Ms Beland's Classes

(AP) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2019-20May 20, 2020Today’s Agenda (Day 162) [LU Online #37] Housekeeping ItemsHomework Check: [Non-AP] Chapter 23 Reading GuideClass Activity: [Non-AP] BEGIN: Chapter 24 [AP] Working Session: POST-EXAM PROJECTS – Day 1 Design a Sustainable City-create trial account on -review city’s requirements-draft a general layout of city (confirm city choice with teacher)HOMEWORK:Read Chapter 24 – Politics, Environment and Sustainability [NON-AP] Chapter 24 Vocabulary, Notes and Reading Guide[AP] Post-AP Projects – see table below Ch 24Administrative lawsArbitrationCivil suitsCommon lawDefendantDemocracyEnvironmental lawEnvironmental policyLobbyingMediationPlaintiffPoliciesPoliticsStatutory lawsREMINDERSChapter 24 Vocabulary – May 21Chapter 24 Notes – May 25Chapter 25 Reading Guide – May 26Chapter 24 Test May 28Chapter 25 Test June 9AP POST-EXAM PROJECTTask Due Date Choose Partner, Topic and Project Ideas and Format Friday, May 22 Sufficient Progress Check Wednesday, May 27 & Friday May 29Project Complete Wednesday, June 3 Sustainable CityFriday, June 5 Service Learning ProjectPresentations June 4 - 10 (AP) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 2019-20READING GUIDECHAPTER 24 – Politics, Environment and SustainabilityReview the Key Questions and Concepts for this chapter on p. 635. Describe what Marion Stoddart did to help clean up the Nashua River in the U.S. state of Massachusetts (Core Case Study). 2. a. What key roles can governments play in improving environmental quality? b. What is a government policy? c. What is politics? What is environmental policy? d. What are the four stages of a policy life cycle in democracies? e. What is a democracy? f. Describe two features of democratic governments that hinder their ability to deal with environmental problems. g. Explain nine principles that decision makers can use in making environmental policy and five strategies for implementing these principles. 3. a. What are the three branches of government in the United States and what major role does each play? b. What is lobbying? c. What are three major environmental laws? d. Explain why developing environmental policy is a difficult and controversial process. e. What are four major types of public lands in the United States? f. Describe the controversy over managing these lands. g. Describe the controversy over logging in U.S. National Forests. 4. a. Describe four ways in which individuals in democracies can help to develop or change environmental policy. b. What does it mean to say that we should think globally and act locally? Give an example of such an action. c. What are four ways to provide environmental leadership? 5. a. What is environmental law? b. Distinguish among a statutory law, an administrative law, and a common law. c. What is a civil suit? d. What are the plaintiff and the defendant in a lawsuit? e. List six reasons why it is difficult to win an environmental lawsuit. f. What is a SLAPP? g. Describe the role that Diane Wilson played in helping to reduce the dumping of toxic chemicals into the bay near where she lived. h. Distinguish between arbitration and mediation in dealing with a lawsuit. i. List three general types of U.S. environmental laws. j. What is an environmental impact statement? 6. a. Explain how and why U.S. environmental laws have been under attack since 1980. b. How effective have the attacks been? c. Describe Julia “Butterfly” Hill’s efforts to save giant redwood trees in California.7. a. Describe the roles of grassroots and mainstream environmental organizations and give an example of each type of organization. b. Describe the role and effectiveness of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). c. Give two examples of how students have played strong roles in improving environmental quality. 8. a. Explain the importance of environmental security, relative to economic and military security. b. Describe some of the harmful environmental impacts of war. c. List two pieces of good news and two pieces of bad news about international efforts to deal with global environmental problems. d. List three problems with global environmental treaties and agreements. e. Describe roles that corporations can play in helping to achieve environmental sustainability, and give an example of such an effort. 9. a. Describe efforts by the Netherlands to develop and implement a national environmental plan, or green plan. b. What are four guidelines for shifting to more environmentally sustainable societies? 10. a. Describe connections between Marion Stoddart’s efforts to restore and protect a river (Core Case Study) and the four scientific principles of sustainability. ................

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