AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography Auld/Porbandarwala

Unit Four Pacing Guide

UNIT FOUR: Political Organization

RUB – Chs 7 & 8; FGG – Ch 12

*NOTE* Many topics/issues are covered in Feldman, Getis & Getis (FGG) that AREN’T in Rubenstein for this unit. This is the pdf you were emailed!


Wednesday/Thursday, 11/30 & 12/1/16

1. AP Registration – Handout/Explanation/Past Scores (MS Excel)

2. Unit Four Pacing Guide/Discussion (FGG)

3. Unit Four Vocab List

4. Group Work: Reading Quiz notes/Vocab cards for Friday/Monday’s reading

Friday/Monday, 12/2 & 12/5/16

Reading: (Rub pgs. 230-237 All of Chapter 7 Key Issue 2) (FGG pgs. 445-448 End at “Geographic Characteristics of a State) QUIZ!

***You will have a quiz starting today***

5. AP Registration – Handout/Explanation/Past Scores (MS Excel)

6. EQ: What’s in a state? (Geographic Characteristics of a State)

a. INTRO: TedTALKS: Parag Khanna Maps the Future of Countries

b. Evolution of the modern state (Intro comments)

c. State vs. Nation vs. Nation-State (overhead)

d. Basic characteristics of a state (4 on board)

i. Case Study – Stateless nation: Kurdistan (website/map/video clip)

7. Vocab: state, nation, nation-state, self-determination, sovereignty, stateless nation, city-state, colonialism/imperialism, microstate, ministate, enclave/exclave, compact, fragmented, elongated, prorupt, perforated, landlocked

Tuesday/Wednesday, 12/6 & 12/7/16

Reading: (FGG pg. 454 “Boundaries: The Limits of the State” to pg. 458 Stop at “State Cohesiveness”) (RUB-pg. 268 “Types of Boundaries” to pg. 272 Stop at “Boundaries Inside States”) QUIZ!

1. DUE: Online Pre-Test “Multiple Choice Quiz”


2. EQ: How do international boundaries come to exist? Why do they cause problems?

a. OPENER: Political Cartoons

b. Class Questions: Natural boundaries

c. Graphic Organizer: Students create showing relationships of boundary terms WITH EXAMPLES

d. Case Studies: Conference of Berlin & British Partition of South Asia (VIDEO)

e. Discussion: Boundary disputes? U.S./Mexico

Thursday/Friday, 12/8 & 12/9/16

Reading: (Rub pgs. 254-264) QUIZ!

1. Centripetal/Centrifugal Forces

a. NOTES: Centripetal/Centrifugal examples

b. India: Primary Source Activity

c. Korea: Reunification and centripetal forces @ work

i. Clips on Inside North Korea

d. Vocab: centripetal/ centrifugal, reunification

Monday/Tuesday, 12/12 & 12/13/16

Reading: (Rub pg. 264 “Shapes of States – pg. 268 Stop at Types of Boundaries) (FGG pgs. 448 “Geographic Characteristics of States to pg. 454 Stop at “Boundaries: The Limits of the State”) QUIZ!

1. Size, shape, location – Shape Graphic organizer

Vocab: enclave/exclave, compact, fragmented, elongated, prorupt, perforated, landlocked, antecedent, subsequent, superimposed, relic, delimitation, demarcation, natural/physical, ethnographic/cultural, geometric, buffer state, frontier, Antarctica, irredentism

1. EQ: How can the internal organization of a state lead to cohesion or division?

e. NOTES: Government structure & locating a capital

2. Vocab Work (time remaining)

3. Vocab: federal, confederation, unitary, capital, core/periphery, forward capital, exclusive economic zones, gerrymander, electoral regions, reapportionment

Wednesday/Thursday, 12/14 & 12/15/16

Reading: FGG pg 462 (“Nationalism and Centrifugal Forces”) to pg.466 (“Projection of Power”) NO READING QUIZ!

1. Map Quiz: Europe (minus tiny countries too small to label)

2. Devolution

a. Children of Beslan: Russian Federation/Chechnya Video

b. Discussion



1. Review Comprehensive Exam Results

a. Top 10 Most commonly missed multiple choice test items

b. FRQ Review

c. Scoring explanation

2. AP Human Exam Registration – (instructions)

Tuesday, 12/20/16 – 1st Block LEADERSHIP EXAM – 1A & 1B (no AP Human)

Wednesday, 12/21/16 – 3rd & 4th Block LEADERSHIP EXAM – 3A/3B/4A/4B (no AP Human)


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