
Course Expectations

Clark High School

AP Chemistry

Mr. Dehne

Course Description

This second-year course is designed for those students who have successfully completed Chemistry I H and wish to earn college credit for chemistry. Topics included are: mathematics of chemistry, lab safety, laboratory procedures, elements-compounds-mixtures, atomic structure and theory, structure and organization of the periodic table, mole concept, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical equations, stoichiometry, kinetic theory, gases-liquids-solids-solutions, acid-bases-salt, equilibrium, thermochemistry, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, chemistry of the environment, and career opportunities. Additional topics may include history of chemistry, biochemistry, qualitative chemistry, and research projects. A science fair project is suggested for the course. A student taking the Chem AP exam in May can earn college credit for the course. For a student to receive college credit, he/she must get a 3 (out of a possible 5) or better on the test. This course qualifies for college entrance requirements for a laboratory science and fulfills one lab science needed for graduation. Since you are taking Chem II AP, you are expected to take the AP exam in the spring. Participation in Chemistry Olympiad and/or Science Olympiad is highly recommended. As an incentive for participating in Chemistry Olympiad, you will receive a 10% boost to your second semester final.


B or greater in Chem IH, Bio IH, and/or teacher recommendations


Chemistry: The Central Science by Brown, et al

Performance Objectives

Upon completion of this course, a student will

a) Use the scientific method of problem solving

b) Develop safe laboratory techniques

c) Use mathematics to determine chemical relationships

d) Understand the differences in matter

e) Predict the bonding patterns within compounds

f) Using chemical equations to determine relationships between chemicals

g) Develop an understanding of kinetic theory

h) Develop a clear understanding of thermo, electro, organic, and nuclear chemistry

i) Recognize the major differences between acids, bases, and salts

j) Understand the use, benefits and consequences of using chemistry


Assignments will be done in pencil. Any assignment done in pen will need to be redone. Work will be done in a neat and tidy manner or the assignment will not be accepted. Answers must be highlighted (circle, highlighter, box, etc.). All assignments will include full name, period number, class, assignment, and date assigned. If an assignment has no name, it will be considered late and graded accordingly. Lab reports must be done in pencil and within the quad ruled lab notebooks. They must be very neat and organized. If a data table is present in the lab, a ruler must be used to draw the table or created in Word/Excel, cut and pasted. Note: If you have a D or F in AP Chem and you are missing class due to an activity, I will contact the supervisor of your activity and you may be withheld from the activity.

A. Tests and Quizzes (points vary)

You will be given notice before a major test. Furthermore, quizzes will be given periodically on the current material and will either be announced or unannounced. Tests and quizzes will generally focus on the current material, but concepts discussed previously will and can be included. Questions can be made up of multiple choice, completion, matching, short answer, essay, demonstration, or problem solving. If you are absent on the day of a test/quiz, it must be made up as soon as you can (within 3 class days of the absent) or a zero will be given. MC tests will receive a 20% reduction in value if not handed in the end of the day it is due and a 50% reduction in value if handed in later than the next class period. Make-up tests may be different than the original test. Periodically a test/quiz can be retaken and the two grades averaged. A semester test will be given at the end of each semester and is worth 10% of your semester grade. The other 90% is broken down into 45% per quarter.

B. Homework (5points/assignment, various points)

Homework is due the class day after assigned unless otherwise stated by the teacher. I will check the HW for completion (in other words you must SHOW WORK where applicable) and check it off in my HW log sheet. Make sure your HW is neatly done and answers well marked. No work, NO CREDIT. HW will be worth 75% the next day and 50% until the week before finals. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED FINALS WEEK! I will hand out a blank HW tracking sheet for the recording of assignments. HW torn out of a spiral notebook or torn will be redone and handed in. Unfinished HW is considered missing. Class usually begins with a starter or quiz. Starters are worth 2pts and quizzes vary. Various review problems will be worth 5 points. Quarter and semester grades will be rounded up only if the student has no missing work for the quarter or semester. Students will receive an O or S for citizenship, based on in-class actions.

