AP US History Review PacketR11) Why did European nations want colonies?1’) Why may the early European settlement of North and South America be seen as an invasion?2) How did the cultures of Europeans and Indians clash? How did most Native Americans die? Contrast different views of land use.3) How did England replace Spain as main colonial power?4) Compare and contrast the ruling “styles” of Spain and England.5) How did Virginia (Jamestown) start? When? Why? Where? (What was the whole area called?)6) Why did Virginia go through a “starving time”?7) To what extent was the original goal met in Virginia? Why?8) Why was 1619 a very important year in terms of planting seeds of democracy along with planting problems?9) Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they establish a colony in New England? When?10) How did Pilgrims help establish democracy?11) How did the Puritans replace the Pilgrims as dominant force in New England? When?12) What were Puritans’ beliefs? Goals? Political (govt.) practices? How was this reflected in family life?13) What was a proprietary colony? A self-governing colony? A royal colony? A restoration colony?14) Why did most colony eventually become royal?15) What was the purpose of the majority of the 13 England colonies?16) When and why did distinct American cultures develop?17) Why did indentured servitude develop as main labor supply in southern colonies?18) Why did slavery later replace indentured servants?19) Why didn’t slavery become as common is the New England or Middle colonies? How did most6 colonies earn a living?20) Explain the Puritan concepts of the covenant and of a calling.21) To what extent were the Puritans able to establish a “city upon a hill”? WWN?22) Why was education important in New England than in Chesapeake (South)? Why were early colleges founded?23) Why were middle colonies more ethnically diverse?23’) Using PESC, compare and contrast life in New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Why were there more families and cities in New England? Why were the middle colonies called the “breadbasket”? What were ways of earning a living chief exports? Ethnic groups?24) NOTE: In all time periods, make sure you can write all about the economic and social (family) history24’)Why did differences develop?25) What were the causes and effects of the First Great awakening? Foreshadow Revolutionary war.26) To what extent did religious freedom exist in the England colonies by 1750? Which colonies didn’t have established churches?27) What were the causes and effects of Bacon’s Rebellion? When? Against whom? Was this similar to or different from other colonial rebellions?28) What efforts were made by England to strengthen its control in the 17th and 18th centuries? Why did the effort largely fail? More control or more salutary neglect? What was mercantilism?29) To what extent were the 13 colonies meet their original goals? Example: Massachusetts, Maryland, Carolinas, Georgia, and others.30) To what extent were the 13 colonies unified by 1750?31) To what extent was colonial America democratic? Why more democratic than England?31’) To what extent was colonial America economically democratic?32) Which colonial features mostly shaped 21st century America?33) Describe a colonial life in 1750.Lesson R21) To what extent and how had the colonial assemblies become accustomed to ruling themselves? 2) What was mercantilism? What were positives and negatives of mercantilism?3) Why did salutary neglect largely end in 1763>? Go over failed Dominoes of New England after Glorious Revolution.4) What were the sides in the French and Indian War? Why did the Indians side with France?5) Who won the French and Indian War and why?6) Why did Britain change its colonial policy after 1763?6’) List steps leading to the Revolutionary War.7) What was the difference between virtual and actual representation in the parliament?8) What were writs of assistance?9) What was the Proclamation of 1763? Whom did it affect?10) What was the Stamp Act of 1765? 11)Why particularly hated?12) How did the colonies respond to the Stamp Act? Why was the Stamp Act Congress important?13) What were Townshend Acts?14) What was the Tea Act significant? 15) How did the colonies respond?16) How did Britain respond to the Boston Tea Party?3933826508010017) What were the provisions of the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts? Important18) How did the colonies respond to the Coercive Acts?19)What actions were taken at the First Continental Congress?19’) What was the point of Common Sense?20) What were main causes of Revolutionary War? 21) Most important cause? Why?21’) Mini-Chart dividing causes into PESC22) Where and when and how did Revolutionary War (War of Independence) begin?23) What actions were taken at the Second Continental Congress?24) Why was the Declaration of Independence written?25) What were the main parts of the Declaration of Independence?26) Why weren’t we independent after the Declaration?27) What were advantages of each side?28) What was the role of the Iroquois?29) Why did France join our side?30) Who were the Loyalists and how were they treated?31) What pattern for our wars did the Loyalists start?32) What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 