Persuasive Essay Rubric

Essential Question Essay – Large Animal Science – Dairy Science

Students must MEET or EXCEED standard on the asterisked indicators in order to meet standard on the essay

Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Almost to Standard Below Stand.


| |Thesis is precise, knowledgeable, significant,|Thesis is precise, but may lack some detail or |Thesis may be unclear or irrelevant |Thesis/Claims are missing to a |

|Thesis/Claims |and distinguished. |significance | |point that distracts and takes away|

| | | |Claims are present. May lack detail to the point|from entire organization of the |

| |Three separate supported claims that each |Three separate supported claims are present. |that they do not support thesis or may lack |paper. |

| |support thesis with detail and evidence. | |three claims. | |

| |Develops the topic thoroughly by selecting the|Develops the topic by selecting significant and |Attempts to develop the topic using facts and |Does not develop the topic by |

| |most significant and relevant facts, concrete |relevant facts, concrete details, quotations, or |other information, but evidence is inaccurate, |selecting information and examples |

|Use of Evidence |details, quotations, or other information and |other information and examples (W2) |irrelevant, and/or insufficient |from the text(s) |

| |examples | | | |

| | |Integrates information into the text selectively to |Attempts to integrate information into the text |Does not integrate information from|

| |Skillfully integrates information into the |maintain the flow of ideas and advance the |selectively to maintain the flow of ideas and |the text |

| |text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas|thesis(W8) |advance the thesis, but information is | |

| |and advance the thesis | |insufficient or irrelevant |Does not assess the strengths and |

| | |Assesses the strengths and limitations of each | |limitations of each source |

| |Skillfully assesses the strengths and |source (W8) |Attempts to assess the strengths and limitations| |

| |limitations of each source | |of each source, but misinterprets information | |

| |Skillfully draws evidence from five or more |Draws evidence from research to support analysis and|Attempts to draw evidence (one source must be | |

|Use of Analysis |sources (one must be video) and informational |thesis/claim from three or more sources (one must be|video) to support analysis and thesis/claim but |Does not use evidence from the |

| |texts to support analysis and thesis/claim |video) (W9) |evidence is insufficient and/or irrelevant |informational texts to support |

| | | | |analysis and/or thesis/claim |

| |Skillfully delineates and evaluates the |Delineates and evaluates the argument and specific |Attempts to delineate and evaluate the argument | |

| |argument and specific claims in cited texts, |claims in cited texts, assessing whether the |and specific claims in cited texts, assessing |Does not delineate or evaluate |

| |assessing whether the reasoning is valid and |reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and |whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence |claims |

| |the evidence is relevant and sufficient |sufficient (R8) |is relevant and sufficient, but analysis is | |

| | | |insufficient | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Organization skillfully sequences the |Organization logically sequences the claim(s), |Attempts to create a logical organization, but |Does not provide logical |

| |claim(s), reasons, and evidence. |reasons, and evidence.(W1) |may be missing some elements of the assignment |organization |

| |Provides a concluding statement or section |Provides a concluding statement or section that | | |

|Organization, |that skillfully follows from or supports the |follows from or supports the argument presented (W1)|Attempts to provide a concluding statement or |Does not provide |

|Writing Style, |argument presented |Produces clear and coherent writing in which the |section that follows from or supports the |a concluding statement or section |

|Conventions |Skillfully produces clear, coherent, |development, organization, and style are appropriate|argument presented, but statement does not |that follows from or supports the |

| |sophisticated writing in which the |to task, purpose, and audience (W4) |support thesis |argument presented |

| |development, organization, and style are | | | |

| |appropriate to task, purpose, and audience |Follows the standard (MLA) format for citation with |Attempts to produce clear and coherent writing, |Does not produce clear and coherent|

| | |few and/or minor errors and uses in-text citations. |but errors in conventions and writing style |writing |

| |Follows the standard (APA) format with no | |detract from understanding | |

| |errors and uses in-text citations. | | |Does not follow the standard format|

| | | |Attempts to follow the standard format for | |

| | | |citation but with several errors or lack of | |

| | | |in-text citations. | |

Essential Question – Why does milk continue to be staple commodity since 10,000 B.C.?

DUE Monday 12/5 via Google Docs

Tips For Success:

-Start with an outline/guide

-Ensure all information is HS quality, cited and supports your claim

-Read and re-read your essay and/or have a peer/supporter edit

-Balance opinion with EVIDENCE that supports your opinion (at least 3 different types of sources and 2 different website resources – ex: video, website, article, text, notes, etc.)

-Use time to your advantage, do not procrastinate


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