AP Physics

AP Physics C

Unit 2 Practice Problems

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question below.

1. A concave mirror with a radius of curvature of 1.0 m is used to collect light from a distant star. The distance between the mirror and the image of the star is most nearly a) 0.25 m b) 0.50 m c) 0.75 m d) 1.0 m e) 2.0 m

2. A beam of white light is incident on a triangular glass prism with an index of refraction of 1.5 for visible light, producing a spectrum. Initially, the prism is in a glass aquarium filled with air, as shown in the diagram. If the aquarium is filled with water having an index of refraction of 1.3, which of the following is true?

a) No spectrum is produced. b) A spectrum is produced, but the total internal reflection occurs.

c) The positions of red and violet are reversed in the spectrum. d) The spectrum produced has greater separation between red and violet than that produced in air. e) The spectrum produced has less separation between red and violet than that produced in air.

3. An object (arrow), slanted at an angle of 45°, is placed in front of a vertical plane mirror, as shown to the right. Which of the following shows the apparent position and orientation of the object’s image?

a) b) c) d) e)

4. Plane sound waves of wavelength 0.12 m are incident on two narrow slits in a box with nonreflecting walls, as shown to the right. At a distance of 5.0 m from the center of the slits, a first-order maximum occurs at point P, which is 3.0 m from the central maximum. The distance between the slits is most nearly

a) 0.07 m b) 0.09 m c) 0.16 m d) 0.20 m e) 0.24 m

5. What is the wavelength, in nanometers, that is deviated in the first order through an angle of 20° by a transmission grating having 6,000 lines/cm? a) 488 nm b) 571 nm c) 608 nm d) 1,570 nm e) 5,710 nm

6. A ray of light passes through air (n = 1.00), then glass (n = 1.50) and finally through water (n = 1.22). Select the answer that best describes what happens to the speed of the light ray as it passes from the air into the glass and then into the water. a) The speed decreases, then increases. b) The speed increases, then decreases. c) The speed decreases, and then decreases again. d) The speed increases, and then increases again.

e) The speed doesn’t change as the light passes into the different materials.

Free Response: Explain and show any work to answer each problem below.

1. A marine archaeologist looks out the port of a research submarine, as shown above. The port is spherically shaped with center of curvature at point C and radius of curvature r. It is made of a material that has an index of refraction of nw, the same as the index of refraction of seawater, which is greater than na, the index of refraction of air. The archaeologist is located to the left of point C and some equipment in the submarine is located behind the archaeologist. The archaeologist can see through the port, but the port also acts as a mirror so the archaeologist can see the reflection of the equipment.

a) What is the focal length of the mirror?

b) On the following figure, sketch a ray diagram to locate the position of the image of the equipment formed as a result of the mirror effect.

c) Based on your ray diagram, check the appropriate spaces below to describe the image of the equipment formed as a result of the mirror effect.

i. Image is: _____ upright _____ inverted

ii. Image is: _____ real _____ virtual

iii. Image is: _____ larger than the equipment _____ smaller than the equipment

2. A transmission diffraction grating with 600 lines/mm is used to study the line spectrum of the light produced by a hydrogen discharge tube with the setup shown above. The grating is 1.0 m from the source (a hole at the center of the meterstick). An observer sees the first-order red line at a distance yr = 428 mm from the hole.

a) Calculate the wavelength of the red line in the hydrogen spectrum.

b) Qualitatively describe how the location of the first-order red line would change if a diffraction grating with 800 lines/mm were used instead of one with 600 lines/mm.










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