and why so favorable?33) Describe the democratic and undemocratic features of the state government. Why would weak governors be established?34) How was the Revolutionary War financed?35) Who won the Revolutionary War and why? Most important result.36) What was republicanism?37) What was our first national government called?38) What powers did the national government have under the Articles of Confederates?39) What successes did the Articles of Confederates have?40) What were the weaknesses and failures of the Articles of Confederates?41) Why did Shays’ Rebellion take place in 1786?42) How did Shays’ Rebellion help lead to the Constitutional Convention?43) What were the main compromises at the Constitutional Convention? Which ones still exist?44) What are the principle of the constitution?45) What was original about the constitution?46) Why did the Anti-federalists oppose ratification?47) What were the Federalist Papers?48) What was the procedure used for ratification and why?49) Why did the Federalist obtain ratification?50) What were the democratic and undemocratic features of constitution? Why bicameral legislature?51) How did the revolution affect women and African Americans?Lesson R31) What important issues faced our new national government in 1789. How were they addressed?2) What were the 4 goals of Hamilton’s financial plan?3) Why did Jefferson oppose those goals?3’) Contrast Hamilton and Jefferson’s views on the role and size of government 4) What were 4 purposes of the national bank?5) Why did Jefferson oppose these goals?6) Who owned the National Bank?6’) With whom did Washington side with? Why?7) What is meant by loose and strict construction of the Constitution?8) In the 1790’s which party favored which? Why?9) What were the causes and effect of the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794?10) Contrast how the national government reacted to Shays Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion?11) How did European wars following the French Revolution affect the U.S.? Why cine to close to war with England and France?12) How did Hamiltonian Federalist and Jeffersonian Republicans differ over Foreign relation?13) How did President Washington deal with the European wars? Wise or Unwise? Why?14) With which party was the Jay Treaty popular? Why? Unpopular? Why?In general, why did political parties develop in the 1970’s? Contrast membership and views of Americans?Trace the lineage of both 1790’s parties to the present?Why was the Bill of right passed? Main features?Why is Washington Farewell Address famous?When Adams was president, why was there an undeclared naval versus France? What party?Why did Adams push congress to pass the Alien and Sedition act of 1798How did the Alien and Sedition Act leas to the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions? What did the Kentucky and Virginia resolution say?NOTE: Always look for “how did this lead to that” (cause and effect)Who wrote Kentucky and Virginia resolution?Why did Adams fail to win re-election in 1800? Who did win? Party?What were the main accomplishments of the Federalist during the administration of Washington and Adams?Was the election of 1800 a revolution? WWN?What were the 2 main points of Jefferson Presidency and how both relate to Europe?To what extent did Jefferson retain Federal policies?Why did Jefferson want to buy Louisiana? How democratic reversal of philosophy?What were 4 effects of the Louisiana Purchase?What was the purpose of the Embargo act of 1807? Smart or dumb? Similar to or different from Neutrality Acts of 1930?What were 4 characteristics of the Supreme Court rulings when John Marshall was Chief Justice? (Expanded federal power of 20th Century can be traced back to National Bank and Marshall’s rulings)Were these rulings more Hamiltonian or Jeffersonian? Why? Marbury v. Madison ruling? Why important?Gibbon v. Ogden ruling? Why important?McCulloch v. Maryland ruling? Why important? How did the embargo Act and the War of 1812 help spur the first period of industrialization?What were 4 causes of the War of 1812?What were the results?Name of treatyWhy was the War of 1812 called by some historians “second was of independence”?Why did Federalists oppose the war? How did they express their opposition? Which section of the country?Cause and effect: How did the War of 1812 lead to the demise of Federalist Party?Why did the War of 1812 lead to increased nationalism in the early 19th century? What else lead to increased nationalism in the early 19th century? (It is called the “Early National Period” after all)Describe the tariff of 1816. Why was it important?46’)What was the panic of 1819? Causes and effects.What were the most important inventions of the late 18th and early 19th centuries? Why?47’) To what extent was there social mobility during this time?What stimulated the growth of cotton in the South?Who worked in northern factories?Why was Monroe’s presidency called “Era of good feelings”?What were 4 reasons for announcing the Monroe Doctrine?Why was the Monroe Doctrine considered the cornerstone of American foreign policy?What did European nations do/react to the Monroe Doctrine?How may the Monroe Doctrine be seen as a way to becoming distant from Europe?What led to the