NAME: ______________________________________________ AP US History Worksheet #16

1930’s Great Depression DBQ Prep

Directions: READ DBQ EXAM. YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS HAND OUT BY THE END OF CLASS-- LEAVE ON MY DESK. Not the whole essay or anything like that – just this hand out. HW: Post THREE thesis statements for this essay on the “NEW DEAL THESIS BLOG” on my website. Ideally your thesis statement will combine the answer to the questions. They can be the same statement written three different ways, or three different statements. The DBQ is posted too. The DBQ Exam is in class (along with 15 MC questions about Chap 24) on Tues March 12th.

I. Questions about the Questions that are being asked in this DBQ:

1) What is meant by “effective?” How will you judge “effectiveness”?

2) For the second question: Before the Great Depression, what was the role of the federal government in American society and economy? Obviously ‘laissez faire,’ but we can break this down further Think of specific examples from the 1800’s and 1900’s..

|Role of Government in… |BEFORE NEW DEAL |DURING NEW DEAL |

|Labor | | |

| | | |

|Business (banks, stocks, wages) | | |

| | | |

|Social welfare/assistance | | |

| | | |

|Role of President | | |

| | | |

|Role of Supreme Court | | |

| | | |

II. Document Analysis: Now start your document analysis. Use the model I made for Document A for the other documents.

Document A: Meridel Lesueur, New Masses, January, 1932

Document Information:

• Many women are unemployed

• Some forms of assistance are available

• Fewer women than men seek assistance

• Probably as many women suffer from poverty as men

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

• Women seem invisible in the Great Depression

• Lack of attention to concerns of unemployed and poor women

• Pre-New Deal assistance to unemployed and poor was not sufficient

• Highlights urban unemployment

Outside Information:

New Deal still didn’t help these issues: Supports document: CCC – work is male specific

New Deal DID help these issues Francis Perkins, first female cabinet member—Sec of Labor

Document B: Letter to Senator Robert Wagner, March 7, 1934

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document C: TITLE: _________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document D: TITLE: ________________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document E: TITLE: ________________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document F: TITLE: ________________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document G: TITLE: ________________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document H: TITLE: ________________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document I: TITLE: _________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:

Document J: TITLE: _________________________________ Author: _______________Date:_______

Document Information (summary):

Document Inferences (point of view/message/intended audience/analysis about whether you agree-connection to thesis):

Outside Information:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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