
AP World History Study Guide Quiz 2 (Qtr 2): The Unification of China

1. Sima Qian was

2. How does the prosecution of Sima Qian reflect on the values of the Chinese Government?

3. The collection of Confucian sayings and teachings is known as the

4. This philosophy formed a thoroughly practical and secular approach to life

5. Confucius believed that political and social harmony arose from the proper ordering of this

6. These were Confucian “superior individuals” who took an active role in public affairs.

7. The Chinese concept of filial piety, which was central to the family structure, was best expressed by the word

8. Xiao was Confucians concept of respect for ones ______________ and ________________?

9. The most influential post-Confucian philosopher, who served as the chief spokesman for Confucius’s philosophy, was

10. At the heart of Mencius’s philosophy was the belief that human nature was

11. The Chinese philosopher who proposed that only strong social discipline would bring society into order was

12. What made Xunzi different in comparison to Mencius and Confucius


13. The philosophy that criticized social activism and, instead, proposed a life of reflection and introspection was

14. The traditional founder of Daoism is considered to be

15. Chinese philosophers often spoke of this term, which means “the way.”

16. The most important text of Daoism is this

17. The Daoist thinkers spoke of the disengagement from the affairs of the world, which was known as

18. What was the school of philosophical thought that returned order to China after the Period of the Warring States?

19. The Legalist established the principle of collective responsibility before the law to bring about what?

20. The Book of Lord Shang is one of the most influential works of

21. Shang Yang and Han Feizi hoped to control China’s subjects with __________ and ______ _______

22. Fifteen thousand terra-cotta soldiers were unearthed in the tomb of

23. The first ruler to unite all of China was

24. According to the Legalist philosophies of the Qin, the foundations of a state’s strength were armed forces and ____________________

25. Qin Shihuangdi’s most important contribution to China was

26. The founder of the Han dynasty was

27. The most powerful Han emperor, known for his administrative centralization and imperial expansion, was

28. In 124 B.C.E., Han Wudi transformed China by establishing an imperial ________________?

29. Which group of people was the greatest military threat to the Han dynasty?

30. He takes control of China from the two year old Emperor and carried out reforms so revolutionary that he is known as the

Short Answer

1. The Legalists held that the foundations of any state were agriculture and armed forces. Why would they believe this? Is there any truth to this statement?

2. Compare and contrast the philosophies of Mencius and Xunzi. How did their contrasting views of human nature influence their political theories? In what ways were they still operating within a Confucian framework?

3. Discuss the role that Qin Shihuangdi played in the unification of China. What were the foundations of his political philosophy?


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