Missouri Compromise of 1820? (Provide a good example to show there was some sectionalism during the early national period)Note: Henry Clay was a spokesman for the West, Webster for the North, and Calhoun for the South.How was the dispute resolved? Who organized the compromise?What were the 4 purposes of Clay’s American System?Why was the Erie Canal important? Did it strengthen nationalism or strengthen sectionalism? Why? What was the cult of domesticity?R4 Questions:Why was the election of 1824 called a “corrupt bargain” – also, end of Virginia DynastyWhy did southerners oppose tariffs? Why did they call the tariff of 1828 the “tariff of abominations”?Why did feelings of sectionalism switch from North (Hartford Convention) to South in 1820’s?Why was Jackson’s election in 1828 significant? What party?To what extent was Jackson’s election a victory for the “common man”?But, in what ways were Jackson and his era, not “common”?What were the 3 main events of Jackson’s Presidency?Why did Jackson order the Indian Removal to land west of the Mississippi River?How did Jackson defy Supreme Court? – Strong President!Why did Jackson veto so many bills? How is Jackson different from earlier presidents?What led to the nullification crisis? (cause and effect)How was the nullification crisis resolved?How was the nullification crisis a States’ Right v. Federal Government issue? Who won?Why did Jackson veto early chartering of the National Bank? (Cause and effect)What were the effects of his veto? (Causes and effect)Analyze political innovations of the 1830’s-> National Nomination Conventions, Birth of Whigs, Second Party System.Who was the Whig leader? Why?17’) Who followed Jackson? What caused the Panic of 1837?Compare and contrast Jefferson and Jackson.What were 4 causes and 4 effects of the Second Great Awakening? Who led it?Describe family life in this period?Note: In your studying, keep in mind PESC. Don’t just mention what presidents did!!!What were main reform movements of the 1830’s and 1840’s? Most successful? PESCWhere were there most reforms?In what ways were we undemocratic in this period? PESCWhat were 4 goals and 4 results of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848? PESCWhat were 4beliefs of the Transcendentalists? Who led it? (Most Famous) PESCHow did increased Irish immigration lead to a rise of nativism in the 1840’s (Cause and effect: How did this lead to that)?What were 4 reasons, goals, etc. for Manifest Destiny of the 1840’s?What is the best essay example for Manifest Destiny?What were 4 causes of the Mexican War of 1846-1848?What were 4results? Treaty?How did the Wilmot Proviso stem from the Mexican War? (Cause and effect)Which type of person or section of the country was most likely to oppose the Mexican War? Why?Dissent in earlier wars? Later wars?How did the Mexican War help lead to the Civil War? (Cause and effect)How did the cotton gin help lead to the Civil War? (Cause and effect)What percent of white southerners owned slaves? Why supported then? PESCDescribe the class structure of the South in the Antebellum Period. (Social and economic history)What were 4 justifications of slavery?Why did the South begin to describe slavery as a “positive good” in the 1830’s? PESC39’) Most significant slave revolt?Most famous abolitionists? What percent in the North?How did the railroad building of this time affect: (Cause and effect)Economy-Settlements of the West-Describe farming in the Antebellum Period. PESCWhat was culture like during the Antebellum Period. PESCReminder: When you think about a time period, think about political and economical and social life! (If there’s an important foreign relations issue, especially a war, think about that too, of course!)R5 Questions:What led to the Compromise of 1850? (Causes and effects)What were 4 parts of the Compromise of 1850?What was popular sovereignty?Which parts favored which section of the nation?Why were both sections eventually angered by the fugitive slave law?What was the biggest export in 1850?6’) What was the biggest export in the 18th Century?Which side (section) pushed for the Ostend Manifesto? Why?**** Create a mini-chart for the causes of Civil War. Set up PESC categories.****Which section was angered by Uncle Tom’s Cabin?What led Douglas to propose the Kansas-Nebraska-Act of 1854?What were the provisions of the Kansas- Nebraska Act?***** How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to:*****Repeal of Missouri Compromise“Bleeding Kansas”Death of the WhigsStart of the third political party systemSplit within the Democratic partyWhy was the Republican Party formed?What were the main elements of the Republican platform?What were the 2 main parts of the Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford?Which section was angered as a result of the ruling?What were Lincoln’s views on slavery?Why did Douglas’ “Freeport Doctrine” ruin his presidential hopes?Who won the 1858 Illinois Senator-election?How did Helper’s Impending Crisis increase tension?How did John Brown’s raid increase tension?Why were southerners increasingly paranoid in the 1850’s?Who won the election of 1860 and why? Why did the South secede?What did South call themselves?Why wasn’t the Crittenden Compromise accepted?How, when, and where did the Civil War start?What was the most important cause of the Civil War? Why? PESCWhat were the advantages of each side?What were the war aims for each side?How did Lincoln keep the border states in the Union?How did Lincoln deal with dissent within the Union?How did Lincoln expand the power for by each side?How was the war paid for by each side?What was the diplomatic goal of each side?What were 2 reasons why Lincoln feared that England would recognize the Confederates?Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863? How many slaves were freed?How did Republicans in Congress take advantage of the absence of southern members?38’) How did the war affect inflation along with women?Who won the war? Why? Turning point?What were 6 results of the Civil War? Most important? PESCWhat problems did northern whites, southern whites, and freedmen face after the war?What were 4 goals of Freedman’s Bureau?What were the goals and provisions of Lincoln/Johnson Reconstruction plans?How did blunders by Johnson help lead to more “radical” Reconstruction? Why was Johnson impeached (but not convicted)?What were the Black Codes?Why were the Civil Rights Act of 1866 significant?What were the 4 parts of the Reconstruction Act of 1867? Why was it called the “military reconstruction”?What were the provisions of the following amendments?13th :14th: 15th:How did the 14th Amendment confirm the results of the Civil War?Who was left out of the 15th Amendment?Who were carpetbaggers and scalawags?Was radical Reconstruction really radical?How did most freedmen earn a living after the Civil War?Why was the election of 1876 disputed?What were 4 provisions of the Compromise of 1877?What 4 things did Democrats get from the Compromise?How did white southerners evade the 14th and 15th Amendments?Divide the effects of the Civil War into PESC.Was Reconstruction a success or failure?R6 Questions:What were 6 reasons for the Second (major) period of industrialization from 1865-1900?Why were railroads the first big business?How did railroad growth affect the economy?How did the government encourage the growth of railroad system?Was the government laissez-faire or pro-business? Evidence?Why did business want to develop monopolies?What caused the Depression of 1873? How typical was the business cycle during the Gilded Age?What was Social Darwinism?Why was the South largely excluded from industrialization?How did industrialization lead to “new” immigration?Which groups opposed immigration? Why?Which was the first law passed to restrict immigrants?*** What were the differences between old and new immigrants?What was the Gospel of wealth?Who controlled oil industries?What is the difference between vertical and horizontal integration?How does the Constitution support capitalism?What was the first regulatory law?What group lobbied for the Interstate Commerce Act and why? (Cause and effect)Why didn’t the Interstate Commerce Act work?Why was the second period of industrialization seen as more of a threat to democracy than the first? Why was the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 passed?Why was the Sherman Antitrust Act a fraud?How did industrialization affect workers?Compare and contrast the Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor.Were labor unions mostly (or not) in the late 19th century? Why?26’) What were most famous strikes?How did President Cleveland respond to the Pullman strike?How did industrialization affect cities? Did growth from migration within the U.S. or immigration?What problems developed in cities? Why?29’) How did social reformers try to solve problems?What did “bosses” develop in cities?What were political machines?Who wrote about urban problems?What was the “social gospel”?What were the 4 beliefs of Wm. James and other pragmatists?Which party was dominant in the Gilded Age? Which branch of government? Why? Main issues? (Tariffs, railroads, trusts, civil service, currency, etc.)Why was it called the Gilded Age?What were provisions of the Homestead Act and why didn’t it achieve its goals?Why were the Great Plains settled last?Why was there successive mining, cattle, and farming frontiers?Why was farming different on the Great Plains?What was the Turner thesis.Rebut: Turner thesis.What was the government’s goal(s) with regard to Native Americans in the late 19th Century?How did the Dawes Act reflect those goals?How did industrialization cause problems for farmers in the late 19th century? (Cause and effect)What were 4 complaints of farmers?46’) How did race figure into the farmers’ movement?Why was the Populist Party former? 