
Directions: Read the following chapters and be prepared to discuss the questions on the assigned days.AP Standards: Period 5 [1844—1877]As the nation expanded and its population grew, regional tensions, especially over slavery, led to civil war – the course and aftermath of which would transform American society.Key Concept 5.1 — The United States became more connected with the world, pursued an expansionist foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere, and emerged as the destination for many migrants from other countries.Key Concept 5.2 — Intensified by expansion and deepening regional divisions, debates over slavery and other economic, cultural, and political issues led the nation into civil war.Key Concept 5.3 — The Union victory in the Civil War and the contested reconstruction of the South settled the issues of slavery and secession but left unresolved many questions about the power of the federal government and citizenship rights.Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 12 – “Territorial and Economic Expansion” (1830—1860)PPT Notes - Chapter 14 – “Manifest Destiny” (see Blog or Notes handout)This chapter begins with the discussion of “manifest destiny” which was a popular belif that the United States had a devine mission to extend its power and civilization across the breadth of North America.United States interest in pushing its borders south into Texas (a Mexican province) and west into the Oregon Territory (claimed by Britain) largely resulted from American pioneers migrating into these lands during the 1820s and 1830s.The United State annexation of Texas quickly led to diplomatic trouble with Mexico and war between the two countries that lasted from 1846 to 1848.Following the peaceful acquisition of Oregon and the violent acquisition of California, the migration of Americans into these lands began.The era of territorial expansion coincided with a period of remarkable economic growth from the 1840s which was caused by the rise of industrial technology, the expansion of the railroads, and increase in foreign commerce strengthening the economy.The Panic of 1857 ended the economic growth and was caused by a drop in Northern farm product prices and unemployment in Northern cities—the South was less affected by the Panic.Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 12 – “Territorial and Economic Expansion” (1830—1860)Argumentation. “The era of American expansion began not in the 1840s, but in 1803 with Jefferson’s decision to purchase the Louisiana.” Explain the meaning behind this statement in relation to Manifest Destiny.Contextualization. What were the causes of the Texas Revolution? Explain how the Texas Independence and acquisition of the Oregon Territory promoted the concept of “Manifest Destiny” in the 1830s and 1840s.Causation. What were the causes of the Mexican War? Explain the military campaigns and leaders during the War with Mexico.Contextualization. Explain the significance of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo and Wilmot Proviso. “The end of the Mexican War was a prelude to the Civil War.” Explain the meaning behind this statement in relation to the coming Civil War.Contextualization. Explain the expanding economy in the period from 1840 to 1857. Be sure to include the significance of industrial technology, railroads, and foreign commerce as well as the Panic of 1857.Map. Use the map below of the United States to research how the United States grew from the Thirteen Original Colonies in 1783 through to the Gadsden Purchase in 1853. The research should list and describe each of the treaties and acquisitions during this period in history. *NOTE: Copy/paste the map below as you respond to each of the territorial gains by the United States.Map of Manifest Destiny and Territorial GainsDue Date: ___________________Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 13 – “The Union in Peril” (1848—1861)PPT Notes - Chapter 16 – “The Crisis of Union” (see Blog or Notes handout)This chapter begins with the conflict over the status of territories and the issue of slavery in these newly acquired lands.During the late 1840s, sectional differences would lead to the divisions between regions and the two national parties: Whigs and Democrats.The “gold rush” of 1849 brought nearly 100,000 settlers to California and brought about the great debate between John C. Calhoun, Henry, Clay, and Daniel Webster—leading to the Compromise of 1850.Despite four years of relative calm between 1850 and 1854, the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act and the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin did add to political tension between the South and the North.The issue of slavery increased political instability between the Whigs and the Democrats while attempting “popular sovereignty” in Kansas.The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise that kept a lid on regional tensions for more than three decades—After 1854, the conflicts between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces exploded, both in Kansas and on the floor of the United States Senate.The Republican party was founded in Wisconsin in 1854 as a direct reaction to the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.Both the Democrats’ position of popular sovereignty and the Republicans’ stand against the expansion of slavery received serious blows during the Administration of President James Buchanan.John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry and the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 led to secession by South Carolina and the “Deep South”. Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 13 – “The Union in Peril” (1848—1861)Causation. Why did the issue of statehood for California precipitate a crisis for the Union?Contextualization. Explain how the vote on the Wilmot Proviso demonstrated how members of Congress felt about the expansion of slavery. Include the positions of Northern Democrats, Whigs, and Southern Democrats.Argumentation. “Stephen Douglas combined the desire to advance the interest of expanding the railroad with the desire to keep the Union together”. Defend this statement.Contextualization. What were the major elements of the Compromise of 1850?Argumentation. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 initiate the collapse of the second two-party system?Contextualization. How did the literary work of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin stimulate the debate over slavery?Periodization. Explain how the Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision in 1857 and the Lincoln-Douglas Debates in 1858 could be used to explain the debate over slavery in this Antebellum period. Comparison. Compare the views on slavery between so-called “radical” abolitionists such as John Brown to those who opposed slavery in the newly created Republican party. Give examples of how each side supported anti-slavery views.Contextualization. Analyze the Presidential Election of 1860 (leaders, party, position on slavery, geography). Why did the results of this election lead to southern states to secede? *NOTE: Research/copy/paste a map of the Presidential Election of 1860 in your response to this question.Due Date: ___________________Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 14 – “The Civil War” (1861—1865)PPT Notes - Chapter 17 – “The War of the Union” (see Blog or Notes handout)This chapter begins with the inauguration of President Abraham Lincoln in 1861 and the secession of the “Upper South.”In his inaugural address, Lincoln assured Southerners that he would not interfere with slavery, but he also believed that no state had the right to break from the Union.On April 12, 1861, the attack on Fort Sumter and its capture after two days of incessant pounding united most Northerners behind a patriotic fight to save the Union.At the beginning of the Civil War, the Union and Confederacy each started the war with strengths and weaknesses.People expected the war to last no more than a few weeks, but after the First Battle of Bull Run, the Union devised a strategy that was called the “Anaconda Plan.”Several major battles would determine policy changes and shifting strategies by both the Union and Confederacy.In the end, “King Cotton” did not have the power to dictate another nation’s foreign policy—the Confederate setback at the Battle of Antietam and Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation would also be factors in Britain’s non-recognition of the Confederacy.Both the Confiscation Acts and Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation set in motion the process of freedom for African Americans.The turning-point in favor of the Union came after the defeat of the Confederacy at Vicksburg and Gettysburg in July of 1863.Both during the war (and the years that followed), there were many economic, political, and social changes to the United States.The end of slavery acted as a catalyst to transform America into a complex modern industrial society of capital, technology, national organizations, and large corporations.Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 14 – “The Civil War” (1861—1865)Comparison. Compare the relative advantages of the Union and Confederacy at the beginning of the Civil War. *NOTE: Use of a “T-Chart” in response to this question.Contextualization. What was the military strategy of the Confederacy at the beginning of the Civil War? Did the CSA have any advantages at the beginning of the war? Contextualization. Explain the Union strategy of General Winfield Scott (the general responsible for the “Anaconda Plan”. *NOTE: Research/copy/paste a map of the “Anaconda Plan” in response to this question. Synthesis. Analyze and respond to the following statement: “The Republican party during the Civil War carried out the economic ideas of both Alexander Hamilton and Henry Clay to defeat the Confederacy.”Periodization. Identify the significance of the following leaders of the Civil War: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, George B. McClellan, William T. Sherman, George Meade, and David Farragut.Contextualization. Evaluate the short-term and long-term significance of the “Emancipation Proclamation” in context of the Civil War and Reconstruction. What was Lincoln’s argument’s for enacting the “Proclamation”? Periodization. Create a timeline and discuss the significance of the following Civil War battles: Fort Sumter, First Bull Run, Antietam, New Orleans, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Atlanta, and Appomattox. *NOTE: The timeline can be horizontal or vertical and should include information regarding the significance to fully answer this question.Contextualization. What was historical significance of General Ulysses Grant “war of attrition” and William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” in relation to ending the Civil War? Contextualization. Explain how the war ended by discussing the surrender of the Confederacy at Appomattox on April 9, 1865 and the assassination of President Lincoln in the days that followed.Periodization. Explain the effects of the Civil War on civilian life (focus on social, economic, and political changes during and following the Civil War). *NOTE: In completing this question, be sure to find examples using pp. 279-282.Due Date: ___________________Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 15 – “Reconstruction” (1863—1877)PPT Notes - Chapter 18 – “Reconstruction: North and South” (see Blog or Notes handout)This chapter begins with a quote from Frederick Douglass, “Though slavery was abolished, the worngs of my people were not ended”. The end of the American Civil War left the United States with immense challenges and numerous questions that would continue to plague the nation in the decades that followed.Presidential Reconstruction began under Abraham Lincoln and continued under Andrew Johnson.By the spring of 1866, the angry response of many members of Congress to Johnson’s policies led to a second round of Reconstruction—a round dominated by Congress and featured policies that were harsher on Southern whites and protective of freed African Americans.During the second round of Reconstruction, the Republican Party began to dominate Southern governments with the use of the United States Army to maintain control.The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, and Fifteenth Amendment, as well as the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and Freedmen’s Bureau helped protect the rights of African Americans. Freedom meant many things to Southern African Americans: reuniting families, increased literacy, and migrating to cities (usually to find jobs).The North’s economy in the postwar years continued to be dominated by a new Industrial Revolution and driven by pro-business policies of the Republican party. As the South focused on reorganizing its labor system, Northerners focused on railroads, steel, organized labor, and investment capital. During Ulysses Grant’s second term, it was apparent that Reconstruction had entered its third round with Radical Republicans moderating policies.Southern conservatives known as Redeemers took control on one state after another and agreed to follow the following political programs: states’ rights, reduced taxes, reduced spending on social programs, and white supremacy. Discussion QuestionsAmsco - Chapter 15 – “Reconstruction” (1863—1877)Comparison. Explain the detailed plans of Reconstruction under President Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew Johnson. Were there any similarities? Differences? *NOTE: Be sure to include a discussion on the Thirteenth Amendment, Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction of 1863, Wade-Davis Bill, Freedmen’s Bureau, and Lincoln’s last speech on April 11, 1865.Contextualization. Explain the composition of Reconstruction Governments under Republican control. Be sure to discuss the plan by leading “Radical” Republicans under the leadership of Thaddeus Stevens, Benjamin Wade, and Charles Sumner.Contextualization. Explain the events leading to the conflict between President Andrew Johnson and the “Radical Republicans” in Congress. *NOTE: Be sure to include a discussion on the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Fourteenth Amendment, Reconstruction Act of 1867, Tenure of Office Act of 1867, and President Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment Trial and result.Contextualization. Identify the significance of Presidential Election of 1868, Fifteenth Amendment, and Civil Rights Act of 1875.Periodization. Explain President Ulysses S. Grant’s record during Reconstruction (include successes and failures). Comparison. Analyze the social, economic, and political changes faced by African Americans in in the North and the South during the period of Reconstruction. Causation. What caused Southern Democrats to regain power, replacing Republican governments with “Redeemer” governments?Contextualization. Identify the significance of Reconstruction in the North and the South at the end of Reconstruction. *NOTE: Be sure to include a discussion on sharecropping, Spoilsmen, corruption in business and government, and the role played by William Tweed and Thomas Nast.Periodization. Explain Reconstruction’s third phase focusing on the rise of the “Redeemers”, the Klan, and the Amnesty Act of 1872.Continuity and Change. “Reconstruction ended with the Election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877”. Explain the meaning of the statement. Due Date: ___________________ ................

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