C. Notes

Print notes and PowerPoints (with note lines) from my Weebly website () when assigned. You will have quizzes based on the notes (so READ THEM!) and sample exercises. If you do not have Word, Excel, or PowerPoint download the readers from . You are responsible for the notes. While reading the notes, write comments/questions in the margins of the notes. The salient points from the notes will be discussed during class. Also, take notes from class lectures/discussions

D. Labs (various points)

Labs may be scheduled after school and some Saturdays. I will give notice and a schedule for such extracurricular activities. I cannot require attendance, but a lab notebook will be necessary for lab credit in college and is a great means of learning. Each student will be in a 4 person lab group. If you cannot make the extracurricular labs, then you must get the information from a lab partner and complete the lab assignment. You will be required to turn a lab report for each lab exercise. One formal lab report will be required each semester. This lab report must be typed. The format for the lab will be given prior to the lab. You will be required to keep a separate notebook for labs. You will use this for notes and data collected during the lab exercise. Details on how to use your lab notebook will be given prior to the lab exercise. When a lab is scheduled, you must come prepared. Each student must have a signed and checked lab safety contract in the front of his or her lab notebook before participating in a lab. A grade of zero will be recorded for each lab until the safety contract is returned.

- No open toed shoes during a lab.

- Long hair must be tied back.

- Safety glasses must be worn during any lab activities

- No horseplay.

- Read directions before asking questions!!!!

Any action during a lab that I deem to be horseplay, if not corrected, will result in a zero for that lab, and book work will be given to the offending party. You are all responsible for each other in your lab group. After three 0’s on labs, you will not do any more labs for the rest of the school year.

E. Make-up work

When you return to class from an absence, pick up missing work and you will have 3 class days (for each day missed) to hand in the missing assignment. My advice is to make up the work as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to get missed work or notes when you have been absent.

F. Grading values

Grades are based on total points earned out of total points possible. Assignment values will vary. Final grading will be based on total points earned divided by total possible points. Citizenship grades will be based upon your classroom behavior. Rounding up of a grade is up to the discretion of the teacher. Instances where rounding will not be used are:

• Any missing assignments during quarter

• An N or U for citizenship

• Cheating of any kind

• Disrespect in classroom

G. Extra Credit

As a birthday present, each student will be given 5 EC points. Other EC may be given throughout the year at my discretion.

H. Citizenship mark

Marks are given based on your behavior in the classroom environment


Each student will be required to have the following materials:

a) pocket folder

b) Chemistry lab notebook (preferably quad ruled)

c) 3-ring binder for notes

d) (1) notebook for in-class notes

e) Scientific calculator (scientific notation).

f) Blue pen

g) Pencil (with eraser)

h) Book cover (Fabric or Paper)

i) Loose leaf paper (loose leaf paper, college rule for HW)

j) Zippered pouch for pencils, pens, calculator, etc.

Tardy Policy

A tardy policy will be followed. If you are tardy, you must get a hall pass from the dean’s office to be let into class. For our classroom, you are tardy if you are not in your seat and prepared within 2 minutes of the bell.


Under the new attendance policy, you will receive a denial of credit for any class you have 6 or more absences. It is crucial are present for class. Missed classes will only hamper your learning and pace.

Classroom Rules

1. Backpacks must be left at either side of the classroom near the exit doors. Backpacks at your desk are a safety hazard. Bring the materials (blue pen, calculator, notebooks, 3-ring binder, pencil, pen, etc.) for the class to your seat. Backpacks at desk will result in marks against citizenship and/or detention.

2. Come to class prepared. No locker passes.

3. Anytime a student leaves the room, he/she must have a corridor/bathroom pass.

4. School dress code will be enforced.

5. You are required to do your own work. You will be given opportunities to work in groups, but you are responsible for your grade. If you are found to be copying someone else’s work, both works will be confiscated and both will receive a grade of zero for the assignment. This applies for other teacher’s classes as well. Parents will be called

6. No food, drink (other than water), or gum.

7. No personal grooming in class.

8. This classroom is a working laboratory. Please be aware that the equipment is expensive and not to be handled without my permission. You are required to cleanup your lab stations after a lab. I will check and make you re-clean your area. Please wash your hands after a lab.

9. Use lab time wisely, it is not a free period. It does have educational value.

10. If a spill/breakage occurs, please notify me. I will clean the spill. Minor spills can be cleaned with a paper towel.

11. Do not touch gas valves or electrical outlets at the lab table unless needed.

12. When in doubt, ask.

13. RESPECT ME, YOUR PEERS, YOURSELF, and the SCHOOL. Respect the “C.”

14. NO CELLPHONES (or texting) or ELECTRONICS. Strictly enforced.

Progressive Discipline Plan

1. Warning

2. Detention – 15 minutes after school

3. Detention – 30 minutes after school and call home

4. Free trip to dean’s office

5. Parent/Teacher Conference about behavior

Thank you for respecting the classroom and me. I look forward to having a great school year with you. If you have any issues, I am available before and after school.

Please have a parent/guardian sign the form below and return the completed form to me.

I expect a fun and respectful year of exciting chemistry!!!!!!


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