3rd parties in general?What were its goals?How did Democrats steal Populist’s thunder in the 1896 election?What was the main issue in the 1896 election? Why?Who won the 1896 election? Party? Importance?Was Bryan the political heir to Jefferson and Jackson? WWN?Was McKinley heir to Hamilton and the Whigs? Why?Why was the Pendleton Civil Service Act passed?Why was there more realism in the acts (“Ashcan School”)?Who was Horatio Alger?What were the economic and social benefits of industrialization?NOTE: The big picture of this unit: How did industrialization affect American society (business, workers, immigrants, cities, farmers, etc.)58’) Who were the “redeemers”? What were Jim Crow laws?How were African-Americans discriminated against in the late 19th century by southern states? By the federal government?What was the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling?What were Booker T. Washington’s views?What was the “Atlanta Compromise”?R7 Questions:Note: The “F” unit dealt with how industrialization affected businesses, immigrants, workers, cities, and farmers. The “G” unit deals with how industrialization affected foreign policy and the role of the federal government (as well as the most important event of this time period: WWII).What is the big picture theme of post-Civil War U.S. history?In general, how and why did industrialization affect foreign policy in late 19th and early 20th centuries? (Cause and effect)What were 4 reasons for us to turn to an imperialistic foreign policy (4 P’S)Since we fought Spain in the Spanish-American War of 1898, why was much of the fighting in Cuba?What were 4 causes of the Spanish-American War?What were 4 results of the Spanish-American War?Compare and contrast: Manifest Destiny of 1840’s and imperialism of the 1890’s and 1900’s.Who were the leading expansionists?What was the Teller Amendment?What was the Platt Amendment?Which was imperialistic?What is the difference between these amendments and constitutional amendments?*Important*: When you study foreign policy, burn into your brain whether it dealt with Latin America, Europe, Asia, or a combination!What were the causes of the Philippino-American WAR OF 1902-1905?What were the arguments of the anti-imperialists?Why did McKinley decide to annex the Philippines? (4 reasons)What were the results of the Philippino-American War?To what extent were we imperialistic wen building the Panama Canal?How did building the canal demonstrate that Theodore Roosevelt belongs on the powerful president chart?What was the Roosevelt Corollary?Compare and contrast to Monroe Doctrine.What was the Open Door policy? Applied to which continent the most?What was the connection between industrialization and our Open Door Policy? (Cause and effect)Why did problems arise with Japan when Theodore Roosevelt was president? How was it resolved?What was the purpose of Taft’s dollar diplomacy?Was dollar diplomacy economics imperialism?What was the connection between industrialization and the development of the Progressive movements?Who were the Progressives and where were hey located within the U.S.?Who were the muckrakers?Make a mini-chart of Progressive Reforms categorized by:Local Reforms:State Reforms:National Reforms:Make a different mini-chart categorizing Progressive reforms by:P:E:S:Evaluate the relative importance of Progressive reforms: was the significance of Theodore Roosevelt’s role in the anthracite coal strikes?Whose writing helped make Theodore Roosevelt a Progressive (although he was actually a republican when president)?Which was the first antitrust suit initiated by Theodore Roosevelt?How and why did Theodore Roosevelt distinguish between good and bad trusts?How did Taft exceed the Progressive acts of Theodore Roosevelt?How did Taft disappoint Progressives?Describe the significance of the 1912 election and why Woodrow Wilson won.Why was the Socialist party at peak during this time?What was the “Triple Wall of Privilege” and how did Wilson attack each part? (Specific laws)1. 2. 3.43) Who was left out of the Progressive Movement?44) Compare and contrast goals and results of the Populists and the Progressives.44’) Describe Constitutional Amendments of the Progressive Era:16th17th18th19thWhat is the first word that comes to mind when you read the words, “progressive”?Was the progressive movement radical?What happened to the role of the federal government in the progressive era? Evidence?How was Wilson racist?48’) Compare and contrast: Washington, Du Bois and Garvey (as African American leaders).To what extent was Wilson’s foreign policy important in Latin America?What was our foreign policy when WWI started in 1914?Who won the 1916 election? Why?Why did the U.S enter WWI in 1917? Rank in order of importance! On whose side? Why?What were the 14 Points? Which was the most important to Wilson?What were the results of WWI?Why did each group oppose ratification of the Treaty of Versailles?IrreconcilablesReservationistsWhose fault was the failure to ratify the Treaty? Why?DURING WORLD WAR 1***57) How did the federal government (SPECIFIC EVIDENCE):Restrict civil libertiesExpand its role in the economyExpand its role in other waysPay for the war“Sell” the warHow did Wilson expand his power? (Pattern!)How did WWI affect:WomenAfrican-Americans-> What civil rights organizations were formed?R8 Questions:Why was there a Red Scare in 1919-1920? When else?How else was xenophobia and disillusionment with WWI demonstrated in the 1920’s?How did the National Origins Acts discriminating vs. “new immigrants”?Why were there many strikes after WWI ended?Why was the 1920’s called “paradoxical”?What important demographic trend revealed by the 1920 Census?What conflicts were demonstrated by the Scopes Trial?What conflicts were demonstrated by the Sacco-Vanzetti trial?Why was there a resurgence with the KKK? ................

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