AP US History - Coach Huts

World History AP

Coach Hutson – Fall

Unit 2 – Exam Review (Chapters 3-6)

Exam Format:

Part 1 - Multiple Choice

* 40 Multiple Choice questions / 2.5 points each

* These question may be taken from AP released exams, AP World History test banks, and AP

review books, and possibly some from your textbook. Material may have been covered in-class or in your textbook.

* Study your reading notes, reading study guides, and all handouts, articles, etc. used for

this unit.

*Also you will want to be able to answer each of the following review questions found below.

Review Key Terms

Empire Wang Mang patriarchy

Mound-building cultures Confucianism Zoroastrianism

Legalism Daoism Hinduism

Buddhism Ashoka Christianity


Review Questions

1. Describe Greek and Roman agriculture.

2. In what capacity were slaves used in Rome?

3. In what ways did Greek politics resemble Indian politics?

4. What is cultural diffusion? Give several examples from the chapters under consideration here.

5. How did the end of the Gupta Empire differ from that of the decline of Rome?

6. What are the similarities and differences between Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism?

7. What factors led to the decline of Meroe and the rise of Axum?

8. What does the term hellenization mean?

9. What does the term polis mean? What classical civilization is most closely associated with this term?

10. In what ways were Athens and Sparta similar? In what ways were they different?

11. Why was the collapse of political institutions more devastating in Roman civilization that for Han China or Gupta India?

12. What are the similarities and differences between early Judaism and early Christianity?

13. In what ways were Rome and Axum similar?

14. List the major differences between the Mayan Civilization and classical China.

15. What factors led to the collapse of the Mayan Civilization?

16. What regions had pastoral societies during the classical period?

17. Describe the spread of Bantu peoples to Southern and Eastern Africa.

18. Describe Mayan political organization. What classical societies did they resemble?

19. Which civilization developed cities but no state structure?

20. Describe the woman’s role in the classical societies.

21. What are the similarities and differences between Confucianism and Greek rationalism?

22. How did the Persians act toward different cultures?

23. Describe the main reasons for each classical empire failing.

24. How did Buddhism rise in India? What led to the fall of Buddhism?

25. Compare the Yellow Turban Rebellion to Spartacus’ rebellion.


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