AP® World History

Advanced Placement World History

Course Name: Advanced Placement World History

Textbook Name: Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past

3rd edition, Jerry H. Bentley & Herb F. Ziegler,

Boston, McGraw Hill, 2006.

Textbook Cost: $85.00 USED

Course Description:

The purpose of the AP World History course is to develop greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts, in interaction with different types of human societies. This understanding is advanced through a combination of factual knowledge and analytical skills. The course highlights the nature of changes in international frameworks and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies. The course emphasizes relevant factual knowledge deployed in conjunction with leading interpretive issues and types of historical evidence. The course builds on an understanding of cultural, institutional, and technological precedents that, along with geography, set the human stage. Periodization forms an organizing principle for deaing with change, continuity, and comparison throughout the course.

Advanced Placement World History surveys the history of the world from 8000 B.C.E. until the present day. The course emphasizes “patterns of change” and the connections that developed between the various world cultures throughout the history of the world. Students analyze and gain a greater understanding of the global experiences of humanity. This advanced placement course is on a traditional schedule with students meeting daily for 52 minutes. The course will be taught using a wide variety of instructional strategies including: traditional lecture/discussion format, small group discussion, paired peer tutors, and individual research and discovery.

You are to be commended for taking the opportunity to complete college-level studies during this school year. The rewards for completing college-level courses in high school place you at a great advantage over the other college freshmen that do not take AP courses. This syllabus will provide you with information on the AP program as well as inform you with a general overview of topics that will be examined in this survey of World History.

The purpose of this course is to provide you with a college level overview of the World History. The course will be taught using a wide variety of instructional strategies including: traditional lecture/discussion format, small group discussion, paired peer tutors, and individual research and discovery. All AP World History students are required to take the AP Exam in May.

Student selection procedures:

Enrollment in AP World History is open to 10th grade students. All sophomores who are willing to work hard, and are motivated to learn, are encouraged to challenge themselves with this Advanced Placement course. This AP course and examination in World History are intended for students who wish to complete studies in secondary school equivalent to college introductory courses in World History.

Overview of the Advanced Placement Program:

From its inception over 30 years ago, the AP program has been broadened to include more schools, students, and examinations than ever before. Each May, the AP Examinations are administered.

In order to receive college credit for passing the AP exam, ninety-percent of schools accept a score of “3”; however, some schools of “higher caliber”, require either a “4” or “5”. Duke University, Georgia Tech, and Stanford University require a “4” on the examination. Harvard University and the military service academies require a “5” on the exam which is the highest score possible. The best comprehensive source to discover college score requirements for Advanced Placement Credit is:


Chronological periods of the course:

• 8,000 BCE to 600CE

• 600 to 1450

• 1450 to 1750

• 1750 to 1914

• 1914 to the present

AP World History: The Six Themes

1. Patterns and impacts of interaction among major societies: trade, war, diplomacy, and international organizations.

2. The relationship of change and continuity across the world history periods covered in this course.

3. Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment (population growth and decline, disease, manufacturing, migrations, agriculture, weaponry).

4. Systems of social structure and gender structure (comparing major features within and among societies and assessing change).

5. Cultural, intellectual, and religious developments and interactions among and within societies.

6. Changes in functions and structures of states and in attitudes toward states and political identities (political culture), including the emergence of nation-state (types of political organization).

Habits of Mind or Skills

The AP World History course addresses habits of mind or skills in two categories: 1) those addressed by any rigorous history course, and 2) those addressed by a world history course.

Four Habits of Mind are in the first category:

• Construction and evaluating arguments: using evidence to make plausible arguments.

• Using documents and other primary data: developing the skills necessary to analyze point of view and to interpret information.

• Developing the ability to assess issues of change and continuity over time.

• Enhancing the capacity to handle diversity of interpretations through analysis of context, bias, and frame of reference.

Three Habits of Mind are in the second category:

• Seeing global processes over time and space while also acquiring the ability to connect global developments to global ones and to move through levels of generalizations from the global to the particular.

