
AP Biology: Summer Packet2019Advanced Placement Biology is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester college biology lab course in its quality and sophistication. Curricular content is framed around “Four Big Ideas” which encompass core scientific principles, theories and processes governing living organisms and biological systems. Big Idea 1 – EVOLUTION (20%): The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. Big Idea 2 – CELLULAR PROCESSES (30%): Biological systems utilize energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce, and maintain homeostasis. Big Idea 3 – GENETICS & INFORMATION TRANSFER (30%): Living systems retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. Big Idea 4 – ECOLOGY (20%): Biological systems interact, and these interactions possess complex properties. Primary emphasis will be on developing an understanding of concepts rather than on memorizing terms and technical details. Essential to this conceptual understanding are the following: A grasp of science as a process rather than as an accumulation of facts; personal experience in scientific inquiry Recognition of unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology Application of biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns. A few important points that students should considerAP Biology is a college level course for highly motivated students. Students should have successfully completed both Chemistry and Biology and have solid foundations in both content areas. This course will make heavy demands on students’ time and energy. Students who score well on the AP exam typically report spending an average of 7-10 hours of study time outside of class each week. We will move quickly through material. It is imperative that students keep up with assigned work and reading. This course is designed to prepare students for the College Board Biology Advanced Placement Exam on Monday May 11th 2020. Every student is required to sit for the exam.If students are unable or willing to make the commitment to the class, AP Biology will not be the right choice.Resources-Here are a few resources for you to look over if you have time this summer. There is nothing due here. I just want to give you a chance to consider some of the material we will be covering. 1. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the AP exam- . AP exam tips-?. The has some great resources including information on many of the labs we will be doing.4. This quizlet link below has a thorough list of all the vocabulary you will need to know-a great resource for review as well. Biology Summer RequirementsAssignmentDue DateLetter of IntroductionAugust 1Text Reading Ch 1-3-Q’s work the end of chapter tests on pgs. 18, 35, and 56August 22Complete Math PacketAugust 22Princeton Review Ch 4August 22Test over Ch 1-3First week1. Letter of Introduction- Due August 1, 2019We are going to spend a lot of time together next year, so I would like to get a head start on learning a bit about you. Your first assignment is to successfully send me an introductory e-mail. When writing your letter please follow these rules:? Address it to: Mrs. Peck (epeck@bmhs.us)? Make the Subject: “AP Bio: Introduction to <Insert Your Full Name Here>”? Use clearly written, full sentences. Do not abbreviate words like you are on texting with a friend. Use spell check. This is a professional communication like you would have with a college professor, so let’s practice for your future.? Begin the e-mail with a formal salutation, “Dear Mrs. Peck,”? Now introduce yourself (your name) and tell me a little bit about yourself, some possibilities:What do you like to do (hobbies, sports, music, interests,)?Do you have a job or other significant time commitments outside of academics?Was there anything that you liked about your earlier science classes?What was the last book you read for fun?? What are you looking forward to the most in AP Biology?? What are you most anxious or worried about in AP Biology?? End the e-mail with a formal closing: “Cordially”, “Sincerely”, “Warm regards” and add your name as if you signed a letter 2. Text/Review Reading/Packet- Due on the first day of class August 22.Obtain copies of the text and review book- used copies of the Mader book are easily found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Book Exchanges etc. Every student must have a copy of the text and Princeton. The Princeton AP Bio Review 2019 edition is available online as well as in bookstores. Sylvia Mader Biology 10th Edition The companion website () has review questions and vocabulary flashcards as well as other study resources.The Princeton Review Cracking the AP Biology Exam, 2019 Edition (note this is not available until early August) I. INTRO TO STATISTICS/GRAPHING:Name______________________________A. Watch the following videos. Take notes and answer the following questions directly on this sheet. You must be able to APPLY and/or ANALYZE data on most EVERY assignment throughout this course based on these principles, concepts and practices:1. Bozeman- Types of Graphs ( Explain the difference in a bar graph and a histogram.What type of graph shows a change over time?What type of graph displays a correlation of variables? Distinguish between the independent variable and dependent variable and where they are placed on a graph. Which type of graph is best for comparing 2 or more different groups?Which type of graph is better for showing distribution of data?Explain when a pie graph should be used and give (draw) any example. State at least 5 elements that any graph should always display. 