
Economics Syllabus

Mrs. Lisa Schwalger

Contact Information

Room 220



Mrs. Schwalger’s Daily Schedule

1st hour Prep 7th Hour

2nd hour Prep

3rd hour AP / IB Economics

4th hour Economics

5th hour Economics

6th hour Honors World History

7th hour AP / IB Economics (Mondays 2:30pm – 6:30pm)

Office Hours: Tuesday B Lunch

Tuesday 2:15pm – 3:00pm

Wednesday 2:15pm – 3:00pm

Thursday 2:15pm – 3:00pm

Please feel free to come and discuss any questions or concerns that you have at any time during the course. I am available by appointment in addition to the office hours listed above.

Textbook: Economics: Principles in Action. Prentice Hall.

Course Introduction Welcome to Chandler High School! Economics is a one-semester course that covers foundations of economics / free enterprise, microeconomics, macroeconomics, global economics & personal finance. Economics is the study of scarcity and how individuals choose for themselves given that scarcity. Economics combines some light math, psychology and lots of logic to analyze what will happen in our economy given different circumstances. Instruction will include lecture, independent reading, discussions, team activities, projects and other methods. Homework & projects are assigned at the beginning of each unit to allow students to manage their workload.

Course Objectives

Course objectives may be found on the CUSD website. The direct url is:

Daily Expectations

1. Come to class daily prepared to work and learn. This includes basic supplies (notebook, loose paper, pen or pencil, etc.) as well as completed assignments.

2. Come to class on time. You must be in your assigned seat by the time the final bell rings and working on your daily warm-up assignment.

3. Treat everyone with respect. This includes all students, teachers, and visitors.


• Three-ring Notebook

• Loose Leaf Notebook Paper & Spiral Notebook

• Pens / Pencils

• Planner / Agenda to Track Assignments

Grading Scale:

Your grade for this course will be determined by daily warm-up assignments, in-class activities and assignments, team activities, projects, homework, quizzes and tests. Grades are calculated as follows:

Quarter 1 = 40% Quarter 2 = 40% Final Exam = 20%

Traditional grading percentages apply:

100%-90%=A 89%-80%= B 79%-70% = C 69%-60%= D Below 60% =F

Additional Suggestions for Success

• Come to class on-time with a positive attitude

• Be ready to learn new things

• Take responsibility and advocate for yourself

• Demonstrate respect for self and others

Academic Integrity

You are expected to familiarize yourself with proper procedures for collaborating, doing research, and citing sources. Any assignment you turn in that I find to violate academic integrity, either through dishonesty, plagiarism, lack of appropriate sources, or unauthorized collaboration, will receive a grade of 0 and contact may be made to the home. Any further instance of violating academic integrity will follow procedures outlined in the student handbook.

General Classroom Policies

1. Attendance / Tardies – Excellent attendance is a necessary component for academic success. School policy in regards to attendance and tardies will be strictly enforced in this classroom. Administration and Security will be sweeping students who are not in class on time. If you are “caught in the sweep” and you miss a quiz or test, you must make up the quiz or test after school on the same day. It is your responsibility to see me outside of class time on the same day to submit your work and get missed assignments.

2. Attendance / Unexcused Absences – If you have an unexcused absence and an assignment is due, you will not receive credit for any assignments due that day. If you have an unexcused absence and a quiz or test is scheduled, you will receive a zero.

3. Attendance Incentive – If you have no more than 4 absences (excused or unexcused) with a 75% or better in the class, you may opt out of taking the final exam. 1 sweep = 1 absence and School Sponsored events are not counted as an absence for this incentive. All students must be present for the final exam, even if the student is exempt from taking it.

4. Assignments - All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date assigned and should be typed. In the event that you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me outside of class time for make-up work. Students will receive one day for each excused absence to make-up missed assignments. Late work will be accepted and must be received within one week of the original due date. For each day that an assignment is late it will be penalized one letter grade.

5. No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed to be used in the classroom. These items will be confiscated and will be referred for discipline after the first incidence.

6. Per school policy, no food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. Water is fine!

Please fill out this form, sign & return to Mrs. Schwalger by Monday, July 29th. Syllabus stays in student notebook for reference.

Student Name: ________________________________________________ ID #: ____________ Class Period: ________

I have read and understand the syllabus for Economics.

I understand that there are expectations for my behavior within the class.

I understand that there will be homework assignments, nightly readings, etc. that I am expected to complete.

I understand that absences must be excused in order to receive a make-up assignment.

I understand that it is my responsibility to see the teacher for work I have missed due to an absence.

I understand that late work is accepted for only one week, and for only half credit

I understand the academic integrity policy and pledge to be honest in completing my assignments.


Student signature______________________________________________________________ Date _________________


Parent / guardian printed name _________________________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian signature ______________________________________________________ Date __________________

Contact Phone Number: __________________________ E-Mail Address: ____________________________________

Please list three goals you have for your student:

1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

Anything I need to know about your student: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Any questions, comments, or concerns: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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