AP Biology


Homework: Chapter 12 and 13

Due: Wednesday, December 20, 2019

1. Explain how cell division in prokaryotes differs from cell division in eukaryotes. [5]

2. Describe the structure of eukaryotic chromosomes. [5]

3. Define the following terms and describe how they relate to one another.

a. Chromosome

b. Chromatid

c. Centromere

d. Chromatin

4. Explain the interactions of cyclins and CDKs (Cyclin-Dependent kinases) in the regulation of mitosis. [5]

5. Explain the three main checkpoints that regulate the cell cycle. [6]

6. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. [6]

7. Outline the following events that occur during prophase I of meiosis: [6]

a. Synapsis

b. Tetrad Formation

c. Crossing Over

8. Explain how meiosis provides for greater genetic diversity. [6]

9. The cell cycle is fundamental to the reproduction of eukaryotic cells.

(a) Describe the phases of the cell cycle. Be sure to describe what happens in each

phase. [4]

(b) Explain the role of the following in mitosis or cytokinesis. [4]

• Kinetochores

• Microtubules

• Cell Plate

• Centrioles

(c) Describe how the cell cycle is regulated and discuss ONE consequence of

abnormal regulation. [3]

10. What is the source of HeLa cells? How old are they?


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