
AP Psychology Midterm Exam (Take-home portion)Due: Jan 11th, 2019 (handwritten) You are to ONLY answer the FRQ that is highlighted!FRQ #1 (Unit 1):Explain how researchers working from each of psychology’s major perspectives might investigate an emotion such as love.(Biological, Cognitive, Evolutionary, Social-cultrual, & Psychoanalysis)FRQ #2 (Unit 1):Your friend Dave says: “How can you stand to study the history of psychology? Every single one of those theories is basically the same: the brain controls our behavior.” Given the history of psychology, evaluate Dave’s claim using the following terms in their appropriate context:IntrospectionPsychoanalytic theoryBehaviorismHumanistic psychologySocial-cultural perspectiveFRQ #3 (Unit 2):Eli has a theory that regular exercise for one month can improve thinking. Help him design an experiment evaluating his theory. (population, sample, hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, control group, random assignment, replication, informed consent, debriefing)FRQ #4 (Unit 2):Speaking at a college graduation ceremony, Professor Robson compared college graduates with adults who are less educated. She correctly noted that college graduates pay more taxes, vote more frequently, engage in more volunteer activities in the communities, and are less likely to go to jail than less-educated adults. The professor concluded that colleges obviously do great things for society. How might you reasonably challenge the way the professor reached her conclusion?FRQ #5 (Unit 3A):Discuss how the endocrine and nervous systems become involved when a student feels stress---such as that associated with an upcoming final exam. (Be sure to address specific hormones, parts of the body for both the parasympathetic and sympathetic system.)FRQ #6 (Unit 3A):Dr. Taylor discovers a chemical that is a very effective agonist for serotonin. Explain how this chemical might effect human behavior & identify the condition Dr. Taylor might treat with this chemical and why. FRQ #7 (Unit 3B):A patient goes to the hospital complaining of headaches and difficulty speaking. Describe what a physician and cognitive neuroscientist might do to diagnose the patient’s problems & identify the possible results of such an investigation. (Be sure to address which tools of technology would be used & also what areas of the brain may be damaged.)FRQ #8 (Unit 3B):A patient who is admitted to the hospital after a stroke suffers from the following symptoms: episodes of intense, unexplainable fear, difficulty speaking and reading aloud, blindness in his right visual field. Part A:Using the terms below, explain why you would use the scans to investigate the patient’s brain functioning:PET scanMRI scanPart B:Using the terms below, explain which brain structures you predict might have been affected by the stroke and why you think those brain structures were affected (note, not all structures listed below were necessarily affected by the stroke, your response should clearly indicate which brain structures you predict were affected and which were not.)BrainstemHypothalamusOccipital lobeBroca’s areaAngular gyrusPituitary glandFRQ #9 (Unit 3C):Lassie’s new boyfriend has been pressuring her to become more sexually intimate than she wants to be at this age & stage in their relationship. Strongly gender typed and “macho” in attitude, Jackson is becoming increasingly frustrated with Lassie’s hesitation, while Lassie is starting to wonder if a long-term relationship with this type of man is what she really wants. In light of your understanding of the evolutionary explanation of gender differences in sexuality, explain why the tension between Lassie & Jackson would be considered understandable. FRQ #10 (Unit 3C):Professor Mandel, a behavior geneticist, is interested in studying the relative contributions of nature vs. nurture to the personality trait of extroversion in humans.Part A: Use the following terms to explain possible biological components of extroversionChromosomesGenesTemperamentPart B:Describe how professor Mendel might complete a study of separated twins to investigate the influence of nature and nurture on extraversion. In your description explain how the research could employ the case study, survey, & naturalistic observation methods. FRQ #11 (Unit 5):You have just been assigned the task of writing an article tentatively titled “Alcohol & Alcohol Dependence: Roots, Effects & Prevention.” What information should you include in your article?FRQ #12 (Unit 5):Because he has difficulty falling asleep at night, Dr. Hogn doesn’t go to bed until very late. Before he retired for the night, he tries to wear himself out by running around the block several times. Then he treats himself to a beer and perhaps a pizza while preparing for the next day’s early morning classes. What specific advice and information would you provide to Dr. Hogan to help him fall asleep and better understand his sleeping habits? ................

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