AP Seminar Hatlen Distance Learning Week 1: 4/20-4/24 Due Date: The entire work packet and draft of your IWA should be emailed by 3:00 pm Friday April 24th. Directions: Read each section carefully. Attempt to complete each section on the suggested day. You can type your answers, handwrite your answers on this sheet, or answer on a separate sheet of paper. The goals and activities are designed to ensure that your IWAs will meet the rubric guidelines. Stage of QUEST: Understand and Analyze: This week we are going to go back to the context of our paper and use of stimulus material. Monday: Complete the essential questions, essential activity, and goals of this packet. If you have time to edit your paper, please feel free. If you have questions for Hatlen, please contact her at any time. Learning Objectives and Essential Questions: How do the two stimulus sources connect to our own research topic and question? Do we use the two stimulus sources effectively in our paper? What is the background and context of our topic and paper? Do we clearly express the significance in our writing? What additional sources do we need to answer our questions? Does your research question address a real world or current issue? Essential Activity! Please take this activity seriously, and if you cannot answer the questions below, please stop and email Mrs. Hatlen. This is something that we MUST address before we move forward! What is your topic and area of inquiry? Be specific. Which two sources connect? Note you should be as specific as possible! Provide lines from each text that you would use to develop the idea. This means both stimulus sources. How do the sources connect to one another AND your idea? Be specific. What is the theme that is shared among the sources that you are using? Why are you interested in this? Notes: If you struggled answering these, contact Mrs. Hatlen. We will work together to move on. Based on your answers and personal reflection, develop 3 personal goals you would like to meet to improve your IWA. Include deadlines, steps you need to take, and how you will measure your accomplishments. GoalDeadlineWhat I need to doHow will I know I accomplished my goalGoal 1:Goal 2: Goal 3: If you are able:Go outside for at least 30 minutes. Sit in your yard, walk up the street, water a plant, or even bring your laptop outside and edit your paper. Call or text a friend that you haven’t spoken to in the last week to check in. Tuesday: Complete the engagement activity and use the information from this lesson to edit your IWA. If you have questions for Hatlen, please contact her at any time. If time permits, please edit your draft. Engagement Activity: You will go to the College Board AP Seminar review videos. Watch video #3 Understanding Stimulus Part 2. What ideas connect the sources? What connections do I see between the stimulus sources and my other sources?Have you used the sources essentially? What did you learn about the stimulus material today? Did our class successfully discuss the themes? What were some strengths and what were some opportunities? Write down 1-2 questions you have. What is the theme from 2 stimulus sources that you plan to use in your paper? After you complete this activity, spend 30 minutes completing goals or working on your paper. You could: Research the context of your topic and question furtherReview the stimulus material to ensure that the theme of two sources are connect to your paper Work on editing, spelling, or grammar of your paper. Perhaps, you review the stimulus material to find a connection, perhaps you look up a new source for context, and perhaps you go through and edit spelling and grammar. If you need a suggestion or are not sure how to move forward, contact Hatlen for suggestions. If you are able:Read a short book, article, or story for fun. Something not related to school. If you want recommendations, ask. If you do this, report back. I am curious. Call or text a friend that you haven’t spoken to in the last week to check in. Wednesday: If you want to attend office hours on zoom, they will be open from 2:00pm-3:00pm. Please come prepared with questions regarding your task and draft. If you have questions for Hatlen, please contact her at any time. Watch the College Board review video #4 Developing a Research Topic within CONTEXT of the Stimulus Material and take notes on what you already knew and what you learned: What I already knew: What I learned and need to apply: Based on the video, what do you need to do to improve the context and use of stimulus materials in your paper? Email this to Hatlen today! I will be on the lookout! If you are able:Go outside for at least 30 minutes. Sit in your yard, walk up the street, water a plant, or even bring your laptop outside and edit your paper. Along with your email, send Hatlen a gif or meme that describes your progress. I will send one back. After the video try to spend 45 minutes completing your goals or working on your paper. Here are some suggestions: Research the context of your topic and question furtherReview the stimulus material to ensure that the theme of two sources are connect to your paper Work on editing, spelling, or grammar of your paper. Perhaps, you review the stimulus material to find a connection, perhaps you look up a new source for context, and perhaps you go through and edit spelling and grammar. If you are able to complete the following, please do so: Download or listen to a song that was popular your Freshman Year. Mrs. Hatlen’s would be “The Boy is Mine” by Brandy and Monica or “Everybody” by the Backstreet Boys.” I will commit to listening to these songs on this day. Wish me luck. Call or text a peer in AP Seminar to check in. Thursday: Watch the College Board video #5 Finding Evidence for Your Topic and Moving to a Research Question. What did you learn about finding sources for context? How can you apply this to your research? Does your research question meet the requirements? Is not, what can we do to alter it? After the video try to spend 45 minutes completing your goals or working on your paper. Here are some suggestions: Read through the context of your paper and ensure the theme from the sources is made clear.Research the context of your topic and question furtherReview the stimulus material to ensure that the theme of two sources are connect to your paper Work on editing, spelling, or grammar of your paper. Perhaps, you review the stimulus material to find a connection, perhaps you look up a new source for context, and perhaps you go through and edit spelling and grammar. If you are able to complete the following, please do so: Call or text a peer in AP Seminar to check in. Look up something that you know very little about. I am going to look up information on snails and their life span, because that is something my nephews want to research. Let me know what you learn. Friday: Use the chart below to review your own paper. Please turn in this packet and your IWA draft by 3:00pm today. Please feel free to attend our zoom session from 2:00pm-3:00pm.Row 1: Understand and Analyze Context The response effectively integrates at least one of the stimulus materials into its argument AND clearly relates to a theme or connection between two or more of the sources (evidenced through explanation of context or purposeful use of sources). Example Comments: Row 2: Understand and Analyze Context The response explains the significance of the research question by situating it within a larger context. The response connects evidence from sources to a wider context by considering the implications of others’ claims throughout.Example Comments: Row 3: Understand and Analyze Perspective The response addresses the complexity of a problem, question, or issue by comparing, interpreting, and drawing relevant connections between multiple, divergent, or contradictory perspectives. Example Comments: 1. Write down 1-3 questions you have about the IWA expectations or your personal progress. 2. Were you able to meet each of your goals this week? Explain why or why not. Turn in this packet, assessment of the student sample, and your IWA draft! I am here for each of you. Please reach out with any questions at any time. I will get back to you as soon as I am able. Thank you for all of your efforts and hard work. I am extremely grateful that I get to work with such bright and diligent scholars. ................

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