
Ms. Day/ AP Biology Semester 2 extra Credit Opportunity

Extra Credit Opportunity- SPRING BREAK 2019


▪ The extra credit is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 4/22/2019. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!!! IF YOU ARE LATE, SICK OR ABSENT, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL NOT (AND CANNOT) ACCEPT YOUR EXTRA CREDIT!!!


▪ This extra credit goes towards the LAB grade or LECTURE grade (can increase your grade up to 1%)

OPPORTUNITY #1- Evolution Scavenger Hunt (pgs 2-10)

Field Museum of Natural History 1400 S. Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60605-2496 312.922.9410


1. Go to the “Field Museum of Natural History” and find the “Evolving Planet” exhibit.

2. Answer as many of the questions as you can.

3. Each question should be answered on this worksheet. You need to PRINT IT OUT from the website and bring it with you to the museum!!!

4. Questions should/can be answered using the information in the different exhibits or from notes/powerpoints from class.

5. All questions are under the appropriate exhibit in order to help you locate the information in the museum.

6. Attach your “Field Museum of Natural History” entrance ticket to your worksheets AND a photo of you IN the exhibit OR YOU WILL NOT GET ANY CREDIT!!! NO PICTURE, NO CREDIT!!!!

7. You will probably spend ~2-3 hours completing this assignment!

OPPORTUNITY #2- Book Report (pgs 11-14…NOTE: You can’t read the same book you read for 1st semester/Winter break extra credit if you did it)


1. Go to one of the following website and scroll down for a book that interests you. All URLs have different books listed.





2. Buy or check out a book that appears on one of the website page. You will need to read this book ( Almost all the books are non-fiction and all books are related to science (of course!) There are many books to choose from and each book.

3. Once you have picked your book, you will need to complete two (2) parts of the assignment for full credit.

• PART #1: Create a Presentation on Your Book

o Create a presentation using: a hand made book with pages, Word, PowerPoint, Google Slides or the movie making software of your choosing.  

❖ Use the following format to create your presentation: Print/Bring (Turn in) or Email me your final copy!

o PAGE/SLIDE 1: Create a Title page with an image of the cover of the book (you can get this from Amazon or another internet site), the title and author’s name and your name as the reviewer.

o PAGES/SLIDE 2-7: Choose 6 images that will guide you in summarizing your book or reflecting on your book.  

▪ Only put one image on EACH page/slide.

▪ Add 3-5 sentences (caption) per image explaining what/how the image represents the book.  

▪ The images you select should represent the entire book (beginning, middle and end).

o PAGE/SLIDE 8-10: Choose 3 quotes from the book that resonate with you.

▪ They should each be put on their own page/slide.

▪ Under each quote, explain why you picked this quote.

o PAGE/SLIDE 11(-13): Create 1-3 pages/slides to reflect on your book.  

▪ What was your FAVORITE part of the book? Why?

▪ What was your LEAST part of the book? Why?

• Describe how you could improve this book/story.

▪ What was the most interesting (new) thing you learned from the book?

▪ Did it change your perspective on a topic? Why or why not?

a. PART #2: Connection to Class

i. Along with the questions above (Part #1), you must complete a second part of this assignment. Print out pages 2-5 of this document (located on the class website) and complete these additional worksheets using the book that you chose. You MUST hand write all your answers. Please understand that typed answers will NOT be accepted.


Name: _______________________________ Period: _____ Ms. Day/ AP Biology


_______ Lab grade or ________ Lecture grade (check one please!)


1. How old is the Earth?

2. What is the geologic time scale and how are the units of the time scale related (i.e., eon era, period, and epoch)?

3. What is an eon?

4. What are the three eras of the Phanerozoic Eon.?

5. In what era did trilobites, dinosaurs, and humans appear?

6. What are the Periods in the Paleozoic Era?

7. How much of Earth’s history is represented by the Precambrian?

8. What major event takes place at the beginning of the Precambrian?

9. What happens to the geologic time scale when geologists get more data on the age of fossils and rock layers?

10. Fill in the Mass Extinction Chart below as you proceed through the exhibition. Watch for Mass Extinction stations in bright red that feature diagrams and text describing each event (there are six total in Evolving Planet).