• Developing the ability to compare within and among societies, including comparing societies' reactions to global processes.

• Developing the ability to assess claims of universal standards yet remaining aware of human commonalities and differences; putting culturally diverse ideas and values in historical context, not suspending judgment but developing understanding.

Every part of the AP World History Examination assesses habits of mind as well as content. For example, in the multiple-choice section, maps, graphs, artwork, and quotations are used to judge students' ability to assess primary data, while other questions focus on evaluating arguments, handling diversity of interpretation and making comparisons among societies, drawing generalizations and understanding historical context. In the essay section of the examination, the document-based question (DBQ) focuses on assessing students' ability to construct arguments; use primary documents; analyze point of view, context and bias; and understand the global context. The remaining two essay questions focus on global patterns over time and space and comparisons within and among societies.

Course Outline by topics:


• Early Advances in technology & art

• Beginnings of agriculture

• Agricultural Revolution

Rise of Civilizations

Themes and concepts:

• the need for society

• common characteristics

• comparisons of civilizations

• unique civilizations

• impact of influential individuals

• why trade developed

• consequences of trade

• diffusion of culture

• continuity & change due to trade & diffusion

• development of government

• relationship of religion & political authority

• religious development and influence

• writing and language

1. New Empires Develop

Themes and concepts:

• Development and expansion of trade networks

• Interaction among empires

• Origins and diffusion of Christianity and Islam

• Rise and fall of empires

Shift to the Modern World

Themes and concepts:

• Religion and political authority

• Feudalism

• Growth of towns and cities

• Expansion of trade

• Humanism

• Renaissance artists

• Importance of Gutenberg and printing press

• Contributions of scientists


Worldwide Interactions

Themes and concepts:

• Migrations of people

• Columbian Exchange

• Expansion of trade networks

• Advancements in navigation

• Agricultural innovations

• Religious changes

• Kingdoms and empires develop

• Impact of conquistadors


Themes and concepts:

• Chinese and Japanese empires

• Struggles for independence

• Absolutism

• Enlightenment

• Nationalism

• Self-determination

• Opium War

• French Revolution

• American Revolution

• Scientific Revolution

Industrial Revolution & Global War (WWI)

Themes and concepts:

• Industrial Revolution

• Urbanization

• Role of women

• Rise of Germany & Japan

• Imperialism

• Alliances

• Russo-Japanese War

• Russian Revolution

• World War I

• Treaty of Versailles

• Capitalism

• Marxism

• Socialism

• Nationalism


World War II Era

Themes and concepts:

• The Holocaust

• Totalitarianism (Fascism, Nazism, Stalinism)

• Axis v. Allies

• Fascist aggression

• Potsdam, Yalta, Teheran Conferences

• Scientific and technological advances of WWII


The Global Community

Themes and concepts:

• technology & communications

• the Arms Race

• Female world leaders

• Fall of Soviet Communism

• Movements for democratic ideals

• Cold War

• International organizations (UN, OPEC, etc.)

• Impact of terrorism

• Nationalism (China, Africa, India, Balkans)

• Rise of fundamentalism


Since our objective in this course will be to prepare you for the National

AP Exam, which is given in May, your grade for each grading period will consist

of college-level multiple choice tests, free response essay tests, quizzes

and class work/homework grades. The Grading System will consist of the


1. Tests: 55 % of the semester grade

2. Class work/homework: 20 % of the semester grade.

3. Quizzes: 10 % of the semester grade.

4. Semester Exam: 15 % of the semester grade.

There will be two types of regular tests:

1. Multiple choice (in-class): 100% (50-70 questions)

2. Free response (take-home): 100% (one type of question from below)

a. document-based questions

b. change-over-time essays

c. comparative essays


Students should expect regular quizzes. Students should always be prepared for

a quiz by keeping up with required chapter readings. We cannot possibly cover everything in class. Quizzes will help me hold you accountable for the textbook reading.

