AP Biology - Weebly

Ms. Day/ AP Biology Name _________________________

Chapter 12: The Cell Cycle and Mitosis Reading Guide Worksheets

1. Compare and contrast the role of cell division in unicellular and multicellular organisms.

Unicellular Multicellular

2. List the activities (what happens?) of the cell cycle:

a. Mitotic phase

b. Interphase

c. G1 phase

d. S phase

e. G2 phase



▪ In each cell, label the following MAIN structures if they appear in the picture for each phase.

▪ Next to each phase, describe what occurs.


What happens?


What happens?


What happens?


What happens?


What happens?

CYTOKINESIS What happens?

4. Define the FUNCTIONS (jobs) of the following terms:

a. Centrosome

b. Microtubule organizing center

c. Aster

d. Kinetochore fiber

e. Polar fiber

f. Centrioles

5. Contrast cytokinesis in plant and animal cells.

|Plants |Animals |

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6. Define binary fission and label the diagram below:

Definition: _________________________________________________________________________


7. How do checkpoints in the cell cycle help regulate cell division?

a. G1 checkpoint checks for:

b. G2 checkpoint checks for:

c. M checkpoint checks for:

13. Label the diagram below illustrating the molecular control of the cell cycle?








Directions: Write the letter of the response that best answers the question next to the appropriate number on your answer sheet.

|1. Duplication of chromosomes occurs during __________. |1. _______ |

|2. Nucleus disappears during _______________________. |2. _______ |

|3. Spindle fibers disappear ___________________. |3. _______ |

|4. The cell plate is completely formed by the end of ______. |4. _______ |

|5. Centrosomes split to mark the beginning of __________. |5. _______ |

|6. Division of the cytoplasm is called _________________. |6. _______ |

|7. Chromosomes become visible during _______________. |7. _______ |

|8. Centrioles replicate during ________________________. |8. _______ |

|9. Chromosomes begin to move towards the poles _______. |9. _______ |

|10. Chromosomes line up on the equatorial plane during___. |10. ______ |

|11. The production of two identical nuclei is called _______. |11. ______ |

|12. - 15 List in order the phases of mitosis from beginning to end. |12. ______ |

|  |13. ______ |

|  |14. ______ |

|  |15. ______ |

|Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary words. | |

|1. Name the structure that joins sister chromosomes. |  |

| |1. __________________ |

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|2. _______________ are the proteins around which DNA is wrapped. |2. __________________ |

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|3. Name used to describe the threadlike chromosomes before they become visible. |3. __________________ |

|  |  |

|4. How many chromosomes in a human body cell? |4. __________________ |

|  |  |

|5. How many sets of chromosomes in a human body cell? |5. __________________ |

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|6. Term used to describe ½ of a replicated or duplicated chromosome (2 words) |6. __________________ |

|  |  |

|7. The name of the protein that holds together sister chromatids of a duplicated chromosome |7.__________________ |

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|8. Fibers that pull/push individual chromosomes during mitosis |8. __________________ |

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|9. The phase of the cell cycle, which is ~90% of the cell’s life; includes G1, S and G2 |9. __________________ |

|  |  |

|10. Chromosomes are composed of proteins and __________________. |10. _________________ |

| | 11. _________________ |

|11. The term for programmed cell death. | |




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