|Extinction Event |Era |Period |Millions of |Percent of |Main Cause |

| | | |Years Ago |Life Lost | |

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|First Mass | | | | | |

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|Second Mass | | | | | |

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|Sixth Mass | | | | | |

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11. Look for the “Sixth Extinction” station (Hint: this is at the end of the exhibition). List the causes and importance of this extinction event. Come up with a list of things that you can do to help slow down this contemporary (modern day) mass extinction.

SECTION 2: The Precambrian: Life Emerges

12. How much of Earth’s history is represented by the Precambrian?

13. What is the difference between prokaryote and eukaryote cells?

14. Which cell type evolved first on Earth?

15. Fossils of multicellular organisms are found in rocks of late Precambrian age. What types of animals do they represent?

16. What is the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction and what is the relevance of sexual reproduction to the process of evolution?

17. Gather qualitative data about early lifeforms on display in the Precambrian gallery. Make 3 different sketches below and identify what organisms they are as well as their geologic age.

SECTION 3: The Cambrian and Ordovician: World of Water

18. What are fossils and how do they form? What are body (unaltered) and trace (altered) fossils—how are they different?

19. What are trilobites and what did they look like? Are trilobites living today?

20. Observe the large motion mural (animation) of a Cambrian sea.

a. Locate 10 different animals from the mural and record the animal type (coral, sponge, arthropod, etc.) and animal name (scientific and common name).

b. Examine the real fossils of each animal you chose located in the display associated with the mural.

c. Find the fossil of each animal and make a sketch in the appropriate box below

|Animal Group |Scientific Name |Sketch |

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|Animal Group |Scientific Name |Sketch |

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21. Explore the three trilobite interactive stations:

1) trilobite eye

2) rolling trilobite, and

3) trilobite body match.

22. Based on what you learned from the interactive above, describe what it must have been like to be a trilobite.

a. What was their vision like?

b. Did they have a hard exoskeleton?

c. How many parts comprised their body?

d. What did they do to protect themselves?

e. What would a day in the life of a trilobite be like?

SECTION 4: The Silurian and Devonian: From Fins to Limbs

23. What major terrestrial biome (land type/ ecosystem) appears by the end of the Devonian Period?

24. How has the position of the continents changed through time? Looking at a map of the continents in the Silurian Period, can you locate the approximate position of North America, the United States, and Illinois?

25. Deposits of ancient coral reefs occur in Silurian rocks under the city of Chicago. By looking at these fossilized coral reefs, what can we say about the environmental conditions during the formation of these ancient reefs?

26. Study the illuminated model of vascular plant tissues and sketch the main structures (stem, cuticle, stomata, and vascular tissue). Try and find fossil plants in this hall that show one or more of these features.

27. Study the display of 27 different ancient shark teeth. What can you learn about an animal’s habitat, diet, size, etc. from tooth shape?

28. Why are shark teeth more common than shark bones?

29. View the diorama (model) of an ancient Silurian reef. How do paleontologists use fossils to reconstruct what ancient animals looked like?

30. Study the two illuminated models: 1) evolution of jaws, and 2) fins to limbs. Come up with one reason why jaws and limbs would each be an evolutionary advantage.

SECTION 5: The Carboniferous: Age of Coal Forests

31. What is coal and how does it form?

32. The great coal forests of the Carboniferous Period were composed of plants that are very different from trees alive in modern forests. Describe these ancient plants and how they are different from modern plants.

33. Define producers, consumers, and decomposers. Can you give examples of organisms in each one of these groups that lived in Carboniferous forests in Illinois?

34. Toward the end of the Carboniferous Period, the continents continued to drift together, eventually colliding, to form the supercontinent Pangaea. Describe what happened as Africa collided with eastern North America. What prominent features were formed in North America?

