
|Date |Day |Classwork |Homework |

|March 21 |Tues |Jeopardy |Unit 5 Guides |

| | |Spherical Object Ingestion |One Page Review – Key Themes |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary Guide |

|March 23 |Thurs |Unit 5 Key Terms |Unit 1 Guides |

| | |Preparing for the Mock Exams |One Page Review |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary |

| | | |Question Outlines |

| | | |Unit 5 Guide |

| | | |Question Outlines |

| | | |Extra Credit - Optional |

|April 3 |Mon |DBQ |Unit 2 Guides |

| | |Unit 1 Review |One Page Review |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary |

| | | |Question Outlines |

|April 5 |Wed |Compare and Contrast Essay |Unit 2 Guides |

| | |Unit 2 Questions |One Page Review |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary |

| | | |Question Outlines |

|April 7 |Fri |Consistency and Change Essay |Unit 3 Guides |

| | |Unit 2 Questions |One Page Review |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary |

| | | |Question Outlines |

|April 8 |Saturday |Mock #1 | |

|April 11 |Tues |DBQ |Unit 3 Guides |

| | |Unit 3 Questions |One Page Review |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary |

| | | |Question Outlines |

|April 13 |Thurs |Compare and Contrast Essay |Unit 4 Guides |

| | |Unit 3 Questions |One Page Review |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary |

| | | |Question Outlines |

|April 18 |Tues |Consistency and Change Essay |Unit 4 Guides |

| | |Unit 4 Questions |One Page Review |

| | | |Five Page Unit Summary |

| | | |Question Outlines |

|April 20 |Thurs |DBQ |Unit 5 Question Outlines |

| | |Unit 4 Questions | |

|April 22 |Saturday |Mock #2 | |

|April 24 |Mon |Japan/China/India |One Page Outline – Japan, China, India |

| | |Mock #3 | |

|April 26 |Wed |Middle East/Africa/Latin America |One Page Outline – Middle East, Africa, Latin America |

|April 28 |Fri |The West |One Page Outline - The West |

|May 3 |Wed |AP World History Exam |No Homework |

|May 5 |Friday |Interactive Social Engagement |No Homework |

Priorities for Studying for AP Mocks/AP Exams

1) Essay Outlines – be able to immediately write an outline on any/all topics

2) Essay Rubrics

3) Unit One Page Reviews

4) Five Page Unit Summaries

5) Key Terms

6) Regional One Page Outlines

7) Take-Home/Unit Exams – what did you miss, why?

8) Read “Cracking the AP World History” advice

9) Read “Cracking the AP World History” summaries of information

10) Take “Cracking the AP World History” practice exams – what did you miss, why?

11) Read Mr. Burnett Unit Booklets

12) Chapter Powerpoints

13) Chapter Jeopardy Games

14) Read textbook chapter subheadings – do you know what is included in each section

15) Chapter Power

Study for April 8 Mock

1) Study essay outlines for Unit 5

2) Essay Rubrics

3) Read Textbook Review Sections for Each Unit

4) Take-Home/Unit Exams – what did you miss, why?

5) Review Chapter Powerpoints

6) See above


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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