2. Bozeman- Statistics for Science ()What is n?What is x (bar)?What is M?What was the range of the sample he gave?Explain ‘Degrees of Freedom’ (with any example) and why the formula is n-1. 3. Bozeman- Standard Deviation ()What is meant by normal distribution?What does standard deviation (SD) measure? 1 SD means ______% of the population falls within this range; while 2 SD means _____% falls in this range. Do the following problems IN PENCIL. You must show ALL WORK. Make sure graphs have Titles and are properly labeled WITH UNITS: 3829050536575001638300915670004.Graph the following sample data set showing the number of leaf disks that rise in a solution over time as photosynthesis occurs. 3638550444500005.Calculate the mean for the data set of annual monthly rainfall. Use the data to sketch the appropriate type of graph.13589002222500015430503048006. Hookworms live in the human intestine drinking the blood it sucks from the intestinal wall. The chart contains data on the number of hookworms and the amount of blood loss caused by a particular number of worms.43180003683000a. Make a line graph of the data using a line of best fit.b. What is the dependent variable?c. What is the independent variable?d. According to your graph, if a person has 50 hookworms in their intestines, how much blood would they lose in a day?e. How many cm3 of blood will be lost by a person containing 10 hookworms in a week?381000686435007. Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories:a. I had just left home when I realized I had forgotten my books so I went back to pick them up. _________b. Things went fine until I had a flat tire, but I was soon back on the road._________c. I started out calmly, but sped up when I realized I was going to be late._________451675566675008. A clam farmer has been keeping records concerning the water temperature and the number of clams developing from fertilized eggs. The data is recorded in the chart:a. Make a line graph of the data on graph paper.Connect these data points with a smooth line.b. What is the dependent variable? What is the independent variable?c. According to the data, what is the optimum temperature for clam development? ______________698501905000 9. Answer these questions about the graph below:a. How many sets of data are represented?______________b. On approximately what calendar date does the graph begin?_____________________c. In what month does the graph reach its highest point?__________________________II- Chapter 13 in Princeton -Quantitative Skills and Biostatistics (read through page 295)What is parametric data?What is non-parametric data?What is an outlier?What does a low standard deviation indicate?What does a high standard deviation indicate?**On page 339-340 in the Princeton Review is the formula sheet given on the AP Biology test- look it over list three formulas you are familiar with, list three you are not familiar with.III-CHAPTERS 1-3 (Mader Text) QUESTIONSCH 1- A View of LifeWhy are viruses not considered alive?What are the differences between prokaryote and eukaryote cells?Explain natural selection.List the levels of biological organization from atom to biosphere.Define homeostasis.Define Biodiversity- what are the two most biologically diverse ecosystems?Explain the process of natural selection, including the term adaptation in the response.What are the independent variable and dependent variable?Do the Self Quiz at the end of Chap 1. Check yourselfCH 2-Basic Chemistry-List the 4 elements make up > 95% of living organism. Distinguish between a polar and nonpolar covalent bond. BE SPECIFIC! Give an example of each.Diagram 2 water molecules and indicate the Hydrogen bond(s) with labeled dashed lines.Define what is meant by pH. Describe how the pH scale works (in terms of H+ and OH-)Explain how buffers resist changes in pH (refer to carbonic acid/bicarbonate for an example) List at least 5 properties of water. Explain why water is a good solvent (include the terms polar and hydrophilic)Explain how the high surface tension of water affects evaporation. Compare & contrast cohesion and adhesion. Give an example of each as it relates to a living organism (ex- root uptake of a tree)Explain water in terms of specific heat. Compare with a substance that has a ‘contrasting’ specific heat, such as a metal. Describe an example of how acid precipitation affects life on earth.Do the self-quiz at the end of Ch 2. Check yourselfCH -3 The Chemistry of Organic Molecules-Why is organic chemistry so important in the study of biology? What is unique about carbon that makes it the central atom in the chemistry of life?What is a hydrophobic molecule? Hydrophilic?What is a dehydration reaction? Give an example.What is a hydrolysis reaction? and give an example-What is a functional group? List three and where they are found.Fill in the tableMacromoleculeMonomerPolymerLinkage bondCarbohydratesProteinsNucleic AcidsLipidsDraw and label a phospholipid-Why are phospholipids so important?Draw and label the chemical structure of an Amino Acid. A ____________________ bond holds the Amino acids together.What are the six main functions of proteins?What are the three subunits of a nucleotide?What are the main classes of the nucleic acids?Where is energy stored in ATP?Do the self-quiz at the end of Ch 3. Check yourself-V- Read Chapter 4 in Princeton Review- and work Chapter 4 Drill in your book (106-108). ................

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