
Lane Technical College Prep High School: AP Biology Syllabus 2020-2021Teacher Ms. Brooke Gaynor Day Room 245 Periods 3/4 & 6/7 Email BAGaynor@cps.eduTextbook Hillis, D., Sadava, D., Heller, H.C., & Price, M. (2012). Principles of Life. Sunderland, PA: Sinauer Associates, Inc. Course OverviewAP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics like evolution, energetics, information storage and transfer, and system interactions. This class will focus on learning vocabulary and evaluating evidence while mastering science practices. These science practices are central to the study and practice of biology. Students will develop and apply the described practices on a regular basis over the span of the course. The units in this course will comprise the content and skills colleges and universities typically expect students to master to qualify for college credit and/or placement. This content is grounded in big ideas, which are crosscutting concepts that build conceptual understanding and spiral throughout the course. Course DescriptionThis AP course is structured around the four big ideas, the enduring understandings within the big ideas and the essential knowledge within the enduring understanding.Big idea 1 (Evolution): The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.Big idea 2 (Energetics): Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce and maintain homeostasis.Big idea 3 (Information Storage & Transmission): Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.Big idea 4 (Systems Interactions): Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex propertiesInstructional Resources and websites provide EXCELLENT review tutorials to enhance instruction. website is a wonderful resource to help practice AP Biology vocabulary. is our class website where you can access PowerPoint lectures, supplemental readings/notes, worksheets, study guides, practice exams and quizzes, helpful animations, helpful links, etc.AP Classroom ()Website with online quizzes, personal progress checks, summative assessments and other assessments/resourcesSchool Year 2020-2021: AP Biology Course Planner by Units/TopicsUNIT 0- Nature of ScienceReview of CER/Scientific Method, Introduction to Basic Statistics (SD, SEM and Chi Square)UNIT 5- Heredity*Meiosis and Genetics Gamete formation, Genetic Crosses & Pedigrees, Chromosome MappingUNIT 1- Chemistry of Life* Biochemistry: Review of Basic Chemistry, Water Properties/Hydrogen Bonding/pH, Biological Molecules, EnzymesUNIT 6A- Gene Expression & Regulation* Molecular Genetics- Central Dogma Structure and function of Nucleic Acids, Protein Synthesis * DNA Replication and MutationsUNIT 2- Cell Structure & Function* Cell Biology and Transport: Cell (Organelle) Structure and Function, Endosymbiosis Theory, Cell Transport UNIT 6B- Gene Expression & Regulation*Viral/Bacterial Genetics & Gene RegulationViral vs Bacterial Genetics/Operons, Eukaryotic Gene Regulation, Epigenetics, Stem Cells, RNAi and HOX genesUNIT 3- Cellular Energetics *Cell EnergeticsATP and Laws of Thermodynamics, Cellular Respiration, PhotosynthesisUNIT 6C- BiotechnologyRestriction Enzymes and Plasmid Mapping, Bacterial Transformation, DNA Fingerprinting, PCRUNIT 4A- Cell Division*Cell Reproduction/DivisionChromosome Structure, Cell Cycle, Cell Cycle RegulationUNIT 7- Natural Selection* Evolution and Phylogeny Darwin/Natural Selection, Population Genetics/Hardy Weinberg, Speciation, Phylogeny, Origin of Life on Earth Unit 4B: Cell Communication & Body Systems*Cell Communication Pathways*Animal PhysiologyPositive/Negative Feedback in Endocrine, Immune & Nervous SystemsUNIT 8- Ecology (20 days)Biosphere Organization/Biomes, Energy Flow through Ecosystems, Population Ecology, Community EcologyAP Exam Review- Friday, May 14, 2021 @ 8:00 amUNIT 9- Pig DissectionVertebrate Anatomy and PhysiologyClass CodesGoogle Classroom AP Biology- Period 3/4: z6iklky Period 6/7: wgbwckcAP Classroom (click here)AP Biology- Period 3/4: 7XAKM9 Period 6/7: 74PPPKEdpuzzleAP Biology- Period 3/4: Biology- Period 6/7: Biology- Period 3/4: Biology- Period 6/7: Code = t-day-8333Get Kami Chrome Extension first: click hereThen sign into my teacher account in order to use Kami: click hereDaily Required Materials (Each student is REQUIRED to supply these for this class)AP Biology Cliff Notes Book (on Amazon)- 4th or 5th Edition#2 pencils and blue/black pensSpiral notebook OR lined loose leaf paper (just for AP Biology)computer (chromebook, laptop or desktop) with Internet connection Must have a working camera or microphoneCollege Board Approved calculator () HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Daily Materials (Not REQUIRED to supply these)Principles of Life textbook (Lane will NOT be able to provide this book until we are meeting in the classroom face to face)Flashcards Colored pencils, pens or markers for note taking Folder for each unit OR larger 3-ring binder/dividers for lectures notes, homework/worksheets and lab reports; 3 ring hole punch GradingSince this is a 2-period class, you get 2 different grades. One grade is for the LECTURE portion of this class and the other grade is for LAB.