st ______ Supplies must be replaced as they are used up.

100 pg (at least) Spiral Notebook or Notebook Paper

(please don’t plan to share with another class- it gets confusing & you’ll run out!)

3 Ring Binder (1 in or 1 ½ in)

- If you plan to keep your notes in here get a bigger binder!! (2 ½ - 3 in)

Pens (As long as it is dark enough to read- no light color pens!)

4 -Highlighters (at least four colors)

3- 100 Pack of index cards (large)

2- 100 Pack of index cards (small)

Class Rules:

ALL Student Handbook Rules do apply and will be enforced. (This includes Tardy Policy)

Discipline Procedures are:

1. Respect Yourself and Others 1. Warning

* No Yelling/Disrespectful Speech 2. Conference with Student (possible seat change)

* Listen When Someone Speaks 3. Conference with Parent (email/phone/personal)

2. Be Responsible for YOUR Actions 4. Teacher Assigned Detention

* Do Not Blame Others 5. Referral to Administration

* Clean Up After Yourself (*Some steps may be skipped due to severity of discipline issue)

3. Respect all Materials

* Do Not Throw, Point Objects My Schedule:

* Do Not Waste Materials

|1 |Art 2 Sculpture 1 (G169) |

|2 |Art 3 Sculpture 2 (G169) |

|3 |AP Art History (G169) |

|4 |Conference |

|5 |Lunch / Advisory |

|6 |Art 2 Digital Art 1 (F132) |

|7 |Art 2 Digital Art 1 (F132) |

|8 |Art 3 Digital Art 2 (F132) |

4. Wear School IDs at all Times

* Above Waist and Visible

5. Stay Seated in your Assigned Seat

I look forward to having a great year.

If you have any concerns or information you feel I should know about,

please contact me. Thank You,

Ms. Vargas


website: scuc.webpages/tvargas/


Due 9/1st Please Sign Below and Cut Along this Line and Return to Teacher ↓↓↓ Please Keep Top Portion !


As a student here at Byron Steele II High School, I understand that I must follow all rules outlined in the Student Handbook as well as all Classroom Rules.

Student Signature:______________________________________ Date: _______________

I have gone over the Class Rules with my child and we both understand the expectations and the consequences of not following them.

Parent/Guardian Name(print): __________________________Signature:_______________________________

Relation: _________________

Phone # __________________________________ Alternative Phone # ______________________________________

Email for teacher/parent communication: ________________________________________________________


Grading Scale

50% Summative

50% Formative

1. Work quietly at assigned seat.

2. Respect materials and personal space of others.

3. No food or drink.

4. Maintain a CLEAN work space.

5. DAILY participation is required.

6. Incomplete projects will not exceed a grade of 50.

7. LATE WORK will follow school AP policy.

8. [pic]#$,-.Xåѽ©½•?m_N@_._#jh?ˆCJOJ[?]QJ[?]U[pic]^J[?]aJhBoCJOJ[?]QJ[?]^J[?]aJ Be kind to others.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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