Comprehensive Semester Exam

There will be a comprehensive semester exam at the end of each semester. It includes all material covered up to that point in the year.

Notebook guidelines:

A three-ring binder is required for this course. Students should use it to keep all class notes, handouts, notes from the text, outlines, study guides, and assignments. I will provide you with the order in which items should be placed in the notebook. Notebooks will be checked periodically for a quiz grade. Success in the course, and ultimately on the AP exam, depends on this type of organization and discipline.

Additional Reading Assignments:

1.) Comparative Readers:

a.) Worlds of History: A Comparative Reader, Volume One: To 1550,

Kevin Reilly, Raritan Valley College, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000.

b.) Worlds of History: A Comparative Reader, Volume Two: Since 1400,

Kevin Reilly, Raritan Valley College, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000.

2.) Types of Essays in the course:

[There are three types of essay assignments.]

a.) Document-Based-Question(DBQ) - Write a clear, persuasive thesis demonstrating your insightful analysis of source documents with reference to historical context and author bias. Analyze by comparing and contrasting the documents to form various groupings.

b.) Change-Over-Time Essay (COT)- Explain how a large global issue has changed over time in one cultural area or several. Provide ample historical evidence to support your clear and comprehensive thesis. Each essay should focus on a separate region.

c.) Comparative Essay (CMP) - Discuss the main similarities and differences between regional societies including chronology, causation, and connections as relevant to the content. Each essay should focus on a different time period and reflect on the Six AP World History Themes listed previously.

Sample Essays:

1. Earliest civilizations (CMP)

2. Religious Belief systems (CMP)

3. Earliest Empires (CMP)

4. Classical Civilizations (CMP)

5. Crusades (DBQ)

6. Silk Road (DBQ)

7. Feudalism: Europe & Japan (CMP)

8. Forced Labor systems (COT)

9. Revolutions (CMP)

10. Political structures (COT)

11. Economic systems (CMP)

12. Diseases (COT)

13. Fall of Empires (DBQ)

14. Merchants (DBQ)

15. Columbian Exchange (DBQ)

16. Rise of the West (COT)

17. Scientific Revolutions (CMP)

18. Industrial Revolution (DBQ)

19. China & Japan (CMP)

20. Global Trade Patterns (COT)

Classroom Rules and Discipine Procedures:

• Students should not talk when the teacher is talking to the class.

• If the door is closed, you are late and will need to go to the commons area to be admitted to class.

• Be in your seat and begin working on the bell work when the bell rings.

• Sit in your assigned seat each day.

• Physical horseplay and loud talking are not allowed in class.

• No food, candy, or drinks are allowed in class.

• No personal grooming in class.

• Disrespectful behavior to teacher and classmates will not be tolerated, to include foul or suggestive language, physical contact, and respect of property.

• All students are responsible for information in the Student handbook and this syllabus.

• Be prepared for class with all materials & assignments.

Steps taken for minor rules violations:

1. Reminder

2. Phone call to parent

3. Reminder with documentation

4. Detention

5. Discipline referral

In the case of minor violations, one or more of these steps may be taken. Serious violations will be referred to the Principal (pages 23-47 of the Student Handbook).

How do I reach you if I have a question or concern about my child?

➢ You can reach me at my Email address.

➢ Email: scottjones@henry.k12.ga.us

➢ Phone number- (770) 474-8747

➢ Voicemail Extension # 435

➢ [Parent codes may be obtained in Student Services]

Advanced Placement WORLD HISTORY

Class period__________

Syllabus Parent/Student signatures:

I have read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and expectations for this Advanced Placement WORLD HISTORY course as taught by Mrs. Carolyn Douglas and do hereby agree to them.

_________________________________________ _______________________

Student Signature Date

_________________________________________ _______________________

Parent (Guardian) Signature Date

________________________________________ Child’s Name

_________________________________________ Home Number

_________________________________________ Work Number

_________________________________________ Cell Number

_________________________________________ Email address


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