-1963441275Lab Grade Percentage Breakdown (AP credit)Class work = 30%Pre- & Post-Lab Quizzes/Formative Assessments = 30%Summative Assessments-Lab Reports & worksheets = 30%Semester Final Exam = 10%00Lab Grade Percentage Breakdown (AP credit)Class work = 30%Pre- & Post-Lab Quizzes/Formative Assessments = 30%Summative Assessments-Lab Reports & worksheets = 30%Semester Final Exam = 10%291990941275Lecture Grade Percentage Breakdown (AP credit)Summative Assessments-Unit Exams = 25% Formative Assessments = 20% Summative Free Response Questions (FRQs) = 25%Homework and In-Class Work = 20%Semester Final Exam = 10%00Lecture Grade Percentage Breakdown (AP credit)Summative Assessments-Unit Exams = 25% Formative Assessments = 20% Summative Free Response Questions (FRQs) = 25%Homework and In-Class Work = 20%Semester Final Exam = 10%571359841275Grading ScaleA= 100%-90% B= 89%-80%C= 79%-70%D= 69%-60%F= 59% and below00Grading ScaleA= 100%-90% B= 89%-80%C= 79%-70%D= 69%-60%F= 59% and belowHomeworkPlease expect to complete ~1-1.5 hours of homework per week for this class. Homework ALMOST ALWAYS includes reviewing notes, watching preview Edpuzzle videos and/or practicing vocabulary DAILY. Homework plans (summaries) and monthly curriculum plans will be given to each student throughout the year. This plan will highlight which assignments are due during each week and what we do in class each day. Please make sure that you complete your OWN work to the best of your ability. Copying/plagiarism will result in a zero for all parties involved (please refer to Academic Integrity policy below).Academic Integrity PolicyStudents are expected to complete their own work throughout the course. Students shall not engage in any act of deception or falsification of their work product. This includes plagiarism by copying the language structure, idea and/or thought of another person and representing it as one’s own work. Dishonesty, or cheating, is defined as: Copying or stealing another person’s work or data Allowing another person to copy one’s own workDoing another person’s classworkCreating more than one copy of one’s own work for distributionProviding another person with the answers on tests or quizzesNoncompliance with teachers’ test taking proceduresExtra Credit Work There will not be extra credit available this year.Late Work PolicyIt is expected that you turn in all work on time in order to stay up to date on class material. If you experience technology issues OR have issues turning your assignments in on time, PLEASE EMAIL ASAP so we can discuss the matter. It is expected that you email me before the assignment is due to show me that you have tried to turn it in. Always refer to homework plans for due dates!Retakes/Grade RecoverySince learning is an ongoing process, there will be options to retake summative assessments throughout the year. After the summative assessment is returned to the student, the student will need to:Fill out a request (Google form) for a retake within 1 week of receiving your grade. In the form, you will explain why a retake is necessary and what plans you have to master the topic(s)/standard on the retake. This Google form will be available on Google Classroom. After the request is received, the student will have 1 week to complete a retake assessment. These retake options will be different than the original assessment and may be more difficult. The goal of retakes will be to show me that you have mastered the scientific concept(s) being addressed on the assessment. Progress Reports (via ASPEN and Google Classroom and AP Classroom)Your gradebooks should be accessed regularly to see and keep track of grades and attendance. I am committed to this program and update grades regularly every week (sometimes several times per week).Teacher ExpectationsI will be available via email from 8:00 am – 9:00 pm everyday (also weekends). I will usually respond within ~12 hours.I will update grades at least once per week.I will use Google Classroom/ASPEN, Edpuzzle and AP Classroom to post, collect and grade assignments.I will use Google Classroom to post weekly homework plans and monthly lesson plan calendars.I will email our class “News Letter” to parents/students once per week, which will communicate upcoming lesson plans, homework due dates and any exciting news from class.Student Expectations BE RESPECTFUL!BE PATIENT!BE PREPARED!Be on time for class Try to sign into your Google meet class a couple minutes early and be prepared to work right away.Once on Google meet, please mute yourself right away Only unmute yourself when you need to talk in a Google meet sessionDo not leave class earlyUnderstand that attendance is expected and is taken throughout the Google meet session DAILYIf for any reason you miss class, it is student’s responsibility to EMAIL the teacher ASAP!Turn on your camera so the teacher can see you and be prepared to participate daily in Google meet sessionsYou can blur the background or use a virtual background during class if you want If you do not feel comfortable on camera, you can turn your camera away from your face but you are EXPECTED to participate in class (ex: respond when called on, etc)If you are “present” but unresponsive during class, you will be marked as absent for the day! The completion of the daily assessment/assignments will determine a student’s daily attendance/participation.Notify school personnel AND the teacher of any technical issues immediately via email: technology@Dress appropriately Class Attendance PolicyIt is expected that you are in class every day so that you do not fall behind This class builds on knowledge learned the previous day. Absence from class could greatly hurt your ability to understand the material and complete your assignments.If you are absent from class, be pro-active and email me ASAP to ask what you missed! My email is: you know that you will be absent ahead of time, PLEASE:Check what you will be missing in class on the lesson plan calendar and what homework is due that dayEmail me ASAP to tell me when you will be absent so I can prepare you with what you will miss in classMissed unit exams/quizzes MUST be made up PROMPTLY upon your return! Please plan accordingly.Makeup exams and quizzes may be taken in class (or on your lunch) depending on the class assignment for that day. TardiesPLEASE make every effort to come to “class” (Google meets) on time. I suggest signing into your Google meet a couple minutes early.Google meet codes can be found AT THE TOP of your Google Classroom website.Google meet links for small group (breakout rooms) will be different and are also posted on Google Classroom. If your tardiness becomes an ongoing event, I will talk to the student first then call home. Otherwise, please try you best to be on time Posted Class Information I post class syllabus/policies and reference worksheets, assignments, homework plans, Powerpoint lectures, study guides, past/practice tests and quizzes, lecture notes, reference worksheets/directions and helpful websites on my personal AP Biology website and/or on Google Classroom. Please familiarize yourself with BOTH websites so that you can access important class information. Information on this website will be updated per unit. Please bookmark the following websites o you can easily access them in the future.Go to msbrookeday. (AP Biology Period 3 & 4) (AP Biology Period 7 & 8)Parents AND StudentsPlease feel free to email me whenever you have questions regarding this class or your student’s performance. I prefer email and am VERY quick at responding. My email is posted on our AP biology website and Google Classroom.4768346182017The best and FASTEST method of communication with Ms. Day is via email ( 00The best and FASTEST method of communication with Ms. Day is via email ( FAQ’s/”What If’s” for Remote Learning Please know that IF the environment is out of the student’s control, the student will NEVER be penalized and a new due date for any missed assignment will be generated by the teacher for the student!What if a student loses Internet connection and cannot log back into a Google meet session? Try to get back online and into the Google meetKeep working on the assignment you were working on (if you can)Email me at as soon as possible (as soon as your Internet access is restored)Watch any missed recorded Google meet sessions or additional videos assigned by the teacher to see what you missedComplete any supplement assignments from the teacher (if necessary). This assignment(s) will have an extended due date.What if the teacher loses Internet and cannot log back into a Google meet session?DO NOT LEAVE the meet. Please wait at least 5 minutes.Keep working on the assignment you were working onI (teacher) will try use my phone to get back into the session. My phone does not require Internet connection. I will then direct students and let them know what the rest of the lesson will look like.If I cannot get back into the Google meet, immediately check your email and Google Classroom for directions from me (the teacher)What if a student cannot attend a live class period?Email me at as soon as possible so I can give you any assignments and /or recordings that you will be missing.What should a student do if he/she is not able to submit an assignment electronically?Email me at as soon as possible so we can work together to find another way for you to complete the assignment.43643551135521 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET 00 INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET 207563300281THINKING…If you think you are beaten, you areIf you think you dare not, you don't,If you like to win, but you think you can'tIt is almost certain you won't.If you think you'll lose, you've lostFor out of the world we find,Success begins with a person's willIt's all in the state of mind.If you think you are outclassed, you areYou've got to think high to rise,You've got to be sure of yourself beforeYou can ever win a prize.Life's battles don't always goTo the stronger or faster man or woman,But soon or later the one who winsIs the one WHO THINKS THEY CAN!”―?Walter D. Wintle00THINKING…If you think you are beaten, you areIf you think you dare not, you don't,If you like to win, but you think you can'tIt is almost certain you won't.If you think you'll lose, you've lostFor out of the world we find,Success begins with a person's willIt's all in the state of mind.If you think you are outclassed, you areYou've got to think high to rise,You've got to be sure of yourself beforeYou can ever win a prize.Life's battles don't always goTo the stronger or faster man or woman,But soon or later the one who winsIs the one WHO THINKS THEY CAN!”―?Walter D. Wintle ................

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