35. How does sediment size effect fossil preservation?

36. Experiment with the “Fossil Preservation” interactive, where you can make an impression in different types of sediment. Which sediment makes a clearer impression? Why?

SECTION 6: The Permian: Patchwork of Pangaea

37. What is Pangaea? What lines of evidence support the existence of Pangaea?

38. What is a tetrapod? Are humans tetrapods? What groups of tetrapods existed during the Permian Period?

39. Watch the video on phylogeny and come up with one feature that humans share with the following animals: worms, fishes, lizards, and rabbits.

40. By looking at features shared by organisms, scientists can tell how closely related the organisms are. Which of the animal groups in this list are humans most closely related to? Which one are humans more distantly related to?

SECTION 7: The Triassic: Dawn of a New Era

50. During the Triassic, many different groups of mammals evolved. Study the mammal fossils on display. What do they notice immediately about the size and type of mammal fossils?

51. The first dinosaurs appeared in the Triassic Period around 230 million years ago. Study the display containing the skeleton and flesh model of the dinosaur Herrerasaurus from Argentina. Was this dinosaur a meat-eater or a plant-eater. Explain your choice.

52. How do paleontologists know what dinosaurs ate? How do paleontologists know what colors dinosaurs were?

SECTION 8: The Jurassic and Cretaceous: Age of the Dinosaurs

53. What is a dinosaur? Name 4 different dinosaurs in the exhibit.

54. Did humans and dinosaurs live at the same time? When did each live?

55. While dinosaurs ruled the land, what animals lived in the oceans?

SECTION 9: The Tertiary: Age of the Mammals

56. Explore the ecosystems and habitats of ancient Wyoming. Review the differences between ecosystems and habitats. Identify and describe the habitat and way of life for 3 different fossils.

57. How did the plants and animals get preserved in the exhibit?

58. What can the animals and plants tell you about the type of environment? Are there some organisms that were not preserved?

59. Locate the interactive illuminated model of a grass plant. Explore the different structures of the plant and observe the fossils grass specimens on display. What do they notice about the fossils?

60. Compare and contrast predators in North America with those in South America during the Late Tertiary.

61. What main geological factor influenced the type of predators present on each continent during this time?

SECTION 10: The Hominids: Dawn of Humankind

62. What group gave rise to the hominids?

63. What two other hominid species lived at the same time as our species Homo sapiens? What happened to them?

64. How and why are stone tools made? How have stone tools changed through time?

65. Locate the life-size reconstruction of the hominid ancestor called “Lucy” and make a sketch of her.

66. Who is “Lucy” and where was she found? How is she related to us?

67. Sketch and label how similar AND dissimilar Lucy is to modern humans.

68. What evidence did scientists use to reconstruct her walking on two legs as a biped? Hint: look for Lucy’s skeleton for clues.

69. Explore the touchable hominid skulls in this section. What do they notice about the skull of these specimens? What features are not found in modern humans? How do these features affect the appearance of the face?

70. How can we use teeth to infer the diets of extinct hominids? What were the main trends in tooth size and shape over time in the hominid family tree (including us)?

71. How did Homo Neanderthalensis (“Neanderthals”) differ from modern humans? Compare and contrast such features as body size, bone structure, facial features, cultural development, and tool use. What factor was an important influence on the evolution of the Neanderthals?

Name: _______________________________ Period: _____ Ms. Day/AP Biology


_______ Lab grade or ________ Lecture grade (check one please!)

1. Cite the book that you chose below. Please use APA format CORRECTLY when citing the book.


2. While reading the book, look for and describe 8 different references to a topic or concept that you study in AP Biology throughout Semester 1. You can’

a. Reference #1 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



b. Reference #2 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



c. Reference #3 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



d. Reference #4 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



e. Reference #5 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



f. Reference #6 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



g. Reference #7 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



h. Reference #8 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1/2 of AP Biology: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



3. Describe your favorite part of this book and why it was your favorite part.






4. Describe how you could improve this book/story. NOTE: You have to answer this question for full credit! Saying you loved the entire book is NOT an answer to this question.







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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