Have EBSCO Do Your APA-Style Reference List

Have EBSCO Do Your APA-Style Reference List

Besides helping you find sources, EBSCO now provides reference citations. Here’s how to have EBSCO create entries for your References page:

1. Go to

• Enter User ID s7742687.

• Enter the password. (Ask your teacher or call the library at 727-6840.)

2. Select your databases.

• MasterFILE Premier is the default selection.

• You can select as many databases as you wish.

• Some databases are for college research; others are good for children’s homework.

3. Search for articles.

• Enter keywords in the blank field(s) at the top left of your screen.

• Choose any limiters you want, such as Full Text or Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals.

• In Advanced Search, narrow or broaden your search by specifying where you want EBSCO to search (for example, in the Author or Title fields).

4. If an article looks useful, double-click its title in the result list.


5. To get citations, choose APA format when you e-mail or print an article.

• To e-mail an article, see # 6.

• To print an article, see #7.

• To get citations into your reference list, see #8.

6. To e-mail an article and APA citation to yourself, follow these steps:

• Click on the E-mail link at the top of the page.


• When you see the dialog box below, go to the Citation Format option and choose APA from the dropdown menu.


• Check the results against a model. You can use EBSCO’s online citation help, the handouts available in the Hamilton library, or the Online Guides and Cheatsheets at


7. To print an article with an APA-style citation, follow these steps:

• Click on the Print link at the top of the page.


• When you see the dialog box below, go to the Citation Format option and choose APA from the dropdown menu.


• Check the results against a model. You can use EBSCO’s online citation help,

the handouts available in the Hamilton library, or the Online Guides and Cheatsheets at


8. To get the citations into your reference list:

• Cut-and-paste an emailed citation into a word-processing document.

• Type a printed citation into a word-processing document.

• Arrange the citations in alphabetical order.


Double-click on a title to see a summary of the article

Here is your citation.

Here is your citation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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