AP English: Literature and Composition

A.P. English Lit – Mr. Rose Name______________________________


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|Name |Role in the story |Significance or Purpose |Adjectives |

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Provide a brief synopsis (include exposition, main conflict(s), climax, resolution, and major plot points):

Identify the genre and specify how this work fits its characteristics:

Significant biographical details about the author:

Information about the period (literary, historical, artistic, philosophical, etc.):



Date of Publication:___________________

Sources: _____________________________

Identify and explain the use and effect of three literary techniques:

Cite and quote one example of each:

Cite and quote three significant passages:

Explain the significance of each passage or explain how it relates to the work as a whole:

Significant Quotes

Describe the setting(s) and explain its/their significance:

Identify and explain the theme(s) of the work:

Write three AP open-essay prompts (based on the A.P. prompts from 1970-2012):

Identify and explain key metaphors, symbols, or motifs:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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