AP Biology Review Packet 2020 (Version 2-20)

AP Biology Review Packet 2020

Science Practices

Chemistry of Life (8-11%)

Heredity (8-11%)

Cell Structure & Function (10-13%) Gene Expression & Regulation (12-

Cellular Energetics (12-16%)


Cell Communication & Cell Cycle Natural Selection (13-20%)


Ecology (10-15%)


Task Verbs (CED pg. 199)

? There are several key task verbs that CB will use to direct you in the free response questions. You

are expected to know what these verbs are telling you to do. Interpret the expectations for the

following selected task verbs:

? Identify

? Calculate

? Construct

? Evaluate

? Describe

? Explain


Task Verbs (CED pg. 199)

? There are several key task verbs that CB will use to direct you in the free response questions. You

are expected to know what these verbs are telling you to do. Interpret the expectations for the

following selected task verbs:

? Make A Claim

? Justify

? Represent

? Make A Prediction

? State

? Support A Claim


Basic Science Concepts

? What is a null hypothesis? ? What is an alternative hypothesis? ? What is an independent variable? ? What is a dependent variable? ? What is the difference between a controlled variable and a control group?


Experimental Design

? Design an experiment to test the effect of fertilizer on plan growth. Be sure to include all needed components of experimental design.



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