
(posted 4/15)Not a lot of new information today except for this one important announcement about the AP exam.</br></p style="color:purple;"><p style="color:red;"><br> From our administrator in charge of AP: "to clarify about notification AP students will/should receive about testing from CollegeBoard. Every student who registered for a test should receive an email from CB confirming the test(s) that will be taken. Students should check the email they registered with to get that confirmation email. If students communicate with you that they have not received a confirmation email, please have them call CB at 888-225-5427. The school code is: 471345. They should let CB know they did not receive the confirmation email and should troubleshoot with CB to rectify the issue."</br></p style="color:red;"><p style="color:purple;"><br>So if you haven't seen this email keep an eye out. If you can't remember what email you used originally to register for the exam and AP classroom you should contact the collegeboard.</br><br>Other than that announcement pretty much everything is rolling along on the Now Comment page. The first of the review pages for the AP exam are up and your classmates have begun working on them. Contact me if your situation has changed and you are now interested in joining.(posted 4/13)Hello all my students,Welcome back. I hope you will join in the activities on our NowComment page. This page was added after school closed and to participate you need an invite. If you are interested, send me an email and I will add you. It is never too late.Everything we are doing is optional and you may get your info. directly from the collegeboard and participate on your own in their review sessions but I would like to help prepare you for the exam. If you need some extra convincing, I have been and will continue to add points to your 3rd quarter grade to show evidence of deeper understanding of concepts. All Quiet on the Western Front is the new bonus book (announced a couple of weeks ago). I’d like anyone interested to post by the end of the day Tues. with Weds. being one additional day for you to post on each other’s comments. If you haven’t read it yet, it isn’t that long. Stuck inside you could read it in a day. If you have been unable to find or purchase the book, Rhea from first period found a pdf copy on line. You can follow the link (below) and read it there.There is also a document on NowComment strictly for questions about the exam. (Date of test, what format, the rubric). I will continue to add as we learn more about the exam testing procedures. Information WILL keep coming from the collegeboard. You can get the directions directly from the CB but I would like to help organize the information for you.We will continue to use Quia for announcements, calendar and for any longer timed writing practices we do in the next month before the exam. You are all expected, as usual, to check into Quia but NowComment allows us to be more interactive.Review material will start for AP Euro and AP World this week after we wrap up final sections of the exam. If you have been keeping up, you know ALL the units that will be on the exam. We will finish the topics so you can reference the outcomes in case the DBQ touches on the very last required units.This week we will begin the CB review videos. You may watch on your own or stick with us. I will set a pace that has you ready for the AP exam and will post review worksheets and OF COURSE we will break down the new DBQ rubric. Once we start the review units all our writing practice will be about the DBQ.You are free to choose which activities you would like to participate in based on your interest or areas you feel you need the most review. Therefore, you do not need to stick to the hourly schedule posted for PWC schools for me. Just submit work every couple of days if you want to keep up with the rest of us. Stay healthy and be kind,(posted 4/3) I have been waiting all day to post to make sure I have the most accurate updated information from the collegeboard and I think it is REALLY REALLY great news for us. The test is going to play totally to your strengths. One essay (which most of you have been better at then the collegeboard type multiple choice questions) and it is going to be a DBQ (which you have practiced A LOT compared to other classes). I know, without a doubt, you guys can do this. After we come back from spring break I will make sure you know the rubric which is just a tad different then we practiced mostly because you will only get five documents, not seven but I believe you could take it today and do an awesome job! Take some time with your families for the next week and I will not be posting anything new except any type of good news. So if you have any happy news or positive things to share with your classmates send them along. Otherwise: I'll be back in communication with you on our class page and NowComment in a week! (posted 4/2) A couple of days ago I posted a collegeboard video on WWI (Unit 8.2) You can always watch/practice on your own on the AP Youtube site but it would be great if you could try the practice activity at the end of the video on our NowComment page. I posted the video and the practice SAQ activity so we can see each other's ideas. If you want to do this activity please do so by tomorrow because I will post a new video that goes over the answers on Friday. Today I posted some information about the Last Russian Tsar and a podcast from Noble Blood about his execution. This is a short reading and an interesting podcast so I would recommend this activity for everyone. Because it is only an "opinion" activity I put all three AP Euro classes together on it. I am keeping the longer and more academic collegeboard videos and activities separated by class periods.(posted 4/1) I have posted a new WWI activity on NowComment that has a Crash Course video. Easier than the Fay thesis! Remember that all these assignments are optional so feel free to pick and choose what you would like to participate in. None of these are graded as NEW assignments but your teachers are allowed to "give assignments to support the review and/or extension of the learning standards". And we are allowed to give you types of assignments that can "reassess" your third quarter learning. Which means I can raise grades. When will I put in points? I will give you plenty of time for each new thing posted on NowComment. The Quia calendar is more of a guideline, you will get about one week (not counting Spring Break) but then I will close each activity so we are all moving forward and working on the same few things. No one is going to think about going back to read your comment on something from two weeks ago. That is why you will find some activities closed and why you will get some reminder emails with "due dates" if you want to participate in current ones. Once I have closed a document I will start entering bonus points based on your type of participation and level of document (difficulty) in regards to "extension of the learning standards". (posted 3/26) If you are interested in joining a book discussion for WWI we will be reading "All Quiet on the Western Front". It is a really fast read and really helpful for understanding WWI. I hope you will join us! Discussion will be online on NowComment on April 13th and 14th. ................

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