
A.P. Microeconomics

Text: Economics, Boyes and Melvin, 2002.

The Exam:

The exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions (70 minutes) and three FRQ’s (60 minutes).


AP Macroeconomics is a one semester (18 week) course devoted to the study of economic systems as a whole. The course is only offered in the first semester of the school year. The main areas of concentration for this course include Basic economic concepts, Supply and Demand, Costs of Production, Imperfect Competition, Resource Markets and Market Failures.

Classroom Rules:

1. Respect. In order to create a positive learning environment for all students and the teacher, simple respect is necessary. This includes no cut downs, negative statements or unacceptable behavior. In other words, treat others the way you wish to be treated.

2. Be prepared. Each student is expected to come to class prepared to learn and participate in the day’s planned activities. This includes but is not limited to coming to class with a pen/pencil, book, notebook, paper and folder. If you come unprepared to class you will be sent back to your locker to retrieve the item and will be charged with a tardy.

3. Hall Passes. Each student was given a student handbook with room for passes in the back. This will be the ONLY hall pass you have. If you do not have your handbook, sorry no pass.

4. Late work: All work turned in late will be worth 50% of its original value. Any work that is more than 7 days late will not be accepted.

5. School Policy: All other school policies are followed in this classroom. Please do not bring bags, coats, or other items listed as inappropriate in the school handbook to class.


Participation: At the end of each quarter, a 10% participation grade will be added to the students’ overall grade. The participation grade will be based off of overall class participation in discussions, role-playing, questions, etc. The way this way will be calculated will be as follows; if there was a possible 500 points in the quarter your participation grade will be a 50 point assignment.

APMAC ATTAKS’S: This will become an everyday event for you as you pass through the door you will take the day’s political cartoon, an article or you will look on the board and answer the day’s problem. These will be discussed and then the cartoons will be turned back in so we can save paper and use them for other classes. These will not be turned in on a daily basis! They are expected to be kept in your three-ring binder which will be turned in once a quarter. These will be worth roughly one test grade every quarter.

Problem Sets: Near the end of each unit a problem set will be assigned containing core concepts that should be completed within a group by the end of class.

Readings: Readings of both the textbook and assigned outside reading are expected to be completed. With random reading quizzes occasionally occurring.

Quizzes: There will be a unit quiz for each of the five units. These are equivalent to tests, the overwhelming majority of the grade will be based on these quizzes and there are no reassessments.


BINDER Each student is expected to keep both a notebook and folder containing the activities and notes that have been taken during class. As a student in this class you should keep all assignments, notes, quizzes and tests taken in this class. As these will be the key in studying for your final. All assignments should be kept in the binder as it will be checked periodically throughout the quarter. My advice to you is to buy a binder and then to purchase dividers and divide your binder into five categories:

Cheating: Any student caught cheating will automatically receive a zero. Anyone caught helping another person cheat will also receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the assignment. Save yourself the hassle and do your own work!

Attendance Policy:

Attendance is a critical component for success in this class. When a student is absent, he/she is responsible for the completion of any class work missed. The student is expected to look at the classroom log at the front of the classroom where a binder/folder will be located for your class. Inside will be a sheet listing what was done for the day and any necessary homework assignments or papers that are needed. Do not come in and ask, “Did we do anything yesterday, of course we did. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to track you down to give you your assignments. A student has two days to make up the work for each day missed and the teacher will be available for direction and clarification.

Tardy Policy:

A student is considered tardy when he/she is not in the classroom when the final bell rings. This means the whole body inside the room.

If you are not in the classroom on time…

!. You will lose the opportunity to perform the bell work and will receive a zero for that assignment!

2. You will write your name on the tardy sign in sheet and stay 2 minutes after class, once you have three tardies you will serve a 30 minute detention..

3. Your participation grade will be adversely affected.


Students are allowed to have water in the classroom. All bottles need to be taken care of before the end of class. If bottles are not put in their proper place the class will lose this privilege. Students are expected to pick up after themselves and if they continue to leave trash behind they will be expected to serve time in Mr. Degnore’s room at his convenience.

All drinks must be possessed at the time of entrance into the classroom. You will not be given permission to leave to get it. Any student who goes out on the pass and returns with a drink will lose their privilege and the item will be confiscated.

Teacher Availability: I am available anytime after school as long as my kid doesn’t need me to pick him up!

A+: 98-100 A: 94-97 A-: 90-93

B+: 88-89 B: 84-87 B-: 80-83

C+: 78-79 C: 74-77 C-: 70-73

D+: 68-69 D: 64-67 D-: 60-63

E: 59-0



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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